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Ovarian cyst and lower back and abdomen pain...

I was diagnosed with an Ovarian Cyst (1.5cm) about 6 months ago.  The doctor put me on Birth Control in hopes to decrease the size of the cyst and to hopefully thin my uterus lining some because it was very thick.  Over the past few months I have had much pain in my lower back and my monthly cramping has become very intesnse to the point that it is hard to function normally without some strong meds.  The ovary was on my right side and I am due to go back for my second ultrasound the end of this month.  I guess my question is with all this pain I am going thru should I be concerned....or is this normal.  I do not have children and have never been pregnant and I have just turned 32.  I am just confused...if I am not on the pill it is painful when I ovulate when I am on the pill my lower back and right side kill me.  What do I do and what questions should I ask.  The nurse told me that if I didnt go on the pill then they would not do another ultrasound.....WHY?  She sugessted a DNC maybe in the future.  Can someone please shed some light on this for me?
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Unfortunately, tubals can cause heavier and/or prolonged bleeding which can lead to increased cramping. But endometriosis can also cause those symptoms and can only be diagnosed via surgery with biopsy.

Here are some links of pharmaceutical options for heavy bleeding along with each option's bleeding reduction %. Two of the options (tranexamic acid & NSAID's such as Motrin) are non-hormonal.
(second matches the first except that "Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRH-a)" is not included")    

I hope you can find something that helps. Keep us posted.
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Hello I am experiencing pain in the lower left abdomen that gets worse when I am ovulating.  This pain has been going on since the birth of my daughter 3 years ago. I have three children and had  a tubal ligation also 3 years ago during my csection.  I am 30 years old and the pain as become worse over the last 6 months...intercourse is now to painful so I haven't had that in at least 3 months.  I recently went to the doctors (since I always push my appointments off , and she did an ultrasound in the office to find a 3cm ("simple" ??)cyst on my left ovary.  She also stated that all the symptoms I was describing sounded like endometrious,  She told me the only way that this was  diagnosed was by a surgery or biopsy.  The ovary should shrink with birth control pills she stated and I told her that birth control pills always give me horrible side effects and thats why I had a tubal at 27......she didnt really listen to my concern and prescribed me the pills and told me to take them.  I took the pills for one week.....they were horrible nausea,  vomiting, charlie horses during the night breast tenderness, and my cramping also became worse.  I called the dr and made a new appt which I had today.  I told her the pills were too much and the symptoms were unbearable.  I have been on my period 3 times in the last 38 days!!!!! She stated that the only thing that could make my pain and bleeding go away was the birth control pills.......there has to be another option!! I listened to her opinion and she sent over a script for the nuva ring and told me to keep taking my Motrin 800.  I dont understand why she keeps pushing the birth control pills even tho I tell her I cant handle them!! I am having a second opion on thursday next week and was looking for some feed back into my problem if anyone can help.  Also have to go get another Ultrasound this week but cant seem to stop this bleeding first.  
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My appointment for my cysts, which i already know is the problem, is next week. I will let you all know what they find. Hopefully it will be helpful.
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I totally agree with you!! All i thought about the post was that the woman was foreign and was trying her very best. She was very sweet and just wanted to express herself fully plus get information. The person who posted the mean comment should realize that everyone on the internet might not know English that well, but from the things she said, she is the one who lacks intelligence and it is her that i have no respect for.
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All of you need to ask what kind if cysts you have. Not all cysts are benign. Again, start doing your own research. This information is all readily available on the internet.
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BC does not "shrink" cysts. Take this from someone who has spent time in the care of one of the best OBGYNs in the country (at the Mayo Clinic). BC stops you from ovulating, thus keeping you from from forming new cysts. You can verify this information anywhere on the internet. Your doctors prescribe because of this. Birth Control WILL NOT get rid of any cyst you already have.

Next they will do ultra sounds to look at the size and determine what kind of cyst you have. Those of you with cysts under 2cm, bless you. Mine is 8cm and requires surgery. P.S. surgery should always be a last resort. Be careful of that.

