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483733 tn?1326798446

Help me with the process

Just got back results of abdominal ultrasound and they found a 10 cm x 4 cm mass on my ovary.  Now we are doing blood tests and waiting on CT scan.  How soon after this would surgery normally happen?  I can deal with the fear if I have an idea of what will happen.  So scared!
23 Responses
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485259 tn?1519047026
That is GREAT news! You must be SO relieved...Good luck with the rest of the journey and keep us posted...sending you good vibes from the south, y'all!!  -even if I am Cdn, I can still say that.. :)  lol
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Good news!  I'm glad they are taking your situation with serious consideration, and moving up your tests.  I bet it feels good to have (finally) the attention you need.

Keep us posted!

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447161 tn?1262923084
Hi Trudy,

It is good that your doctor is moving things along now.
You know yourself when things just 'aren't right' and sometimes you have to really make a noise with the doctors!! Good on you.
Good luck with your tests.
My love and prayers are coming to you from across the ocean!!

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408448 tn?1286883821
That is good Trudy. I hope everything comes out fine for you. Marie
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483733 tn?1326798446
Good news!  Saw my doctor today and based on my bloating and other symptoms he is taking more seriously.  He is getting the CT scan moved up ASAP and would prefer me to get it done here instead of going to the US since my insides are rather non-standard and he wants to ensure they know what they are looking at.  My blood tests came back good too - C125 is 28.
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485259 tn?1519047026
I just read SimplyStars advice, I agree. I am not trying to give you more to worry about, but just letting you know my experience if it helps you or anyone else. I had terrible pain one night, all night. I now know from my doctor that I should have gone to the ER, turns out the big cysts on my ovary caused it to twist (torsion?) and luckily for me, it untwisted on it's own. But next time, it would mean emergency surgery they told me. Also, you don't want it to cause other issues like cutting off your blood supply to the ovary, causing necrotic tissue I believe? (again, more info to digest, probably not getting it all right...) but the bottom line is I wanted to be in control of the situation and not have surgery under emergency conditions (or go through that again!!)

SO, based on that, maybe you SHOULD go check out a walk in/urgent care clinic. There are so many in the university area for all the students, maybe that could at least get you the gyno referral you have been looking for? Just an idea, I would hate to see the twist happen to you or anyone else... makes labor pains a walk in the park... trust me. Good luck, keep us posted and DON'T give up!!
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167426 tn?1254086235
I am not Canadian but we have a wonderful gal on here { Becky } that posts about her trials with her health care in Canada, my understanding is  that you can go to an Urgent Care  and get immediate  service.  Large cysts do need  that attention, because of ruptures and twisting, can cause serious problems,   I know you have a shortage of Onocologists  there , Becky goes to Princess Margret to a Dr Ozi??
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486831 tn?1209148864
I can tell you are so frustrated with not getting things done ASAP.  

About 9 years ago my gyno (on a routine yearly) found a mass.  I had to wait 3weeks for an ultrasound and then another week for the results - ARRGGH! Then she just wanted to wait and see.  
Needless to say I went to another doc and within a week I was in surgery and had the cyst removed.  It turned out to be nothing ~ some sort of bening(sp?) tumor. Thank goodness - and I hope you'll have the same results!

I hope you'll have some answers soon!
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483733 tn?1326798446
thanks for your note.  Yes, definitely a small world.  I don't have a gyno so my big goal is get my doctor to stop his own hypothesis, deal with the facts and get me into one right away.  I can't get in to see him until tomorrow but my goal is to insist on a transvag ultrasound so that he will believe it is my ovaries like the original ultrasound indicated.  

Doesn't the waiting drive you nuts?  I can deal with anything if I have the facts.  If I'm going to have surgery there is so much to get rearranged in my life and would like to know that.
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485259 tn?1519047026
Hi Trudie,
I can relate a bit to what you are going through...I'm a Cdn living in the US, but lived in Waterloo for years...small world isn't it?!  I know what you are saying, it's hard to just switch to another doctor up there. BUT keep fighting for what you want, go to walk in clinics or emerg somewhere else and try and at least get a vag ultrasound, probably much less expensive than a CT. I just had one myself and now am having surgery in 2 weeks to remove one of my ovaries, maybe two... and playing the wait and see game regarding exactly what the mystery mass is... NOT fun I know. Hang in there, I hope things work out for you, try going to Hamilton or Toronto if you have to, more doctors than in K-W area. Forget London, it's worse there.  Do you have a gyno or can you get an appt with one just to get your foot in the door? Good luck, let me know how you make out.
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483733 tn?1326798446
I live near Kitchener-Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.  Getting another doctor is not an easy thing here since we have many shortages for the population.  I hope to hear from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit today to get in and pay for my own CT scan and will call my doctor today and try and get in to force him to move me to a gyno NOW.  When I was last at his office last Thursday the pain was not as bad nor was the bloating like it is now.

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Hi!  Like I said before--before--be aggressive.  If the doctor doesn't listen to you, listening to your own body, then go somewhere else.  I'm not sure where you live, but if you give a general area on here, someone will have a doctor.

Are you still having all the pain?  It seems unreasonable to me that a doctor wouldn't be listening and appreciating your input.  Give the doc another try, be reasonable and lucid in your conversation (try to take the emotion out) and if you aren't satisfied, get going on round 2 with a new doc.  I applaud you for listening to your body.  We should all be doing it.

Please let us know how you feel?


