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I Look Pregnant!

I have a large ovarian cyst and now I'm getting fibroids.  I am taking a strong B.C. pill to shrink the cysts, and I don't really want to have surgery. I have put on 10 pounds and I look about 5 months pregnant.  I'm trying to work out more and watch what I eat, but nothing seems to work.  Has anyone had this problem, and has anything worked for you?
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Coffee enema is are great!!! health source for healing & if Ur over 40 & having weight problems U should only be eating small BIRD!!! size breakfast & dinners. Drink coffee or what ever makes U not want to eat. Lots of hot Soups. Stop eating meats. Tofu can be cooked just like meats if U season it well. If Ur having weight problems then Ur probably having health problems. Stay out of the doctors offices. There only going to drug U up. Only go if U have serious problems that U can't fix. Doctors are brainwashed & there taught to give U drugs for all solution to any problems.
The older U get the more U have to evolve" & that means to CHANGE!! into a new world where U can only eat SMALL. At least 1 or 2 days a week U need to fast. Fasting cleans U out & last, stay out of the kitchen, don't go in it or even look at it.
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I have this problem too I look pregnant and people keep asking me. I put on 30 pounds over 2 years and was a slightly less active because I developed asthma. I thought the weight gain was due to getting a bit less exercise. But after a few people thought I was pregnant I realized that all my weigh seemed to be going to my stomach/abdomen and that I really do look 5 months pregnant. I have just been trying to run and do yoga and eat healthy of course. It's not working but I was trying to be patient...the other day I was getting an IUD put in and the doctor discovered a large lump on my right ovary. He showed me and it did look big but I don't really know how big. He said I have to wait 6 weeks and go back to see if it has subsided to tell if it's cyst. I am feeling frustrated at waiting so long and about this pregnant belly, which I googled today to look for wight loss tips or to see if that body shape had any other meaning. I never connected the two things until now. I also have been urinating more frequently it's getting very annoying and I often have discomfort in my abdomen. Anyway I just really can't wait to go back to the doctor now and I wish I could have mentioned these things to him. I am grateful for this forum but I don't  know ....dare I hope that I have a cyst, that I can have it removed, be healthy, have a healthy reproductive future and get rid of this terrible belly?
Should I try to see him sooner?
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I need help i have had 3 miscarriage dye to tht rh factor my doctor never caught it i did i nvr got cleaned out n now my belly looks like im 6 months preg and im not why is ths.
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I have fibriods and cycst. I also bleed for months when on cycle. I been switching doctors like crazy until I get my answers =). I don't want to go on birth control pills cause it didn't help me!! I am going to try nova sure, since I am a good canadate for controlling periods. I had sonogram, utlrasounds, lapocopy, and a whole lot more. Every person is different. Look into your family history, or it maybe your the first.
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I can relate to this because when I looked int the mirror today, I looked like I was pregnant.  My last two ultrasounds showed 4.5 cm and 1.9 cm cysts on my right ovary.  My Gyno is recommending I remove both ovaries and fallopian tube at the age of 42 because my mother died from ovarian cancer two years ago at the age of 68.  She said this was a wake up call.  I wasn't feeling any pain.  I have had yearly ultrasounds because of a fibroid that was removed in 1996.  This was just my yearly ultrasound.  I guess I'm lucky that I have these ultrasounds, especially now with my family history of ovarian cancer.