Fight for proper care ladies. You all deserve it.
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I'm 48 and have been having horrendous low back pain with some left ovarian pain as well. This has been going on for about 3 months now and seems to have come out of no where. In the beginning I went to my doctor and he suspected sacro ileitis thus placing me on a pretty heavy duty steroid pack. It gave me very little relief and for only a short time. I might also mention that I was taking an NSAID. Then about a month ago I passed a kidney stone and developed severe nephrolithiasis (kidney infection) left kidney and had to start a round of antibiotics. This kidney pain was completely different from the back pain and pelvic pain I have been unrelieved of all along. With the kidney infection now behind me, and the debilitating back/hip/pelvic pain, I went ahead with a pelvic MRI my doc had ordered for me to check out the SI question. My spine is perfectly healthy which was imaged however the Rad found a quickly growing left ovarian cyst. It went from 1.5 cm 8 days earlier to 3.9 cm. We followed this up the same day with an ultrasound and found the cyst to be simple and benign in appearance. I am now on birth control pills in an attempt to shrink the cyst. BTW I had a hysterectomy about 15 years ago due to fibroids and cervical issues which resulted from a LEETZ procedure that went bad. I made the decision to keep my ovaries then as many women do. We peeked the other day by ultrasound to see if it was shrinking after about week of B.C. pills. They couldn't see the cyst so they think it may have resolved. However, I beg to differ as I'm the one with NO relief from the pain. It wakes me up at night every time I try to roll from side to back, etc. It mainly hurts when I lay on my sides and laying on my tummy is out of the question. I get some relief when laying on my back. It is not colon issues as I had a scope about 7 months ago just prior to a pretty major hemorrhoidectomy. I don't know if it may have attached itself to a ligament on the abdominal/pelvic wall and that could be causing the excruciating pain when moving my torso from side to side. It hurts when sitting and shifting positions. It's worse first thing in the a.m. and in fact, I can hardly get out of bed because of the pain. After a short while of being up, it gets much easier to get around but I've honestly never had such pain as this. It's very bothersome and worrisome. I've wondered if adhesions could possibly be causing this also? Though from what I understand, that can only be detected by surgery. Any ideas? I don't usually post in forums like this but after reading so many other stories here, I can just really sympathize with everyone here experiencing this issue. Ladies, it is NOT in your head nor are you pain pill seekers. That is how they make you feel though. I've generally been pretty healthy and in fact I'm a fairly small person (5 ft and weigh a healthy 135) so it's not like it's hard to see everything with ultrasound. I hope the contraceptives work to shrink this darn thing! I can't get in to a gynecologist for another couple of weeks but believe me, I've considered going to the ER as this just isn't normal. I seldom EVER go there either - maybe 4 times in like 20 years. It seems to be more debilitating as the days go by. In the meantime, it's kind of nice to realize that others experience the same symptoms.
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Good Lord, WTF is wrong with you?  I see that you are so ignorant you didn't even read her entire post - she has 3 kids.  Obviously she doesn't know how to spell as great as you do, and I highly doubt her spelling area are just to be "cool".  If you're such a brainiac you'd have caught onto all of that, and you would also know a thing or two about cyber bullying.  So, with that said, I am going to call you a heartless loser ***** that doesn't deserve to be alive because what goes around, comes around.  I'd bet my next pay cheque (which is probably more than your idiot husband's), that you're just an insecure housewife with mental issues and nothing better to do than troll message boards as an internet tough-girl.  So why don't you leave the ovarian cyst discussion and lay down some productive posts in a topic that will address your real issues like 'sociopaths, anonymous' or 'ignorant ******* that should be licensed to reproduce'.  Ta ta now.
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Perhaps she is from a different culture and may not know the language well, therefore your comment is really nasty and uncalled for. Although the spelling isn't good she still has a right to voice her own personal concern and earn the sympathy as everyone else has.

From: a kind hearted person.
