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Sudden Chronic localized pain in foot

Hello, Recently i have been experiencing a horrible deep pain in my foot. It occurs on the right side of the right foot about halfway in between the pinky toe and the ankle about halfway, and a centimeter in from the outside of the foot. the area of pain is about the size of a quarter but is very intense, i would compare to a fracture. Pain occurs when walking or applying pressure to the right side of the foot. there is no noticeable swelling in comparison to the other foot. i would normally write this off as nothing, but the weird thing is is that it all started when i woke up one morning there was no prior pain or other buildup, there is no bite marks, no bruising, just a terrible pain. i tried to wait it out a day, but the pain stayed with up until i fell asleep. when i woke up the next day the pain was reduced, but continued throughout the day. When i woke up this morning however, the pain was worse than ever, i tried to stand and nearly fell. could you please tell me whether this may be something life threatening such as perhaps a clot in the foot (does that happen), or maybe bone or tendon trauma?
30 Responses
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Wow, so many people suffering from this. I have had 4-5 incidents of this over the past 2-3 years, and I am in the middle of another. All my incidents either occurred after a round of golf, or just while sleeping. I've had two sets of X-rays, both negative. Subscribed ColQuist, and did not help. I used to run, and did develop plantar fasciitis anout 5years back. Totally different type of pain. Very confused. Looks like back to the pediatrist. I will post with any updates.
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I have same problem I woke up and can't walk. My right foot is throbbing on the right side of it and it shoots up top of foot to the back near the tendon. The throbbing hurts like hell and I can't walk. I however have a lot of medical issues so I'm hoping it's not a clot. If anyone with similar issue figures it out please let me know. (Also dr said I show signs of brittle bone and osteoporosis due to steroids so could I have broken it and not known
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A lot of these problems sound like plantar faciitis. See http://www.plantar-fasciitis.org/. For people getting orthotics, get flexible ones with three arches, such as Footlevelers.  Hard orthotics don't let your foot bones move.
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15631377 tn?1448394622
Hi, most likely reasons for this type of pain are that you may have hurt a ligament (tissue that connect a bone to bone) or tendon (tissue that connects muscle to a bone), either as a result of some injury or stress (such as caused by wearing a tight shoe/sandal).
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AGGHHH same thing here been limping all day and now 3am cant sleep for pain. This *****. Does it go quickly? Its like in the middle of my foot. Please email me cheesebell@ hot mail.com to help :( This hurts
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It sounds like it could be a small fracture.I had that problem and after 5 months of suuffering,wating on it to heal on it's on,I finally had sugery and they removed the small bone.It took about a month,but I was back on treradmill and it hasn't bothered me since.
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I have the same thing.  Went to a podiatrist yesterday, and his diagnosis was tight calf muscles.  I was pretty surprised, but actually, it made sense.  I couldn't move my foot past some degree he was looking for.  He said it is one of the only things that will wake you from a sound sleep.  He gave me 2 exercises to do for a month, and a prescription for foot orthotics (cheap ones, $40) and he is going to mold them to my feet.  I am hoping he is right.  He didn't xray or anything, seemed pretty positive that is my problem.
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I have the same thing. Did you find out what caused this? thanks
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Gout  is usually accompanied with a throbbing pain.It would be advisable to get it checked bya certified profeesional
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I had the same pain.Got up one morning with excruciating pain that felt like a sting and was not able to walk.Passed it off as muscular sprain that could have caused as a result of twisting my right foot in sleep.As it did not get better after 48 hrs ,I visited the GP and he had asked for a uric acid test to be and rightly so turned out to be gout.Was prescribed some diuretics accompanied with hot water treatment  and it disappeared in  three days .Was ask to cut down on alcohol ,dairy and red meat.

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Why is the pain so debilitating ? And throbbing ???!!
Left big toe ? I also had a Mosquito bite like fangs like Dracula near there ??!!
Could it be that I have been stung by a sea urchin ??

