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Hip, pelvic,lower back pain on left side with pain down left leg at times.

I have pain in lower back on left side, left hip pain, left pelvic pain and pain down the left leg at times.  It comes and goes. Gets real bad,(when I put weight on left leg) then can ease up within minutes with changing position.  I had similar trouble when I was about 30 but it went away.  Any ideas? I am 47 now.
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I have this also for over 10 yrs.  finally my MRI comes up another condition besides trochanteric bursitis. It's called Circumarortic Left Renal vein.  I haven't talked to my Dr yet but after 10 yrs of complaining, he better not say it's my age! Hell I was 10 yrs younger when it started.  I can stand forever, walk also but it I extend to sit and try to get up , I swear my leg just broke away from my hip.  And the pain never, and I mean NEVER , goes away in my left leg from my hip to just past my knee.  My brain is now just as exhausted  as the rest of me.  I want relief . I'm tired of pain, crying, and not doing the things I gave up because of this.  God please give me no more!  
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Always have it checked out, but I had that in my late 20s and in my 50s it was locking my back, than my neck herniated into the spinal cord, at the chiropractors.  Days before surgery my legs collapsed.  It was degenerative spine issues. I would say. Muscle strengthening exercises will     do best... for short do yoga work out keep it in check. Stay physically strong to overcome physical issues. you will stay working and able most of your life. the best  
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Thanks I am just in so much pain been down for three days running fever what to do can't sleep so weak I take lyrics and pain med they don't help
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I too have the same problem similar to what most of these commentators have mentioned.  A chronic pain from my left lower back is a degenerative joint deceases from L3 spine.  So this is to just say. as I was reading you gave me an idea of seeing a Rolfer.. It is encouraging and I am hopeful to try the physical therapy to take care of this irritating chronic pain I have had for the past two year. Ive started the first session in rolfing and tomorrow I am going for my second session.  I am hopeful..!  Thank you again!
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Hi,guy i am 24 year old i am feeling pain in my left lower pelvic sometimes it feel like its going to my left testicle it comes and goes..i did my ultrasound of pelvis as well.as urine test but i didnt get any result.can u help m in that..
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Me too feeling same, there is a pain in my left lower back and it increases when i stand a long, it also effect in my left leg too. I am suffering from last 4 years, now i am 25. I you have any solution then kindly reply me or mail me.
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My husband 74 y/o Old back injury 1988 inoperable back then. Has the same kind of pain without any kind of trauma or fall (now just worked on putting a CB antenna in pick up which required getting down of knees to get wiring in place under the stirring wheel/floor mats to CB) Feb. 19, 2015. three ER visits two unnecessary because his Dr. would not walk 200 feet across lobby from office to ER (during office hours and called office to see if he could work him in stating go to ER) after the ER doc examined and gave a dx by xray of sciatic pain from a bone spur related to back injury 1988. He cannot walk because the weight  hanging down when he tries to stand is excruciating all the way down through the calf which cramps up from the pain traveling downward.Tx first time was anti inflammatories and hydrocodone and and a steroid injection (not directly into the hip or back area) This is what the opening writer describes also.  The second visit to ER was same, Dr. could not see in office so sent to ER and he still could not walk over to find results...the ER Dr. gave a MOT and sent him to Tyler for an emergency MRI after going first to see the ER dr and if he deemed  MRI needed. Well Lortabs at the transferring hosp' Now 10pm and finally no mri and home with two steroid injections and morphine and to see PCP to get referrel to pain Dr. Unable to get into PCP, he gave a referrel without seeing us and then the snow and rain missed the ride to Tyler first visit, I tried to rechedule and the earliest time is Apr. 6, 2015. Cannot get into a pain clinic so going to chiropracter and accupuncture doc in a.m. Do you know if these two options could or have been beneficial to others? Have the xrays to show him.
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I am Namrata Mathur from Bikaner, Rajasthan (India). I have the pain in my left hip (I cannot point the exact location), middle part of back left side (again I can't point) along with these sometimes the pain extends to muscles of my left leg (thigh, knee, foot etc).

At first I was facing too much pain then I went to a doctor and he suggested me some pain killer pills. After taking pills the pain reduced to 50 to 70 percent. But still it is there 27X7. One time its in back, second hip .. leg .. it is keep shifting. Pain killer are preventing it to get worse but really I need a permanent cure.