I took the CA125 test after the cyst was discovered and my result was 24, which according to my Doctor means that I have no detection of cancer.  I am in the process of trying to decide whether I should go ahead with the surgery to remove my ovaries and fallopian tube as this will put me into early menopause.  I'm not so concerned about going into menopause because I know that I am done having kids.  I have an 11 year old and divorced and if this could potentially save my son from having to see his mother go through what my mother went through, then I will have the surgery.  I just don't know if it will make a difference if I have the surgery now or put it off for a year or two.  My Gyno believes the cysts will go away on their own and was not concerned that they would grow.
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I have been in extreme pain for months lower back pain is the worst. At first I thought I pulled a musle at work. That was last year. Then I started seeing a back doctor but nothing helped. I finally went to see a chiropractor he said for the amount of pain I was having my buldging disk was not that bad. Within a week I had an anual pelvic exam and there it was a cyst that was 3 months ago at that time it was 5cm. I am telling you I been like a pregnant women. Reading through all these comments I realized often times I felt pregnant the fluttering the tender breast the late periods or extremely heavy. My back is the worst. I am self employeed so I have to work but if I worked for someone else I would take family medical that is how bad my pain in my back has gotton. When I am not working I lay on my side all the time. I am always tired my moods have been up and down. I also look pregnant I had a tummy tuck 2 years ago and couldnt figure out why my tummy was getting bigger not smaller. My surgery was schedule last month but I took a diet pill remember last month I didnt realize it was the cyst that made my belly huge I thought I was getting fat. I notice all the weight in my belly area. I also crave sweets honest I never been a sweet person I am a salt type person. Anyhow do not take any diet pills before surgery mine was cancelled the last minute because of it. So this week I am finally having my surgery. I cannot wait I am sick of looking like this and having this pain.I am single and don't even try to date because no way could I have sex like this. I also lost alot of friends because of being to exhausted to go out or having one of my mood swings. I would compare it to being pregnant.. I cannot wait to have my body back again. But in all honesty this pain is unberable. I have gave birth 4 times and I am a pretty tuff women. I carry heavy boxes all day and I am telling you this pain is unberable I take pain meds none stop. I cannot wait to have it removed. Now I look back at it I just thought I was getting old I am 44 I thought I was going through my change my periods where so heavy on the first day I could not work I would soak pads. I am so happy too know this is not old age and cant wait to be me again. Trust me for me to complain this has to be awfull I am a very strong independant happy person 99 % of the type LOL so glad for all of your comments and support. And for anyone reading your not getting old or going crazy please go get checked
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3132895 tn?1343621122
I am so glad I found this forum!! I'm even happier to have read your post. Thank you all for being so candid with your stories and symptoms. I no longer feel alone (I'm sad for us all, but at least we know we aren't suffering in silence)

I've been contending with a massively bloated abdomen for several months. Along with it comes severe piercing pain in my pelvis, my digestive system is slow and inefficient anymore, I feel like I have to pee all the time, I get so tired and weak, there are days of marked pain to the right of my belly button (that sometimes feels like it's on fire). Now and then, that pain will travel to the other side of my belly button on up to just beneath my ribs. Sometimes laying down is torture, as I can't breathe well. I vomit easily, and cannot eat normal size meals anymore. I can barely eat anything, and have lost a lot of weight. My stomach gets bigger as I get smaller. People are noticing that I'm shrinking. One of my co-workers told me that I looked extremely uncomfortable. I told her I looked like I was about to give birth, she said that I actually looked as though I was carrying twins in the 8th month.

I'm embarrassed by appearing pregnant, and everyone here is right; people ask me when I'm due, comment on my expecting or congratulating me. One day I got so fed up I told this lady that I'd be more than happy to let her hold my cyst once it was born. I work with the public. I had one client tell me that she thought I was the most beautiful pregnant woman she'd ever seen. I wanted to burst into tears, because there are days I'm so distended that I appear to be around 8 months pregnant with twins.  

When I read that your cyst was so big it moved up below your ribs, I felt a sense of relief (I hope and pray it has long since been removed by now). When I lay on my right side, there is a large protrusion on my left side that looks to be about the size of a grapefruit, and below it another hefty protrusion. On my right side, it is like one long round bulge. I've never had any children, and at 37 I don't plan to. Still, I'm a little anxious.

I read earlier in the year about holistic ways of shrinking cysts (drinking pickle juice or vinegar). I think it actually caused them to grow!!! So ladies, I would not recommend this, as it's a total craps shoot as to what the consequences will be.

I've never really had any major health issues, as an adult. I think it's been more out of my stubborn refusal to go to a hospital. I'm so nervous about having to bear it all to some stranger I don't even know. I haven't been to a gyno since I was 16 (that Gyno was a man, and the entire experience creeped me out so badly I wrote Gynecology off completely). Happily, a client gave me the name and number of her own female gyno, and I will be seeing her very soon.

Have any of you ever felt like you had softballs rolling around in your lower pelvis whenever you changed positions in bed? I get that feeling more often now.

Avoiding wheat and starchy foods (as I read from another post earlier on) will definitely help to reduce the bloating and full feeling. If your digestive system is slow like mine, do NOT eat cheese or wheat! Cheese will cause Constipation in an already crowded digestive system, and this is what causes the burning pain in your upper abdomen. Instead of wheat cereals eat corn cereals. Eat salads and fish, and yogurt two or three times a week. Of course, Ibuprofen can help with the pain.

