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Fibroids and gas

I am 41 and I have been having bad periods and bad cramps for years.  I recently had a sonogram done and found out that I have a Submucosal Fibroid.  My Dr. has referred me to an OBGYN Dr.   While I am waiting for my appointment I have been doing a lot of reading on the internet about these types of fibroids and their symptoms, but I am wondering if gas can be a symptom of fibroids.  I have found nothing that references this, but, for the past few years I have been suffering from a lot of gas daily.  I never used to get gas no matter what I ate. I eat right and exercise everyday. I have even tried changing my diet and nothing has relieved this problem.  I am wondering if fibroids can have anything to do with this.  In all the reading I have done, I have seen nothing that says this could be a symptom.  Does anyone know if this could be a symptom of Fibroids?  I also am wondering about leg aches.   I get such bad leg aches at night and the only thing that relieves this is sleep.  I read about Fibroids and leg pains but I don
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I don't know anything fibroids, but I have had gas symptoms from an ovarian cyst as well as many other symptoms. I had a uterine polyp removed, but I don't think I would have known I had it except for some irregular periods. Most of my symptoms were from the cyst. I think fibroids can cause some of these symptoms maybe.
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Thanks for your reply.
On my U/S I also showed a large cyct on my ovary and multiple nabothian cysts in the cervix, but the Dr. (well she was an assistant) said they were nothing to worry about and that the ovary cyst is probably gone already.   My appointment with an OBGYN is next week, hopefully I will get some answers then.
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If you're having symptoms, they may not be gone or you may have new cysts or they may have ruptured which can cause more trouble. Nabothian cysts are different, I posted a link on them, I think they are caused by pregnancy/childbirth and aren't anything to worry about usually. Ovarian cysts can and do cause all sorts of symptoms, if people haven't experienced this themselves they will usually tend to downplay it. If you're lucky, you're asymptomatic, but I guess if you turn out to have cancer, it's better to be symptomatic as a warning.

I know now, from having this one diagnosed, that I had one about two years ago that was also symptomatic. I had stomach pain/nauseau, lots of gas(constant and severe for a 24 hour period: I usually have gas anyway from ibs, but this was/is excessive and increased), pain in ovary and back area and leg, frequent urination, and general malaise. The pain wasn't as bad so I never went to see what was wrong.

This time I was missing periods in conjunction with all the other symptoms so they were diagnosed. I also went through another period of almost constan pain on my right ovary with severe constipation during periods, but nothing showed up on ultrasound. Unless they are doing continual ultrasound they won't know for sure what's going on and even then, my doctor said they never know what they are going to find for sure until they do surgery.
I have suspected for a while now that my right ovary may be adhered to other structures/organs and I suppose if I have a laparoscopy eventually I will find out.
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I had a friend who had some really bad pain in her ovaries (she had had a hysterectomy a few years earlier) her Dr
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I had multiple symptoms including gas and bloating.  I had multiple fibroids plus a 13 cm mass on my right overy and nodules on my left.  Everything has been removed and feeling great. Results came back with nothing to worry about.
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Thanks for the reply.  So glad you are doing well!!
I see the Dr. tomorrow, hoping for some answers and eventually some relief.  
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I am scheduled to have a hysterectomy next month.  I was wondering about the excessive gas and bloating I am experiencing.  I thought it was something I was eating until I read this post. I am waiting for my Dr's assistant to call me back for an appointment and I am going to mention this to them.  I never knew gas could be associated with fibroids, then again, I have never had a fibroid problem until now.  
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I'm 48 and have had Ovarian Cysts in the past that have grown large and even ruptured. Doctors were not concerned in the past as there appeared to be no excess solid growth.  Today I have returned from the OBGYN, with the results that I know have a complex Cyst on my left ovary that is both a solid mass and fluid/particulate filled. This time I have extreme gas and a pinching pain where my ovary is, the OBGYN said it was the cyst causing the gas. As I have never had children, my risk for Cancer is higher and I'm a bit worried, as I have never had this much pressure or gas.
The doctor says he can just wait and monitor if it grows in the next three months, or we can schedule a Laproscopy procedure and just remove the whole cyst and ovary and at that time test for Cancer.

In todays day and age, can you not test for Cancer markers? Shoyuld I be doing something other than waiting?  Opon asking my OBGYN what would happen if the cyst ruptures, he simply said I would have discomfort till the fluids re-absorbed butthen likely the ote rproblems would go away.   Should I be getting a second opinion?

