295767 tn?1240188314

I'm off!

It’s been a bizarre day. I can’t sleep so I thought I would write out my feelings for you all to read. My nerves have got the best of me (which explains the wide-eyed, pacing Deandra) because I am leaving tomorrow to Houston to begin my “kick cancer in the @ss” adventure. You know what’s odd about this whole procedure… my state of mind. I continually have people asking me if I am afraid to go through this, if I’m panicked about the pain I will feel. Absolutely not. I could give a d@mn about the collection of stem cells, or the 5 noxious chemo drugs administered in one generous dose, or the lengthy time I will spend over a toilet throwing up, or the stem cell transplant. Who cares? I’ve been through enough already, I can hang with this. What I am DREADING… is the time I have to spend in the hospital. All I know is there better not be any sharp objects or loose material hanging around, because last time I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, I almost tried to hang myself. Okay, that’s a little over-dramatic, but there is nothing worse than having to reside in a hospital room for longer than a day. I will be in a “special” room where only “special” clothes and shoes are allowed for 3 ½ weeks. No joke. The other thought weighing heavily on my mind is, what if this doesn’t work? I know what you all are thinking. ‘You can’t think that way, be positive!’ Frankly, when you are diagnosed with late stage ovarian cancer (chronic illness), that thought is inevitably going to enter your mind. It’s very difficult for me to talk to family and loved ones about this thought. I can’t imagine being in my parents shoes. They want nothing more than to take my place. They would put me in a frying pan and watch me fry to a crisp if there was a chance it would keep me alive. When you are on the opposite side, watching someone fight cancer, you want them to do EVERYTHING humanly possible to battle their disease. Lethal injections of chemo? Yes, she will do that and don’t be stingy with that dose! Stem cell transplant? PLEASE, whatever it takes doc. Fly to S. Africa to a medicine man that will have her eat snake eyes and dance around naked? Sign her up! It’s heartbreaking to watch them watch me fight this vile, s*itty cancer. The same goes for Luke. He constantly makes me promise I will fight to the bitter end because he ‘couldn’t live without me.’ I can’t bring up memories of being in the ICU unit, or the numerous hospital visits, or the time my heart monitor flat lined out of mistake without bringing tears to his eyes. He asked me to marry him. There were so many people in disbelief on how he handled his girlfriend being diagnosed with cancer. He NEVER left my side. I remember him telling me he didn’t understand why so many people kept telling him his strength was inspiring and how they themselves would never be able to deal with this. He was honestly dumfounded. His exact words were ‘what the hell was I going to do?? Leave? No way, I love her.’ I explained to him he would be surprised at the amount of people who could not deal with it, who would end up leaving their partner because they couldn’t take it. They couldn’t deal with the everyday thought ‘is he/she going to die’, or the relentless hospital visits, or even the physical aspect of it. Not Luke, his love only grew stronger for me. About a week ago he surprised me with his FIRST tattoo of the teal ovarian cancer ribbon, my astrology sign underneath, and the words “God Speed” above the whole design. For those of you that don’t know that phrase, it means good luck on your journey, may you prosper.  I am blessed to have so many people in my life that love me. On Monday the salon through me a going away/beat cancer party that was a blast. They all gave me a memento that I could take with me to remind me of them while I was gone. Today was my last day at the salon and you all know how much I hate to cry in front of people, but those tears were flowing when I gave each one of those girls a hug. They were all crying with me, forcing me to get into my car and drive to the alley where I sobbed for 20 minutes. Cancer fu@king sucks!!! Those girls mean the world to me…
Well, it’s 4:30am and I should try to get some sleep. Please keep me in your prayers, and I promise to drop kick and punch the sh*t out of this cancer! I will try to update as much as I can. Much love, D
26 Responses
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282804 tn?1236833591
Oh Deandra, you are breaking my heart.  I hate it that you are in such turmoil about all of this and to be stuck in a "sterile" room for 3 1/2 weeks, OMG, I so understand.  When I was in the hospital for nearly two weeks with throwing up it drove me batty, but I could take my little mechanical buddy and go outside.  I understand your being upset about this.  It is SO confining.  I know  you are going to be fine on the other side of this, it is what you have to go through to get there that is so awful.  I would love for Cory and Luke to meet sometime.  They sound just alike.  You know we just got married last August and he has been amazing.  Those are the kinds of guys that won't ever do anything really stupid in a marriage.  So, no happy smoke this morning, just good luck to you sweetie and I will stay in phone contact with your mom. May God bless you & your medical team Deandra.

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415684 tn?1257329318
You are my daughters' (twins) age and I cannot imagine being a parent and watching my child go through this battle.  I will be praying that the stem cell transplant works for you and you can resume your life with your wonderful and supportive fiancee'.  Just remember to "keep your eye on the prize" as you go through this and take it one day at a time.  

My prayers will be with you ....

Judy C
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Dearest Deandra, I just wanted to add my well-wishes to all the others. I hope you were actually able to fall asleep last night (this morning, actually). I will, definantly, be praying for you and please, continue your quest to kick OvCa's behind. If anyone will give it their all and have a good chance, it has to be YOU!!!! Keep us posted, if you can!!!!

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176401 tn?1339369307
so good to hear from you.  Please ask Luke to keep us updated while you are at Houston. Hopefully, you'll have access to a computer so we can hear from you.  I would really like to keep up with what you are experiencing day to day.  Not many ovca survivors do stem cell procedures so your experience will be hope for us and knowing what you experience is like will be so helpful.
Your post hit it right on the nail.  Of course the "elephant in the room" is the fear of death.  Acknowledging that actually can take some of the fear away but if you have not been faced with it smacking you in the face then one cannot imagine this fear.  Before cancer, I had seen loved ones, including a child, live with cancer and thought I had a sense of this fear.  I did not.  No one can imagine the fact that it is with us all the time.  Like you, I plan to beat the heck out of this monster with all my heart and soul.  However, I won't ignore this fear just to let others feel better.  I have had tremendous support and hope helping others know the reality will help future survivors.  
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G-d Speed and you are in my prayers...Love and hugs Ronni
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135691 tn?1271097123
What a great post...I'm glad you felt you could come here to express those thoughts that are sometimes too hard or too much for your family to hear. I know the feeling of wondering "what if it doesn't work?". You aren't being negative - h*ll, your the most positive person I've ever met! I think it's only natural to wonder about the unknown.
I wish I could come and stay at the hospital for you...let you sneak out, even for a day! I've never had to be in that long before, and the best I can say is pack lot's of magazines, books, lotion (my skin always gets dry there) chapstick and a calling card. And your laptop, if you can swing it - I'm gonna go nut's if we don't get updates from you!!
You are definatly in my prayers...you and your family.
Love you - go get 'em girl!!!
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