Thank you ALL for your words of wisdom, and for sharing your stories. I will be keeping an eye on this thread, and will update you on what is going on with me once I see the gyno. Thank you for your time!
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Hi, I've had endometriosis for three years, had laproscopic surgery and they found multiple cysts on my left ovary. Two years after my surgery I still have pain in my left ovary, my said he couldn't help me. They had me on lupron for six months, then I was given bc as well as depo shots continuous until last october. I lost my insurance and since november I've been getting constant pain and now my left side is getting worse. I bleed two to three times a month and it can be every other week. Now I look like I'm almost three months pregnant and wondering if I could be dealing with chocolate cysts and I know that my.endometriosis is most likely back and slowly getting worse. I just got benefits again through work and wondering what I should do and if I can fight for my doctor to do surgery again or not... I hate being in pain all the time and feel like I'm going through labor again. My left side cramps into my midle pelvic region and shoots to my back and I feel it in my hips sometimes. In at a loss on where to turn. I'm the only one in my family who has these problems so none of them understand my situation. It would be nice to not feel so alone... Any adive...
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I have always had regular periods,but the last two months my periods have changed, 2 months ago, I hardly had anything, and last month not very heavy and just different.And the last two months, my stomach looks bigger, I feel no pain, just hardening on the upper stomach, but not on the lower. I also have felt flutters in my stomach. After reading everyones posts on here I am scared it may be what you are all talking about. My husband had a vastemony so pregnecy is not possible. Has anyone felt flutters? Is it usually your whole stomach when and if you have cysts? Are cysts painful? I am worried, because I have a heart condition and scared of surgery and cancer. Thanks
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Pain, weight loss or gain, change in bowel movement and swolen abdomen is all normal symptoms for ovarian cysts.
The swelling normally starts below your bellybutton but if your cyst is really big, it can go above. Mine was getting close to my ribs.

I think the irregular periods can be a symptom of cysts as well, most likely functional cysts if you havent had serious problems with them before.

Sounds like you need a trip to your GP asap, you will need an ultrasound scan to confirm if you have cysts. Good luck
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I have not had my period for a month now and I have always had a very irregular period. A couple times I have actually skipped a full month. However, when I have had sex, which is always 100% safe and we always check for a tear in the condom and everything, it causes a lot of pelvic pain and sometimes it makes it uncomfortable to pee. I have been pooping more than usual and I sometimes have jabbing pains both in my lower back and in my abdomen area. Sometimes, I have sharp pains in my groin area near my ovaries. I am starting to get very scared because it says I have lost 6-8 pounds but my stomach looks unusual. Is this normal when you have ovarian cysts?
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Hi..i've been in pain now in my pelvic area for a few yrs. I look nine months pregnant and i am in constant agony everyday and night now. All the symptoms are looking at ovarian cysts and my docs booked me in for an ultrasound..but the pains non stop now. And i'm getting some runny juices coming from my vagina tonight. I can't settle with the pain. No painkillers are working its just gone a million times worse since i saw my doctor. Pain in my lower back and pelvis. Its just not stopping x.
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The doctor told me i have ovarian cyst and right now i am having pains on the right size and i am on Hydrocodone and and other meds and i am a diabetic and they can't do suguary on me yet til my sugar goes down, but i am in so much pain i just cry every day. my doctor told me it was bigger than a softball on both sides. i am scared i want more children cause i only got 1 little boy. My suguary is set on the 26th. People ask me when i am going to have my baby cause i look pregnant i wish i was. but yes my stomach is big like i am due today or tomorrow. Question: When i get a suguary and they remove the cyst is my stomach going to get smaller again?
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I am 60years old.  IDuring my youth and up to 53 years old I was very slim.  Since I started menopause I have steadily put on weight and my bust has gone from 36b to 38 d and my stomach looks like I am 6 months pregnan.  I also gave up smoking when I was 58.   I am 2 stone overweight although I do not eat a lot.  I'm only 5 '2'  tall  Can anyone help me or give me any advice.  I can't find clothes to fit
Any ideas what my problem might be and how I can solve it.  I am also on high blood pressure pills.  I've never had children
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1583822 tn?1296685367
I have a ovarian cyst 35cm by 22cm im trying to figure out how big that is reading this has really helped ppl are always thinking im due or hving twins this helps explain alot i just wish i knew mor so any information you can give i would really appreciate i'm 27yrs old no kids and all alone with this kinda scary and i have huge numbers up there 35cm by 22cm kinda worried
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1417460 tn?1283051251
i look prego and i hate it bc i am not i have looked this way for about year ppl are always asking are you prego the dr didnt see anymore ovarian cysts but i have had prombles with ovarian cysts for the past 3 years . I am on diabetes meds and high blood presure meds  that are doing no good !!!!!!!!! Can anyone help me !!!!!