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Wow! I really hope you are intentionally typing that way because you think its cool or whatever and its not because you cant spell or are not intellectual enough to spell the easiest words in the english language . For one if you cannot spell properly educate yourself! Especially if you want or are trying to have children! I am sorry but I read a post like yours and I have to laugh because you make yourself sound stupid. And I think its on purpose. I'm sorry sweetheart but whoever told you being intelligent wasn't cool lied to you! Men like intelligent women well REAL men do. I'm married to an amazing gorgeous sweet intelligent man. And you know what he respects me more because I have a brain and I'm not afraid to use it. If you keep going through life acting like you can't spell or speak right no-one willl have any sort of respect for you. So have some respect for yourself. I would be completely embarrassed if my children ever read something like that if I wrote a post like yours. In all honesty it just sounds immature,ghetto,uneducated. Honestly, get some self respect.
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Hi there,  I had alot of pain abdominal, lawer back most time right side. psss 11mths. Been thru 5 ultrasound 3CT. Firs dr found. 2.1mmFibroids in my uterus,  but dr say though fine! Too small not gonna cost me this muchs pain on my abdominal& lower back, stay home 2day later had pain again,  throwup, hand fett chill I mean cold like been.  holding ice in my hand!.. go immergency Rm. Run. all test so they still see Fibroid in my uterus but. smaller this time 1.7mm.  Get me some. For pain. then send me home. And say I need see OB for follow up!  So I did. Then he get pap smar, done and 2more one x-ray ultrasound, got call back, now hr say didn't see no fibroid but found somr else,  HuH ..what the ¥₩=%%%~... now I have right renal cyst, & rupture right ovarian cyst/ follicle.  So I didn't fell right, change dr. Then to GI dr.  Order colonscopy stll wailing call back!  So I get women dr. She do ultrasound and right awsy she see fibroid in my uterus she say again too small not going cost mr that muchs pain! So now I say I know every women had different thickness of line ner of uterus.  Either fibroid big or small could cost trouble for some women too. Then she check over my rihht ovarian  soon she. touch my ovarian I scream then shr stop! & say my right ovarian too big!  Right away she strat talk about I have too get surgery.  Or freeze the cyst.  But madical card didn't cover I have to pay on my own. Now im stuck!  Guess I have to live with this till I have money!  Sigle mom 3kids.cant work!  Too muchs I hardly walk bathroom myself,  had throwup , pasout be for, went driveing, now im scared to drive myself.  Can anyone's tell me what I should do.  And for all womens been throw same!  Stay strong ,pray and God bless you all.
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Hi I was reading your post n just was wondering u was bleeding alit after surgery or before . Im 24 and my doc told mr I have 3 cyst on my pelvic area n 2 on my uterus that measure 5 cm.. Im scared cause I mever had one any where..
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I was put on the pill after having my cyst removed which grew to 27cm! I had my ovary, cyst, fallopian tube and one and a half feet of bowel removed. When I went for my first scan it was the size of an orange and grew very quickly over the following week or so. I was lucky and recovered quickly from the op. I have had cyst since varying from 1cm to 5cm in size. None of theses have caused me any bother. I feel very lucky as things could of been slot worse! I was warned I could wake up from the op with a  colonstomy bag, thank god that wasn't the case. This was 10yrs ago now, it's certainly something I won't forget.  
