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Large Cyst hanging off of Right Ovary

Hi All, I went to a doc for sciatica like symptoms and after an MRI and cat scan, I was told I have a very large cyst hanging from my right ovary.  I'm going to an oncology surgeon on Tuesday.  I was also told they couldn't determine if this was ovarian cancer by film.  So, I will most likely need to have surgery and a biopsy.  I have other symptoms of bloating, however, leg--back--and groin pain have disappeared.  I am quite frightened.  I have 2 children and a wonderful loving husband who is freaking as his mom died of ovarian cancer when he was a child. My cyst is quite large (at least the size of a baseball..bigger I believe the doc said.  Anyway, has anyone had a similar story?  I saw this site after doing some research.  Look forward to any input or advice.  Wishing the best for all who post here.
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That should have said herniated disc and 5 cm cyst!
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My gyno dr burrows found a small cyst last October when I made her remove my mirena - which is known to cause cysts. I was experiencing excruciating pain in the abdominal area which she kept telling me was not the mirena. Anyway had it out then she tells me there is a small cyst in the ovary. Experienced sciatica for 6 months following the a her Jared disc. Ended up in emergency unable to walk. Saw a neurosurgeon for the back and asked to see my gyno Anna burrows for the pelvic pain and never heard from her throughout my week stay in hospital. Two months later after trying to see gyno numerous times had to wait 3 months even though she knew there was a cyst. They told me to go to emergency if it got worse. Two months later had ruptured disc and excruciating sciatic pain could not walk. Ended up having back surgery to fix ruptured disc and luckily neurosurgeon ordered pelvic MRI found 5th cyst in right ovary the side I'd had all trouble with. Changed gynos and having cyst removed ASAP. Listen to your body some doctors have god complexes and think patients are stupid. Think if cyst had been attended to would have avoided back issues and back surgery. Keep going til you find a doctor who listens.
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My gyno dr burrows found a small cyst last October when I made her remove my mirena - which is known to cause cysts. I was experiencing excruciating pain in the abdominal area which she kept telling me was not the mirena. Anyway had it out then she tells me there is a small cyst in the ovary. Experienced sciatica for 6 months following the a her Jared disc. Ended up in emergency unable to walk. Saw a neurosurgeon for the back and asked to see my gyno Anna burrows for the pelvic pain and never heard from her throughout my week stay in hospital. Two months later after trying to see gyno numerous times had to wait 3 months even though she knew there was a cyst. They told me to go to emergency if it got worse. Two months later had ruptured disc and excruciating sciatic pain could not walk. Ended up having back surgery to fix ruptured disc and luckily neurosurgeon ordered pelvic MRI found 5th cyst in right ovary the side I'd had all trouble with. Changed gynos and having cyst removed ASAP. Listen to your body some doctors have god complexes and think patients are stupid. Think if cyst had been attended to would have avoided back issues and back surgery. Keep going til you find a doctor who listens.
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I too have had trouble with simple cysts.  I had a partial hysterectomy august 2008 and I have done so good.  Well the other day I just thought I was mainly constipated and took and exlax, well it worked but I still had major abdominal pain, nausea, and tremendous back pain.  So my husband took me to the Emergency Room and they thought it my be kidney stones so the done a ct scan and blood work.  Turns out I have a softball size cysts or tumor on left ovary.  Going to the gynecologist tomorrow July 8th 2010 and hopefully they will find something out.  I too have had trouble with lower back pain all of my life and they told me that cysts would not cause that well not I am like all of you and totally believe that it is the cause of my lower back pain, nausea, pain during intercourse, leg cramping,etc.  I am so glad to read stories wrote by people going through the same thing.  I am 33 mother and step-mother to 5 wonderful kids which have been great through this whole thing.  They love to take care of me when I am bed ridden.  Thank you community.
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I'm 15 and I have an ovarian cyst on my right ovary. I've always thought I was just rather large my whole life. Recently, I've been having problems with high blood pressure and extremely heavy periods that would last maybe 2 weeks and would happen sometimes more than once a month. I got an ultrasound yesterday and they found a cyst that is 30cm in diametre but they saw no signs of it being cancerous. I'm scedualed for a catscan sometime this week. Honestly, I'm just trying to think of this as the lyposurgery I've always wanted, hahaha! Just trying to be as optimistic as I can about this situation...
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Hi , im only 14 & i have a large syst on both my ovaries , i really am scared plus where i live all the doctors suck & everything is taking so long i find more every appt. More worse things ! I just want 2 get rid of it & i also had lower back pains & the doc was tellinf me it would go away & i said i wanted a MRI & the doc said it wasnt needed but my mom brought me anyways , went 2 the other doc. After tje MRI & THEY ( mpt the MRI doc ) told me i jad the L syst . Went 2 the doc 4 an ultra sound & they twll me i have 1 on each ovary . Its all just the worst
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Hello everyone, when i was 16 weeks pregnant i had an ultrasound and they found a cyst on my right ovary that was the size of a basketball and weighed 12 lbs! Had to have emergency surgery and the removal of my right ovary (so i thought) baby was fine through surgery by the way... Now i am having stomach pains and pressure on my right side, never had these symptoms with my other cyst, and I also have pains in my legs and back quite often. had an ultrasound yesterday and they said i have a large ovarian cyst on my RIGHT ovary... how can this be if it was removed? Gonna find out on Monday i guess. wish me luck!
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I too have complained with severe lower back pain - for years.  I went to the emergency room one night and still nothing was found.  I have pain in my abdomin and severe cramps during my period.  Two years ago I was put on anxiety medications because my hormones were out of control.  They thought they found a cyst and I went in for several sonograms over a few months.  I was told they wold resolve on their own.  Now they have found one on my right ovary the size of a plum or larger.  My periods have been ranging from 30-45 days apart.  LAst month I only spotted.  I have an appointment set up the first of August with the oncologist.  It is such a relief to see that other women have had he same thing (I don't wish it on anyone, but what I am saying is that I thought I was crazy or somehing).  My husbadn would comment that I was sick all the time, my back, my legs, my stomach, etc...  I KNEW there was something, but no one could find anything.  It is all so frustrating.  
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I had right overy cyst and operated in June 27 2008 now i feel pain in back and stomach, i did ultersound, it shows that multiple cyst shown on left overy. kindly suggest what to do now ????
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619617 tn?1221391447