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1266321 tn?1274908472
Heya. I have had the same problem, I had a 30cm ovarian cyst and just got it removed in april, it looked like i was about 9 months pregnant the doctor said, they couldnt weigh it because it was so big lol. I wouldnt worry about the surgery, get it over and done with :) all you can do really. they removed my ovary and the tube thingy as well as the cyst. but im doing really good now. hope you are ok and all that.

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1397155 tn?1280443097
I too appreciate reading this forum. I've been feeling embarrassed because my belly - which already looked about 2 mos pregnant - is now looking more like 6 mos pregnant. There's something reassuring about finding a thread with others who have been there. It's evening now, but I'm going to call my doctor in the morning.
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It's reasuring,to find forums,with post from woman who are/have gone through what I am.I too have just about all these sythoms,I am blessed it hasn't lasted that long.I had my tubes tied 5 years ago,always had a regular period,until this month.I been gaining weight for about the last 7 months,my breast been sensitive,urinating a lot,nausea, my mid upper abdomian hurts,when I go to bed at night,it's uncomfortable,I have mood swings,very tired all day long,all in out,my stomach feels and looks bloated,all and out I feel like I'm 9 months pregnant,specially from the pressure.I feel yalls pain, I go for a ultra sound soon,I will keep posted my condition.
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A friend of mine at work just mentioned a conditioned called diastasis, where basically your abdominal muscles stretch out due to childbirth.I wonder if that's what we all have...she said it's a legitimate medical condition which if left unfixed can damage back muscles, etc. She mentioned that some insurances cover it.

i too have an abdominal mass. it's not an abcess or a cyst, rather a solid 5x3 cm mass. I have surgery this Friday and am terrified of losing my womb.

My main question is this...obviously the mass I have isn't big enough to make me look 6 months pregnant...but I DO look six months pregnant, but am not pregnant. It's SOOOO embarrassing. What then is it that makes one bloat so much? I've read about ascites (fluid in the pelvic area from ovarian cancer)? Or, is it possible to have a cyst large enough that can go undetected and mistaken for another organ? Standing up, when I palpate my abdomen, the inner surface feels hard and doesn't give way, like fat does.

I'm also short of breath often, and I'm not overweight. I drink electrolyte enhanced water all the time but i still feel as if I have pregnancy edema. I wake up and ALL of my sheets are marked,

Thank you for everyone's insight.

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1079822 tn?1276489161
I just want to find out. If anyone of you felt flutters or muscle spasms? I was told I have fibroids and had laparoscopy to remove my right ovary because it has a cysts. After that, i started feeling flutters in the area where my uterus is. Then it started moving up like right by my navel area. And then I started to notice that my lower ab is getting bigger. I'm thinking that my fibroids have grown some. Does anyone ever have this same experience?
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Hi Melly, my name is also Mel, I work out at the gym 4 days a week, walk everywhere with my 2 and 4 year old, eat well but I look pregnant now too! Had a smear done today and according to the doctor with my heavy period bleeding, (I have to change every 30 mins for 3 days and blood clotting), that I might have fibroids, so getting the ultra sound done on Friday, bloods as well. My clothes don't fit anymore and I don't know why, so am at the beginning of the process and have read this forum and theres heaps of good information...it doesn't sound life threatening just a process of elimination and dealing with what our bodies are telling us.
Have you had blood tests done? I'm in Australia and my doctor has been very efficient with the testing suggestions. Will wait and see now, but knowing that somethings not right, I'll keep asking the questions.
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i get asked all the time when i am due,.....i look 5 months pregnant and skinny,toned everywere except my belly
i run 10k 5 times a week/50 minutes, i do weights,sit ups,fit ball, watch what i eat.
i take IBS tabllets, drink peppermint, green tea, eat loads of fish vegetables dont eat fat why i am i like this???
dr has tested me for ovarian cancer and it was negative, nothing showed up on an utrasound.
i have 2 children 5yrs and 2yrs i am now at a loose end any ideas????
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Twitch, we sound like twins. Tonight while swimming the lifeguard said it must be nice on my back to be swimming. i couldn't figure out what she was talking about until I realized she thought I was pregnant. I am always getting this. I too am on diabetes meds with no results. Was on birth control for PCOS but had pulmonary embolii and can no longer take hormones due to a blood clotting disorder. I am going for a physical in a few weeks and after reading all of this I'm going to ask about cysts and other potential growths.
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