I'm a bit worried, anyone else in the same situation.
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Hi I'm 42, I also have bad periods and have all my life which includes: heavy bleeding, bloating, alot of gas, urge to urinate frequently, cramps, bleeding between periods, deep stabbing pains during/after sexual intercourse, constipation and pain on my left lower pelvic area during bowel movements (during menstruation). I went to see my general Dr. recently and she set me up for an transvaginal ultrasound. The results reveled that I have a cyst on my left ovary, a fibroid in my uterus & my uterus is reverted backwards. My general Dr. then referred me to a OB/GYN
              My first apt. (was Dec.5th) the OB/GYN took a biopsy of the inner lining of my uterus to check for cancer (which doesn't run in my family) but it's what she needed to do to possibly rule out cancer, especially since I'm more susceptible due to never becoming pregnant. She also had prescribed me with medication to help stop my bleeding that I've been having between my periods. The OB/GYN had pre-diagnosis me with endometriosis as well do to my symtoms (which is hereditory by very close relations-sister, mother or aunts).
              We also talked about me having a full hystorectomy removing everything. Since birth control methods didn't work a few years back. I have another apt. Dec. 19th to go over the results of my biopsy and to schedule my hystorectomy. My mother has had the same symtoms  all her life and had a hystorectomy when she was 41 and said it was the best decision she had every made. She had a much better relaxing life after having a hystorectomy. So I'm really looking forward to a much better life and hope I can have the hystorectomy ASAP. I'm so fed up with all this discomfort. And I'm sure you are too!

I hope this information has helped any of you
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i have horrendous gas and it makes my stomache hurt after i eat, its constant for 2 years. so yes gas does go along with fibroids!!! don't let your doctor tell you different! i am done with all this pain, i'm getting a hysterectomy this summmer! good luck hope you get better i would'nt wish this on anyone!...jan.
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I am real gassy. I see the doctor tomorrow to see if I have ovarian cysts or fibroids? I have had ovarian cysts in the past. I'm 41 and trying to conceive for the first time.
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Make sure that you're not lactose intolerant  or sesitive to Milk protien (casien) also if you get on the atkins diet you may find that will go away due to the lack of sugar and carbs. And take a GOOD probiotic not one you get from a Super Store. See if this helps.Don't be in such a hurry to get a hysterectomy for goodness sake!
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I'm 43 and have found out this year I have "multiple" fibroids.  I have always been a heavy bleeder during periods and ended up having my uterus cauterized several years back.  This took the bleeding away for a year but now I'm back to having fairly heavy ones.  The thing that is really getting worse is the cramping, bloating, gas (really loud!), and some upper leg cramping.  The abdominal cramping is beginning about a week and a half before my period and lasting one week after.  It's like low grade labor pain for half the month!!  Has anyone else had the leg cramping?  
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I'm 32 and I have really bad gas. All my doctors just brush it off and tell me to eat more fiber. I eat more fiber and it helps a couple days then the gas becomes worse after several days. My gas has gotten worse a couple days ago. I had a sharp pain in my left side after eating lunch it was really bad. I started to feel better but still bloated. This morning which is two days later I had sharp pain on my left side. The doctors thought it was my ovary and not gas. I knew it was gas because after I ate my food wasn't digesting and I had pain in my esophagus. I felt like I had to vomit just to release the gas. Long story short they did a sonogram and it wasn't my ovary it was gas that was pushing on my left ovary. Now I'm going to go to the gastroenterologist (GI) doctor. I noticed a lot of people are experiencing the same thing. One thing that helps with the gas is blueberries. I'll let you know what I find out. Stick to your guns when you know what is happening to your body. It is the only way we can find out what is happening.
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I went to the GI doctor and I have functional dyspepsia. My colon is slow so it makes me gassy. I need to get a colonoscopy to make sure there isn't any inflammation. I have to take a fiber that doesn't cause bloating. I'm trying  citrucel. There are others types that don't cause bloating or excess gas. I hope this works. I have to take it every day for the rest of my life. I hope I also lose weight. I have been so gassy and bloated I kept gaining weight no matter how much I workout. I even worked out twice yesterday and still gained weight.
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I have gas since I have had fibroids issues.  The bigger they got they worse it got.  I got a inner and outter ultrasound and there is nothing on my ovaries.  Therefore I guess it is either my fibroids pushing on my intestine and making me constipated which I read can happen which I guess is from slowing down my processing food.  Eating more protein and less carbs helps also like someone noted.  My naturopath prescribed a natural plant based enzyme for digestion since the gas started.  It helps my stomach not hurt after I eat.  The brand she prescribes for me is Biotics Reseach Intenzyme Forte.  A doctor has to prescribe them for you and then you can call the company and order them.  However i have found places online that you can order them from w/o prescription.  They are just plant based anyway.  They work very well.  I also don't eat stuff that makes me constipated.  I bought a vitamix and am drinking a lot of green drinks with chloraphyl but what is helping the most is EXERCISE.  I ride my bike and it keeps my body regulated.  I also don't eat b4 going to work because they more food in my the more I fart.  :O)
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I agree. But I have an ovarian cyst about 2.cm and I am safe I was told.
But it hemmoraged after i had a vanginal altrasound down. Sometimes
people say you might become pregnant when having a cyst. I dont know if thats true or what not.