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483733 tn?1326798446
Thanks for your comments - I am a 45 year old chubby lady.  I'm just so frustrated that my doctor is thinking the ultrasound (not a transvag) was wrong.  I know it is my ovary as after all the bowel surgery I had 15 years ago my ovaries got infected and it feels quite similiar.  Over the last few days I have bloated to look like I'm 6 months pregnant with pain increasing and back killing me.  How can I work like this?  
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I love your name.  I had a bit mass on my rt ovary (8.5 x 6.5).  I went to the ER because of severe pain and vomiting.  They did a CT, Trans Vag (2, actually) and sent me to the GYN/ONC.  My GP, GYN and ONC... helped me to decide to have a complete hyst.  But my case is probably different than yours, I am a 46 year old fat lady who has already had three beautiful daughters.

While none of us here on the forum are doctors, we can easily empathize, sympathize and "be your sisters" while you walk through this experience.  So breathe, find peace, and post as often as you feel the need!  It has been SOOOO therapuetic for me!


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i have just found out last week i have a 30cm cyst on my overy they think could be bigger i have a mri scan 8th may surgery 16th it all happend so fast i now nothing at the min im so upset i am only 20 now hao u feel  
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Because I felt a large solid mass under my navel in my lower abdomen, I too recently (4/17) had an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound which resulted in discovering "a large complex cystic lesion (23 x 12 cm 2 components ) in the right side of the pelvis with component extending into the cul-de-sac. It contains internal septations as well as low level internal echoes and hyperechoic lesions that might represent either debris or mural nodules within the inferior component. This might represent an epithelial ovarian neoplasm.  Other possibilities include pelvic inclution cyst, in view of the prior history of surgery." About 40 years ago I had my left ovary removed and the tube to my right ovary was severed.  I have not experienced any problems since, though I did seem to have some small twinges of pain in my right side a couple of times.  Like during ovulation.  I have not had a period for about 5 years (I'm 61) but they are also concerned because my uterus lining is 9 mm.  They asked if I had been bleeding.  I have not.  I have had blood work done, an ekg and will have a ct exam Monday night.  I have surgery scheduled on Monday April 28th at the University of Michigan Med Center.  The surgeon is an oncologist.  I feel fortunate to be in good hands here.  I also work for the U of M Hospital System. I am taking this one minute at a time and trying to enjoy my "now" rather than worry about what will happen on the 28th.  
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187666 tn?1331173345
Well, if this helps any - they found I had a cyst (only 7 cm at the time) back in Nov. Then they wanted to do a ton of heart tests on me to make sure I would be OK during the surgery, even insisted I take meds. In Dec. the gyn told me Jan. was all booked up for her and the soonest I could have surgery was Feb. That's when I finally got in. The cyst was 10 cm by then but everything still worked out fine. Mostly I was careful about how I moved around. Not that I'm a gymnast but my work involves a lot of bending, squatting, lifting. So your 2 weeks shouldn't be too bad. It's still the waiting that's the worst. Take care. Come here to rant and rave as needed. We know how it feels.
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483733 tn?1326798446
My doctor refused to believe it was anything other than an ulcer so only scheduled an abdominal ultrasound.  He decided to go right to the CT scan instead of a transvag.  Only problem is that I can't get one for 2 weeks.  I am Canadian and trying to arrange to pay for my own in the next few days in Michigan.  I can't stand the waiting.
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187666 tn?1331173345
I agree that they will probably schedule the surgery fairly soon just to avoid having the cyst twist or rupture. I had mine out (it ended up being 10 x 8) and it was benign. Amazing what a difference it made to have it gone. Please let us know what you find out and ask about the cyst, what type it is.

Just wondering - have they not done the transvaginal yet or can they not do it because of your other surgery? I suppose the CT is just as good, right?
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408448 tn?1286883821
I agree with Shari above. Have a gyn/onc do the surgery or be on close stand-by. I also agree that chances are this is benign and you will be fine. Just take care of yourself and keep us posted. We are here for you. Marie
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483733 tn?1326798446
Thanks for the responses.  Yes I am having symptoms.  Fullness, bloating, gas, pain, back ache.  My family doctor is doing the blood tests and CT and says he will then have me over to a gyno.  I had ulcerative colitis many years ago and ended up having my large colon removed and they built an ileal pouch to replace my rectum.  He thinks the ultrasound (not trans vaginal) might have mistaken this but I know the pain is not from that.  I'll keep you posted.
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194838 tn?1303428544
Hi ,
Im sorry that you feel so scared , Im the same with the unknown . The cyst you have is quite large and could rupture if not removed so I would think that you would be having surgery quite soon. The CT scan will give more information about size and location of the cyst in relation to other organs. Have you had a transvaginal ultasound ? and have they told you if the cyst is simple or complex?. I would imagine that you would be having some symptoms ? . You really need to ask these questions and be informed but first all of your test results will need to be looked at together to build a clearer picture .
I hope everything turns out well for you . Take care  Angie
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Sorry, you are scared, right now. Are you or are you going to be seeing a gynocologist/oncologist? It would be a good idea as they specialize in women's reproductive organ cancers. I'm NOT saying you have cancer!!!! The percentages are low that you do. However, a gyn/onc is the best person for this type of surgery. The wait time for surgery is different for everyone. Sorry, don't have a good answer for you. However, They usually try to get you in as soon as it is convenient for you and the doctor. Hopefully, your wait won't be too long. It depends on whether they think it may be cancer (which can NOT be determined until a biopsy is done), too. Please, know that we are all here for you. The wait is hard and we all understand how you are feeling. Take care of yourself, and feel free to post anytime with questions , concerns, or if you just want to vent about whatever(being scared, waiting, docotors, etc.....). I'll keep you in my thoughts.

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