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I am 28 years old and have been dealing with ovarian cysts since I was 15... getting close to half my life now.  While I have had years inbetween each rupture, the last 5 years seem to be getting worse.  I had a 7cm cyst on my left ovary rupture about 5 years ago, at that time when they did the ultrasounds they found a "chocolate" cyst on my right ovary.  They told me (and since I have tlaked to Doctors who have proclaimed this man an idiot) that it is a medical fact that women with ovarian cysts never have more than 2 rupture in their lifetime, this was my third not counting the "chocolate" cyst. I decided not to go through with the surgery he wanted to do because I had talked to other women who went to him for exploratory surgery like he wanted to do with me, and they came out of surgery missing one or both ovaries. I graduated college, and put it behind me, but about 2 weeks ago it has started again. I suspect I have had a couple little ones (1cm is my guess due to the small amount of pain afterward in comparison) rupture, but everytime I go to the OB they tell me they don't see anything or feel anything in the pelvic exam and they just tell me to take Ibuprofen if I feel pain.  2 weeks ago, while sitting in class at my law school I had one rupture on my left side during class.  I went the very next day (1st available appt) to my new OB/GYN and she did an ultra-sound and found a cyst on my right ovary about the size of a small apple she said.  She told me it is a functional cyst and that it is "bleeding into itself" which she said could be painful, but not to worry about it.  She told me just to go get it rescanned in December.  This was all well and good with me because I knew from experience that it would either rupture or shrink up on its own. Now I am worried though because after a few days I was feeling better, no pain for two days straight, figured I was in the clear.  Then all of a sudden last Friday when I got home from classes it happened again, on the left side.  When she did the ultrasound she couldn't even find my left ovary but found something to the left (which really didnt look like anything to me) and said "I think thats your ovary."  I have read horror stories from women whose cyst was so big that they didn't see it all on the ultrasound because it had attached itself to the wall of their abdomens.  I am really scared that this is what happened to me.  In the last two days/three nights I have been having horrific pain in my lower back, one either side at a time, but never both sides.  I was really scared that it could be something wrong with my kidneys, but instinctually convinced myself it was because of the ovary.  I don't know what to do because I've already had Doctors tell me its in my head, that they didn't see anything so there's nothing there.  I'm, unfortunately, an HMO subscriber and don't have choices of doctors to go to.  I go to a large hospital chain where everything's in the computers and they always re-diagnose whatever the previous doctor had done.  They never stray or contradict each other (at least so far in my experience).  I can't study on heavy pain killers, but neither the naproxen nor the ibuprofen are helping with the pain.  I am missing my second day of classes today because of this pain and we're only allowed 4 absenses before being dropped from the class (each class costs about $4000/semester).  The pain in my back seems to be the worst when I'm lying on my side, or walking and radiates straight through my hip joints (which are frequently in pain anyway due to  unrelated issues) and feels like nothing else I've ever felt!  I was seriously starting to think this was all in my head, but now I see many other women with the same pain. What have any of you said to your doctors to get them to realize the severity of this problem and show them that its not just in your heads?
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Is there any update on your condition?  I am in a very similar situation.  Have been having problems for about 2 years, been told everything like my pain is due to my duodenal ulcer, to it is IBS, to it is just temporary pain from the cyst but over all this time I have consistently had a cyst on my right ovary (and every technique to visualize it, it appears a little larger).  It isn't that big overall though at about 2cm x 2cm.  The frustrating thing for me is that most of my pain is on my left side, especially in my lower back.  It has gotten so bad that I am recently (the last couple weeks) to the point of relying on percocet to get through the day and to sleep at night which I hate because it makes me very constipated which means taking other meds to deal with that.  I should mention I am 35, no children, and I have had colonoscopy due to the fact that there is a family history of colon cancer.  Anyway, I keep having doctors treating me like this is in my head or that I am looking for pain meds which couldn't be further from the truth.  I have only had one surgery in the pelvic area (unless you count colonoscopy and then it is 2) and that surgery was a laparoscopy about 15 years ago so I don't think this is due to that.  I have never had a history of endometriosis or overly painful periods (as far as my pain scale is concerned which I have been told I am pretty tolerant of pain) so I have a hard time believing docs when they suggest that maybe this is due to endometriosis.  Anyway, another gyn appoint. tomorrow and an appt with a specialist to talk about a laparoscopy next week.  I desperately need this pain to end as I have never felt anything like this pain before in my life.  Please update me on what the docs told you and I hope and pray it was all good news!  :)
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You may also have kidney stones they can go from uncomfortable pain, to pain where you need to be sent strait to the er. II get kidney stones alot and what your going through sounds like the same thing to me
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I to have the same problem with lower back pain and it travels down my right leg! Also my lower stomach aches. I have just had a CT scan and it came back with a few cysts on both ovaries (right side has a few more or bigger). The gyno I went to on Friday has put me on the pill for 3 months to try to srink them. I have only been on the pill for 4 days and the pain has gotten way werse and is unbearable. I have had this pain now for alomst 2 years and I am soo over it!!!