Or is it muscular ????
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Hey guys I get this randomly and I am pretty sure I know what causes it. Some times when you sleep you may put your foot on top of the other or rest your foot on the bed frame or edge of the bed. Now while you're asleep for a few hours in this position blood circulation is blocked. So when you wake up the next day and put your foot on the floor the blood rush and circulation is so stiff that it causes immense pain. Some can be healed in one day. Others may take nearly a week. I highly recommend taking a deep breathe and walk or stretch it out to help the blood circulate. Or put your foot in hot water and continuously try to crush your toes into a ball - hold and release (equivalent to clenching your hand into a fist). It's a real pain this and I'm 90% certain this is what causes it - just an unlucky position when you sleep.
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Ok now this makes sence I fell asleep on a love seat last night so this is probably what happened.  I am prone to d. V.t so I hope it cheers up quick . Thanks
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Been hit with the same symptoms as you are all describing several times now, pain killers alone were not helping and most things I read said a cold compress may help (didn't) however a heat pad, the large ones that you can get wrap around ones for back pain, tied around the foot for 6 hours really improved it, obviously try and rest the foot during this treatment, and as it starts to improve, gently stretch the foot. Don't know what causes it and at the time when it hurts I don't care! I just want it to bloody stop as its so persistent and painful.  
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I have the same problem. The inside of my right foot hurts really bad after being off my feet for a few hours. It usually goes away after my foot pops(which hurts). Its been getting worse as the days go by.
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Have you looked at Cuboid Syndrome? This is where the alignment of one of the bones in the foot is out and symptoms can be exactly as described here.

It is a common problem for runners and athletes but can also be cause by other repetitive impacts or trauma.

Relatively easy to remedy with manipulation and physio therapy.
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This  must be a common affliction--I have the same thing right now--don't have a clue what it is----Sounds like the foot Doc. doesn't know either--must be some kind of weird virus or something---too many people are reporting the same thing---I hope some one finds out--it is killing me!!!!
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Well I have come to a conclusion as to why this is happening as this just started happening to me right now for the last 5 hrs I have a pain like if I had sprained my foot but on the top area where the leg meets the foot. I tired to figure out what I had done to hurt myself but couldn't think of anything until I remembered late last night while I was sitting for a long while on the computer when I stood up I put some pressure along the outside of my foot not knowing it was asleep it hurt just little enough to to hop off it to prevent my whole weight coming down it. So my conclusion is a stress fracture no pain when it happens, rest all night so no pain then you wake up and walk all day on it not realizing you have the fracture and then when you get you home and stay off it then you feel the pain from all day movement.
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This *****.  I'm in the exact same situation.  One week ago (Friday) I awoke to a very sharp pain in the same area.  It was painful if I applied pressure to the area, rubbed it, touched it, etc..  No swelling or any other symptoms except a sharp pain when I walked.  I also have had no previous injuries or anything that could explain this.

We were flying out to visit my sister in Washington and go skiing; so I sucked it up and was able to walk it off by Sunday by shifting more weight to my heels.  I had been pain free since Sunday with no indications of trouble. Yesterday (Wednesday) I strapped into my snowboard, stood up,  and just the simple movement of putting my weight forward onto that foot resulted in a popping feeling and some serious pain.  Now I can't even walk.  I didn't even make it to the lift!  I hopped my way back and have been sitting in our rental with my foot in/out of a bucket of snow, watching movies (and the snow fall out the windows), and following the RICE treatment.

What caused this?
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If you have pain in your heel when you stand up for the first time in the morning, you may have plantar fasciitis. Most people with plantar fasciitis say the pain is like a knife or a pin sticking into the bottom of the foot.

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Yesterday when I woke up and my left foot was hurting. Right under my ankle bone on the outside of my foot. The ankle bone is fine, the ball of the foot is fine and the heel is fine. But I can not put pressure on the foot anywhere to walk anymore. I was able to limp on it yesterday but today ....no way!

I have NO idea what I did to injure it and I have no idea what I need to do to fix it. I soaked my foot in espon salt last night and elevated it during the night hoping it would be better today but it is worse. It doesn't hurt if I stay off of it but I can't believe it hurts so bad when I try to walk. I have no idea what I did. Any ideas how to get it better? Other people seem to have the similar problem...how long does it take to get better.
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i have the same problem and havent done anything i can think of to cause this! has anyone else had any joy finding out what it is and how it happens. I woke up this morning and cant stand on my right foot my hip is also a bit sore!
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I have exactly the same problem. really bad pain halfway between the little toe and heel on the outside of my right foot and about 1cm under.  Please help cause im going on holiday in 5 days and need to know what it is.
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Wow, I have exactly the same problem.  Went to bed two nights ago, no pain at all, woke up yesterday and almost fell over when I tried to stand up.  Pain is deep inside the outside center bottom part of my foot.  Feels like the after-effect of a terrible foot cramp, but it isn't going away.  Got a bit better during the day yesterday, but today it's worse than before.  Trying my Sketchers shoes today to see if they help stretch out the muscles -- maybe I'm stupid but I'm going to try to walk it off.
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I get intense pain under my toes but not my big toe only on my right foot after 40 minutes of walking. It's a stinging and then burning and stinging that is so bad I can barely walk. Please help as I really enjoy hiking and walking.
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