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Are Butrans patches good for long term chronic pain?

I have been told by the NHS pain management clinic at my local hospital to try Butrans 7 day patches. Has anyone tried these patches and could let me know if they work.I have a 20 year back problem, have had many steroid injections and nerve blocks, many different drug therapies and physical therapy. I am currently taking 8 co-codamol 30/500 tablets,900mg gabapentin and up to 6 Baclofen a day, occasionally amitriptaline to help me sleep. I can't take anti-inflamatories anymore due to stomache problems with them. I get very little side effects on opiates generally and my current painkillers only deaden the pain for about 2 hours. How does Butrans patches rate against codeine for nerve pain? Any other ideas on treatment to help with the pain would be appreciated.
31 Responses
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Im using the butrans 20mg  7 day patch for osteoarthritis  of the knees ...the 20mg is equivalent  to taking 8 co-drydomal tablets a day.....just easier via patch rather than swollowing pills.
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hi i have patches on prescription  35 micrograms transdermal patch i have very bad fma and it helps me thanx
hope this helps
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I was recently put on Butrans patches for unremitting pain due to psoriatic arthritis. Also having Crohn's disease, I am unable to take either NSAIDS, or Advil.  I used it for 3 days and it was like I had gotten my life back. No throbbing pain 24/7, and I could again lift weights without excruciating, debilitating pain in my shoulders. I could stand up all day in my job as a surgical tech, and it was a breeze. No horrific pain in my ankles, knees, or lower back.

I am not, however, allowed to have one on at work and am forbidden to use them while at work. I can't put up with it much longer. It's been about 6 years now, and I'm reaching the end of my rope.
My only choice is to either go on disability, or try and work while in unrelenting pain. My place of employment gives me no other choice. I am seriously thinking of choosing the Butrans pain patch and telling my employer to go jump.

Yeah, IMHO they are that good. The only effect I had for 2 days was a weird "loopiness". Yeah, kind of stoned but not really. This went away in a couple of days, and then I was left with a constant tiredness, but nothing I couldn't live with. It's better than being in agony all the time.  I was on the 10mg patch (7 day patch).  Hope this helps.
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Hi there, I have been on the BuTrans patches for over a year now, they do the trick (get rid of the pain) most of the time. My advice for the skin reaction you are getting is ALWAYS use a different area when you change over. Also, there is a drug called Temgisic that you put under your tongue - this is actually the same med as the patches & they work well together if you need extra pain killing, as all back pain sufferes will agree.
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I had scoliosis with a 4 1/2" curvature I was in pain constantly I had back surgery 2 years ago and now have rods from between my shoulder blades down to the tail bone my tail bone is fused to my first vetabrae.  I have been on several muscle relaxers for night time to help me sleep. I also was taking 10/325mg hydrocodone about 5 to 6 day. I started on the fentanyl patches 25mg then 50mg and they worked after using them for a month. Then due to being allergic to adhesives and the fact that the fentanyl patches are only good for 3 days and the medicine only actually last 2 outta 3 days so yes on the 3rd day I would have to take one maybe two pain pills that day but my pain pills were reduced to 5/500mg, the other two days I was pill free. Then the dr. put me on the butrans patch it was to last 7 days and the medicine was dispensed differently, unlike fentanyl the medicine is through out the patch not just sitting in the center of the patch. The butrans made me just about pain free although it does take a month to get in to your system too. It does work I will always have some pain but it is tolerable pain I don't have to take many pain pills and on occasion I take my night time pills to help me sleep. The only problem I have had with the butrans patch is I am on my third month using it and I am now experiencing blisters were the patch sits extremly intolerable itching the day after I put it on and at times I even have seeping that comes from under the patch. It litterly is burning my skin. I don't know if any one else has had this problem and I'm not sure if it is just because I am allergic to adhesives. But as much as it does work for the pain in my back I am going back to the fentanyl patches. I did kinda experience withdrawls from my pain pills when I started using the patches but once they were in my system I was ok you can start telling they are working after the second week. I hope this helps you and anyone else.
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butrans has been a life-saver for me. I cant take enough pills to make me pain -free but the patches are ace
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Yook Butrans for about 2 weeks and it was awful.  No.1, id did nothing to control the pain.  No 2, it caused breathing difficulties. No 3, it caused extreme agitation.  Went back to a low does Duragesic patch and the anxiety disappeared, no breathing difficulties and the pain was under better control.  As a rule I detest all forms of pain medication as I do not like the out-of-body feeling, but some pain just has to be controlled to prevent one from having a stroke.  
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I have been on the Butrans patch for a week and a half. I had to take it off today. I have been suffering headaches, feverish chills, confusion and a thick toung feeling just to name a few problems. This being a weekend I must wait until tom to try and notify the doctor. They helped with the pain, but I am affraid they are not combining well with my heart and thyroid medication. Right now I am so weak and tired I can hardly do this research.
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I have been on the Butrans patch for a week and a half. I had to take it off today. I have been suffering headaches, feverish chills, confusion and a thick toung feeling just to name a few problems. This being a weekend I must wait until tom to try and notify the doctor. They helped with the pain, but I am affraid they are not combining well with my heart and thyroid medication. Right now I am so weak and tired I can hardly do this research.
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I am on 30mg butrans patches and yes to cocodamol I still take them however I tend only to take 1 and 2 at night.
I wonder if anyone is suffering side effects from patched I'm struggling to function properly on day to day things that u just have to do.
Problem is they atarting to work for pain but not sure I can stand side effects any linger I'm pretty sure I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms now from previous medication.
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I am on 30mg butrans patches and yes to cocodamol I still take them however I tend only to take 1 and 2 at night.
I wonder if anyone is suffering side effects from patched I'm struggling to function properly on day to day things that u just have to do.
Problem is they atarting to work for pain but not sure I can stand side effects any linger I'm pretty sure I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms now from previous medication.
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Im using 20mg Butran patch and told to take paracetamol  NOT co-drydomal as they contain codeine
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I just have to say... I have severe problems with my back and neck and have been on and off all different MAJOR pain meds and muscle relaxers... round the click for almost 8 years .. on/off before that 28 years ... the BuTrans patch 10mcg patch is SO FAR the BEST this to come into my life .. my Px specialist put me on the 5mcg same day I quit taking all my other stuff .. don't get me wrong I was very doubt full that this little thing could replace and actually work any better then the other crap... BuTrans is class III ... I made all kinds of excuses why I didn't want to try it ... but now that I have I look back and say to myself " it takes away your pain why not try it. Now I'm not a prisoner to my pill bottles" LOVE IT!!!!!!!
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I just have to say... I have severe problems with my back and neck and have been on and off all different MAJOR pain meds and muscle relaxers... round the click for almost 8 years .. on/off before that 28 years ... the BuTrans patch 10mcg patch is SO FAR the BEST this to come into my life .. my Px specialist put me on the 5mcg same day I quit taking all my other stuff .. don't get me wrong I was very doubt full that this little thing could replace and actually work any better then the other crap... BuTrans is class III ... I made all kinds of excuses why I didn't want to try it ... but now that I have I look back and say to myself " it takes away your pain why not try it. Now I'm not a prisoner to my pill bottles" LOVE IT!!!!!!!
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I was put on these patches since last year due to injury to my back 20 yrs ago.Over the years i have just plodded on as i have a high pain barrier as i am told. Now having a collapsed spine where i fractured it I thought no problem just get on with it Lyn I also have osteoporosis and arthiritis I am 52 and have been told i have bones of a 70 year old but hey  at least i am here.
I take Ibropufen 600mg co codamol both 3 times a day as well as the patches and was o.k at first but now i got a build up of butrans in my system 10mg i have asked my GP who I have to ring every 2 weeks to go down to 5mg due to being spaced out when awake and sleepy and sleeping for more than 3/4 z of the day for at least 3 days this frightened me and didnt want to be like this and even though the pain is getting stronger again i still dont want to live a life like this.I will just have to smile through my teeth again till i wear them down.Does anyone feel like this.