I have lots of gas since my cyst came I thought it was just after pain
and gas after my period but I guessed wrong :s.
I went to the hospital cuz i knew no one was gunna find anything in my urin and its worse pain the a UTI (urnary tract infection) so i got it checked sunday night i knew i wasnt gunna get a call from my dr soon and the pain got worse...

Anyways, I was told no treatment my dr said advil and tylenol together will be ok but i dont like tylenol it causes pain in my stomache. IBprofen or advil seems to help the pain abit. But my pain got lower more into vaginal area, i have a 0.4cm stone on my left kidney due to this but i was told its nothing and i should pass it without knowing really. I have lots of pain in my left leg and my cysts and kidney are on the left that hurt...
so i hope its from there... i am only ... well almost 26 in a month... i also have alot more discharge then usual i was told thats normal too...

is there any info also ANYONE can give me let me know~
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If anyone is still reading these posts,  I just had my fibroids removed yesterday and spent last night in the hospital.  Home today, very sore, but so relieved.  Yes, I do believe they can cause gas and a lot of other problems.  I have had heavy periods for years, twice being taken by ambulance to the hospital due to severe clotting and hemorraging (sp.?).  Recently, one became submucosal as mentioned in a post above, meaning it invaded the uterine cavity.  I have been bleeding nonstop since 12/26/10, and it is now 4/9/11!  Anyway, two OB-GYN's in the past five years have told me to let them go since I haven't had children yet, too much scar tissue would be created to conceive, it would be a 9-12 week recovery from cutting me open, etc.  Well, I found an amazing doc in Atlanta who is a robotic surgeon...was able to take them out thru laproscopic/robotic surgery and told me I never would have conceived with them in there.  The submucosal one had also created a huge polyp that had to go as well.  This doc's belief is that way too many hysterectomies are performed in this country unnecessarily, and there are so many other options for heavy bleeding, fibroids, and cysts.  He saw a pt. who had been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for twelve years...he took out her fibroids, and she was pregnant in two months.  So it might be a good idea to look into different options re: removal and treatment of these issues.
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yes, I have been diagnosed with fibroids and over the past couple of days have been really uncomfortable due to gas.  My doctor recommended a hysterectomy, but I would like to explore other options.  Could you tell me the name and contact number for your doctor.
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I have a fibroid, waiting to be referred to gyn to see how large it is. But I used to have bleeding from day 14 of my cycle and benign lumps in my breasts. My chinese doctor prescribed me Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan, which are chinese herbs. Within two days the bleeding had stopped, and the lumps in my breasts are getting a bit smaller every month, ever since I have started taking this.
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I have been diagnosed with a fibroid tumor the size of two grapefruits.  I have real painful gas about a week before my period.  My abdomin is enlarged.  This time when I had the painful gas, one of my legs were cramping real bad.  Have anyone else experienced this?  Going to a GY-OB on Monday to explore my options.
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2179458 tn?1337650821
I just had a mini laporatomy for multiple myamectomies (many fibroids) on Friday, 18 May 12. I was just released from the hospital on yesterday, 20 May 12!! I am walking around and trying to get readjusted to my regular life!! I am very bloated and feel like I am 2-3 months pregnant...I do feel the gas is more uncomfortable than the surgery. I will have my staples removed on tomorrow...so hopefully, I can continue to massage and walk around the house and to the mailbox more and pick up my pace as well to help this bloating go away. I know it hasn't even been a week, however, what I can do to heal faster I will. There were no other issues with my gyn parts...just 4 big ones; size of a grapefruit and bigger (eggplant) and 7 smaller ones like the size of strawberries/grapes.My fertility doctor performed the surgery in hopes we can still conceive; which we can after I'm healed. There were no other gyn issues. I didnt have heavy cyles nor any serious cramping. My fertility doctor had the nurse perform a Sonogram to check me out on our initial visit and this is when the fibroids were discovered. God works in mighty ways...All to have our blessing BABY or BABIES!!!Here's to recovery.
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Hi, I am 46 and I have read everyone's post above and thanks for everyone's information about their symptoms and experiences, GAS VS CYSTS.  It is Sept 2013...and it is possible nobody will read this, but I have been diagnosed about 2 years ago with having Ovarian Cysts.  MY OBGYN kept an eye on them initially and they went away.   Currently, since August 1, 2013 I have had serious bloating and gas pains in my stomach.    It is like nothing I have every felt before.  It is every single day and especially after I eat.     I would have to believe I have cyst's again according to everyones reports above about GAS VS CYSTS!!    

Thanks for all the helpful information.   It actually is a little bit of a relief...but ultimately I need to make an appointment to see my OBGYN!!
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6838240 tn?1385273552
hi, my name is judy.  I had a particial hysterectomy  now, I have thyroid disease,  and  she left my  2 ovaries wich now  have a cysts on each one. the right  one  is causing a lot  of problems, I have so much gas, bloating, pressure, idk  no more  if  its that  right ovary or  my ibs, I also have  a high hernia  no one  will touch either. and  may I ask what  is these  fibroids everyone  is talking  about
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