I'm 33 years old.,I had four fibroids removed in 06,I was told last week that I now have a fibroid and a cyst on my right ovaries.I'm taking clomid and metformin.I read on the internet that clomid makes your cyst larger.I'm always in pain in my pelvic area and I suffer from lower back pain.I have to take pain pills after sex with my husband.I don't see my doctor again until October 8th.I don't want to wait that long.Should I check myself into thwe hospital?
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I had my right ovary removed last July due to a tumor. I was also told that I have endometriosis. For the last 6 or 7 periods, I've had pain/cramping where my right ovary used to be and, for the last two periods, when I try to put in a tampon, it hurts even worse. I'm, of course, going to see the doctor, but, I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.  
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356929 tn?1246389756
Figured you hadn't noticed..  I hope Island Dreaming's problems have resolved themselves !!! LOL
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117289 tn?1391712825
way too funny!
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356929 tn?1246389756
Hi.... Just wanted to point out that this thread started out threee years ago !!
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117289 tn?1391712825
Cysts can cause a wide variety of symptoms.  I am glad that you have a dr. who is taking you seriously and getting to the bottom of this.  Although 99% of cysts are benign, you are doing the right thing.  If a cyst is pressing even slightly on a nerve, you will get pain.  This pain can radiate from the hip down your leg.  I would have so much pain when I would try to get out of my chair at work.  I looked like a little old lady hunched over!  Also, cysts can cause your hormones to go haywire, triggering acid reflux, heart palpitations and many other symptoms.  Anyway, only pathology will tell what the cyst is.  We are here for you and please keep us posted
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Hi everyone

I'm really confused as I've had back pain on my right side now for nearly a year.  A recent scan showed I have a small kidney stone but only 5mm and they say it would not cause such pain.  Other symptoms such as fatigue and breathlessness and feeling sick all the time but also slightly overweight.  5 years ago I had my left ovary removed with a cyst the size of a melon and they also realised I have endemetriosis.  Seeing the doctor later this week and got a feeling they will say they don't know what's wrong!  Recent blood tests showed I have a renal problem but the scan shows my kidneys to be fine apart from the small stone.  I'm confused.