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1316053 tn?1279509497
Can anyone help me with what may be wrong with me?
Continuing on from all my above comments, I have this horrible stitch like pain near my left ovary, and down into my groin. It's worst in the morning before I go to the toilet, but then it's there all day. Everytime I push to go to the toilet, cough or even walk it hurts.
Could this be a cyst, my schiatica coming through to the front, or my IBS (a serious problem with my bowel)?
I am really worried it is something bad, and if it's a cyst, that it could rupture, or if it's a blockage in my bowel, it could rupture (very dangerous).
Does anyone have any suggestions, PLEASE!!!!!!!
I have other problems (one being the month before last, I didn't get my period, and I thought I was pregnant. Pregnancy tests done were negative, and I got my next period, that finished about 4 days ago)
Because of other problems also, I have a gynecologist appointment on Friday, and right before that appointment, I am having a gynecological ultrasound done. I will mention this new problem to her.
I have read though, that it is not common to get a cyst if you are on the contraceptive pill. Does anyone know how true this is? Do my symptoms sound like anyone else's?
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        Had a cyst burst before Easter and still have so many issues. Had basicly no symptoms before it bursting. Now I have pain to the right side of the belly button. I have digeative problems. I still have a endometioma on my right side and more complex cysts on my left side. Had fluid in my pelvic are after the burst for many weeks afterward. Have had ulta sound, mri and a uterine biopsy. Am having a repeat ulta sound in a few weeks. The pain on the right to my belly button is the worst and pain in my right hip. If anyone has exsperiance the belly pain please let me know. I was starting to think that maybe I have a hernia but I did not have this pain untill things had burt. Thanks Bea
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im 38 years old  9 years ago i went to the hostital  n they toll me that i got cysts in my left ovary. they gave me pills and i never went back to the doctor. a year ago i start felling bad i went to the clinic and i still have those cysts. now my lower back hurts so bad my abdominal and im so scare to meke love it hurts alot.
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Why is a 10 year old posting and not getting help from her parents about OBGYN problems? Jenna if you are still reading this post go to a nurse at school right away!

As for myself- I came across this thread with same issues. Back pain unbearable and I feel guilty even asking for Percocets or more. These days doctors think you are just trying to score medications. It's been 4 months since my first trip to ER and now a flare up. Abdomen is sore, bloated feeling, feeling as if I must use the bathroom when I don't, and the most hellatious back pain, which was worse than labor pains. I still wish to have more children, so all my OB's advice about just getting the ovaries removed etc. is OUT OF THE QUESTION. Seems to me that bottom line- ovarian cysts cause lower back pain. And enough other issues in that area to cause us all to be confused as to what's going on. It's still just the cysts I'm sure thats causing the havoc. Just a shame there's really nothing much any of us can do about it but just deal.
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I am too having the same problem!! I started my menstrual cycle on wednesday and was in so much pain I didn't move off my couch all day!! I also have a cyst that is 1.8 cm on my right ovary and a 3cm cyst on my left. All the pain was in my lower right side, in my back and radiated down my left leg!! Last month it was so bad I ended up in the ER!! I have also been diagnosed with HPV with low squamous cells on my cervix which I am waiting to get a colposcopy on. Like you ladies I just want to feel normal again. Hope everything goes well for everyone!!
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I am also having pain in my lower back and abdomen. i went to Doctor and i did urine test which was showing blood  in the urine, i am very scare and taking antibiotic and Monday i have another appointment. If any one have the same problem or have any idea please tell me.
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Its interesting to read all your experiences. I had a complicated cyst removed 9 weeks ago and to date i am experiencing frequent terrible back aches and pain on the left side of my abdomen which was not there before my operation. My periods pains are so so intense it even affects my left leg.

what bothers me is that i am in more pain now than i was before my operation. Could there be something wrong or its part of the healing process.
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