Please suggest what kind of tests I need to done to encounter the problem and what is the best solution to get rid of it.
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hi i'm alfon, 22 and i'm experiencing the same exact feeling as the others here..
i've done ct scan imaging and was founded to have disc bulging. remarkably on the L4-L5 and L5-S1..
my doctor also told me that a lot of nerves are being compressed that is why im experiencing burning pain in my lower hip down to the foot.
now, less of the back pain. but the pain transferred to the upper pelvic area and sometimes in the lower abdomen..
i cant walk or even stand for a long period of time and i always have the need to sit.
the doctor advised me to take ketesse and pregabalin for the nerve and pain and some supplement for the nerves too...

will the pain go away??or will it be permanent?
help :(
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Get your vitamin d levels checked. I am deficient and this causes pain in the bones and joints. its a cheap fix that many surgeons don't want you to know. Do a search and see what comes up you will be surprised at what you find!
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I had exactly the same thing and suffered with it for 4 years. The last year I was told I had ankylosing spondilitis and was treated for a year or so but it just didn't help.
Do you have kyphosis (hunch in upper spine) per chance?
I had surgery to straighten my spine 6 weeks ago. My doctor believes that it was the hunch and upper spinal stiffness causing me to use my lower back like a hinge. My lower back was over compensating for the lack of movement in my upper back. He says that this was pinching nerves in my lower back and causing the pain. Hence the reason it goes away so fast. As soon as you lift your leg or rest your lower spine the nerve isn't pinched any more.
Now I'm only 6 weeks in from major surgery so I don't know what the long term effects will be but so far I haven't had the pain since the op.

Hope it helps.
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I am going on 45, for the last 3+ years I have been in chronic pain.  It began in my low left side of back, spread to cover left hip, then left leg then left foot, then right foot, then right low back, right hip, abdomen, right leg.  Now I am in constant horrible pain even with strong pain killers from my low back to my toes.  My feet are completely numb yet the bones inside hurt horribly.  Sharp jabbing pains in my knees are the only pains that come and go, everything else is constantly there and hurting so badly.  I have degenerative disc disease throughout my spine, arthritis through out my entire spine, a couple of bulged discs and recently found by accident that I have tumors on both ovaries with the left one so large it is pushing my uterus to the right.  I will be having a complete hysterectomy next month and I pray this will elevate this pain, because the last month I have been living non stop at a 10+ for my pain number even with high doses of medications.  I have prayed for death just to no longer be tortured and I begged GOD to take me on the operating table if I will not be pain free after this operation.  I cannot do it anymore.  Constant torture!  I went from doing everything to being barely able to do simple things for myself in the last three plus years.  I keep telling them I must have cancer in order to have this much pain and for it to keep spreading.  They won't know if the tumors are cancer for sure until they are removed and tested.  Pray for me, please.... Pray this surgery will stop my torture.  Thank you!
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I have the same pain, left side deep in just under my ribs, lower abdominal pain, lower back pain all the time, sometimes feel bloated or sore stomach. I dont know what it is.
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I have the same pain, left side deep in just under my ribs, lower abdominal pain, lower back pain all the time, sometimes feel bloated or sore stomach. I dont know what it is.
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i have pain on my outer hip rihgt side and on some points of my thighs n lower leg it is very painful what shuld i do?
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I am 28 yrs old. I have been experiencing back pain , buttock pain, hip pain and leg pain only at the right side of my body at the same time. I had MRI done but the reports shows no abnormality. Is this a problem with muscle or ligament? please suggest.
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Hi Dustin
I have experienced this over a year
I went for massage at local spa - recently got deep tissue massage on whole body especially hip, lower back, left leg until the flat feet
Also did few treatment of accupressure almost continuing for 3 months now and pain has vanished

I added meditation, breathing exercises 3 times a day sitting n yr office chair gives relaxation and breath thru one nostril release thru other 15 min, each time