Any ideas or anyone with similar experiences?
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I have cyst on my right ovary didnt know till I had a ct scan for kidney stones this is my second time for having cyst. first time had to have surgery it was white like pearl I dont know cause wondering if cause I had my tubes tied so young. I have alot lower back pain not sure if its from kidney stones or cyst dont go to gyno till 5th aug I would really like to have my tubes untied wondering if they could as preventive cause I dont have the money to get them untied from clinic that does that
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Hi! decided to have the Hysterectomy, Abdominal with Extensive Retroperitoneal dissection, Abdominal pelvic floor repair.  Spent 4 days in hospital. Home 1 week feel fine, just a little sore, able to sleep on side. Health system in Australia is more accessible than the US. I had all the necessary tests available. I was very fortunate to have had a Doctor who explored all options & did not hesitate to operate within 1 week of seeing me. I go back for a 6 week checkup. I sincerely thank this forum for vital information & support. It is vital to get more than 1 medical opinion.
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Had a CT Lumbar Spine for possible siactica, resulted in finding a 10cm simple cyst. Hospilized for a D7C Laparoscopy, found that the cyst was a complex one joined to the bladder. Being hospilized on Tuesday for a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy, removal both ovaries & tubes, division adhesions, suspension vaginal vault. Through research on net I am now confused about weather this is the right decision. My Gyno. feels that this is the best way to go. I feel a little relieved knowing that there is something there after seeing a doctor for over 2 years. I finally changed Doctor's who sent me for the CT Lumbar Spine. I am diapointed to hear & read that women's pain is not taken seriously by the Doctor. If the findings are not good then I will be referred to an Oncologist.
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I suffered for quite sometime with low back pain. A friend who is a chiropractor did x-rays and said I had 2 herniated disks. I knew it was more than that. After weeks of physical therapy for the disks, the pain was so bad I made an appt. with the gynocologist. She did an ultra sound and discovered that I had an ovarian cyst that had ruptured. I have since had another cyst with the same symptoms. I get mostly low back pain and pain in my legs. You aren't alone.
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If the mass on your ovary is indeed a cyst, then please comfort yourself with the knowledge that only 1 to 2 percent of cysts are found to be malignant.    Still, it is good to have a surgeon experienced in specialized gyn/onc surgery; in the rare event that cancer is discovered, then such a surgeon  is best prepared to remove as much of the cancer as possible.

Yes, cysts can press against nerves and cause pains that run in the hip and down the leg.
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Hi. I also have a large cyst on the right ovary (grapefruit sized) that needs to come out, I also have abdominal and back pain, as well as a whole host of nasty gastrointestinal things going on.  Have you had an ultrasound to determine the nature of the cyst (i.e. is it simple or complex, etc?) MRI's and CT's are great for seeing things but not for determining the nature of fluid filled things.  Ultrasound is much better for that.
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It does affect pretty bad the lower back. I have 2.8 cm cyst just discovered and I was given naproxen and tramadol with no relief. IS the sciatic nerve that is affected that's way in  some cases the pain is on the lower back. I am still waiting on specialist to see me and then see what they can do. Kinda freaking about having a surgery but if that will help i will go for. So I know what you are going thru Bailey...
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My internist told me a cyst or fibroid CAN cause sciatic like symptoms such as you and I have experienced.  Funny thing is the bone doctor I originally saw about these symptoms prescribed Naproxen and sent me for an MRI.  I would've never known I had such a large cyst on my ovary if I didn't have that MRI and later the cat scan.  The Naproxen seemed to help my sciatic like pains for the moment at least.  I'm no longer taking it though in case I might need immediate surgery.  I would think if the cyst is the culprit of your pain your doctor should give you several options of course to take.  Good Luck!
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