Diet - increased soups, no cold water and pai is easing in winter
I feel much better and energetic
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I have had two back surgeries (spinal stenosis).  The last one was in dec 2009. About a year after that surgery , I started having low back and right hip pain and pain down to my toes on my right leg.  I can't stand but for just a couple of minutes at a time and can't sit but for a limited time.  I am only early fifties.  I don't want another surgery.  I am thinking time for disability.
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I've had cats scans and xrays and seen doctored after docture but they don't know I have the same symptoms and I'm only 21 I've had this pain for 2 years seance I started roofing I quite but I still suffer pain everyday walking sitting just getting out of bed is enough pain to make me wanna cry i really wish somebody new what was wrong cause no docture seems to know are care to find out
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I am only 20 and I been having problems like y'all. It started when i was bending over to pick something off the floor and then my lower back went out. kind of like when your standing and your knee goes out. I felt pain for a few minutes then it went away. But now it happened two more times and the pain is going to my hips. I can't go see a doc cuz i have no insurance and doctors these days are way to spendy for me. The pain makes me want to cry sometimes but then after a while i get use to the pain and then it goes away. but then a month later it comes back. This time the pain started on my lower back and then now my entire leg is hurting, both legs. more pain in my right leg then my left. I'm afraid its a rupture disk or something worst like cancer.
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I will be 50 in 3 days, this all started suddenly with my knee(thats where the pain was coming from), walking side bent to the left and could hardly walk.  I went to the chiropractor, took x-rays lower back between 4 and 5 bulging, but try telling that to my knee.  I went for several weeks and alot of money, it may have helped me walk better, but I'm in so much pain, I just can't begin to tell you.  Left hip stabbing pain down to knee then pain shoots back up.  I can't hardly lift myself up from the toilet at times.  The pain is in my knees and dont have enough momentim to get up.  Now its been almost 5 months, booth knees, left hip, shoulders, left foot, hands everything hurts so bad.  If I even go to the grocery, by the time I get to the car I have to rest, sometimes cry. Can't get any sleep unless pain killers and muscle relaxers.  Any one have any ideas.  Some days I dont even fell like taking a shower.  If I ever get in the tub I can't even cross my legs for at least 10 min.  I've tried ice, but heat helps the most.  The way I feel I won't make it to 60.  Please help.
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Wow!  Just when you feel you're the only one.... I'm 45 and have always been in very good health (hot a broken bone or aliment pretty much ever).  I kicked up my exercise program this January & thought that was the issue, but now after being sedentary for a couple weeks the pain in my lower back, hips, inner thighs and thighs just above my knee hasn't decreased at all.. in fact it is worse.  The feeling is sometimes pulsating to a burning sensation in the muscles.  I am ritually taking pain killers and now they barely seem to work.  I work in retail and the constant standing is sometimes excruiating.  When I finally sit the pain used to go away, but that unfortunately has also subsided.   This is all fairly new to me so I have not yet seen my physician.  I had a full workup.. blood, stress, etc. all about a 1 1/2 yrs ago just because of my age & all was completely normal.  I'm so sorry to read about everyone's issues and wish you all well.
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Hi Folks

I am also having similar issues for a long time. its on the lower left. I sleep on the right side of the bed. I noticed many males here complaining pain on the left and girls on the right? So is there a pattern here?

Like if you sleep on the right side of the bed, you get pain pn the left. And if you sleep on the left then the pain is on the right side? If so the bed could be the real culprit..
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I am 32 yo. I had my first child when I was 30 and it was a rough pregnancy and delivery. She tried to come real early around 7 months and kept trying to come so they had to give me some shots to stop the contractions. I finally had her almost a week late and I had to have an emergency c section because she was not able to pass my bones in my pelvic area because they were too narrow. I was at a 10 for quite some time and they finally did the c section.
Well I had some pelvic and hip pain after every once in a while for the first 1 1/2 year. I started to feel real good this year at 32 and even started to finally lose a little weight, because last spring around this time(april) I had been diagnosed with h -pyloria and an ulcer. Well I was doing great and losing weight and feeling good  but then 3 days ago I woke up with a sore neck on my right and then the next day I woke up with sever pain in my pelvis area and lower back and it has not went away. It is so bad that I cannot hardly move when i am in bed and I cannot walk well and do much of anything but sit. I am not sure what is going on but I am scared. There is ovarian cancer that runs in my family and we already lost 2 in the last 31/2 years. I was checked last year and was clear. Well I am going into the ER today a sunday, because of the severity of the pain. I really hope they can figure out what is wrong for sure and I hope there is an easy remedy.
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I have been in pain for along time with my neck lower back and now both hips. I'm only 40 years old I've been diagnosed with Degenerative Disk Disease of my neck and lower back also with fibromyalgia. I've been in more than 5 car wrecks. I've tried physical therapy but it made what I'm going thru worse. There are days when I can't walk or even stand.  I tried working in my flower garden on Saturday only for 1 hour and I couldn't hardly move from that little work. On Sunday and Monday walking was difficult for me and I was in so much pain nothing worked to take away the pain. I'm so tired of the way I hurt and can't do much hardly anything like cooking dishes or just normal house work. I've not been able to work due to this. Can someone tell me what's really wrong. My hands also shake very bad sometimes I wear whatever I'm drinking cause of my hands
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no but i'm going through the same thing it's driving me nuts and i can not stand it makes me want to cry and i'm 45
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