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i have just been given butrans patches 5mcg and i take 1800mg gabapentin a day and 30/500 co codamol up to 8 a day. i have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but gp unsure now due to pain . it may be ms, though had mri.x 5 and no signs. can anyone give me advice i am so fed up it affecting my home life and i feel like an old women at 43 can i take the patches and my meds doc never said.

shaz x
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I have been in pain for 3 years since having 1/2 knee replacement due to osteoarthiritus, and just told to take co-drydomal until now as the pain has worsened my GP put me on the Butans 5mg patch and I must say I feel great just a little pain but nothing to stop me doing any thing,I can take co-drydomal as well.The pain just stopped would recommend these patches.
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Hi amci,

I'm going to ask you to PLEASE re-post your question on a thread of your own.  This Thread was done in 2007 about 3 1/2 years ago. Most of the posters haven't been here in more than 2 years. :{

If you will go to the top of the page and click on the Green rectangle that says "Post a Question" and then re-post, you will get MUCH better response as MOST people won't even look at an older post.

I'll be looking for your post..........Sherry
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I just started taking the bu trans patches. Started at a 10 dose. I was taking a lot of pain medication prior. It was really hard to just take the patch and I had to take some pain meds with it as I could not stand the pain. I am on day 2.5 and feel a little better but still not feeling any energy. I have to work on this so am worried as I am back to work tomorrow.
Does it get better? Can I take my hydromorphone with this 10 patch.

How long before I actually feel the meds working?
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1468316 tn?1286481952
I have been using the Butrans patches now for over 1 year I am using a 20 mcg and a 5 mcg they work great! I got them from the NHS Pain management team which has helped me quite a bit! I get my steroid injections and a few trigger spots then use the patches and I feel like I use to before my injury. So far I don't get any side effects besides a bit itching by the patches now and again. I have to say that the patches have given me a quality of life that I have not had for a long time.

I use to take 8-cocodamols 30/500 with the baclofen, and gabipenten nothing worked. Butrans patches allow me to get out of bed in the morning and I can go to work and do the job I love.

Now I only use the patches, baclofen and paracetamol. Good luck!!

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Thank you so so much for all your help and advice.now i know why i feel so odd after takeing the co-codamal.I am not going to take any more and just give the patches a chance to work hopefully..thank you again and have a great,peacefull wknd..best wishes kaz.
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Kaz - I've done some digging around the net about your original question. I think you should have discussion with your doctor. Firstly because of this warning given your blood test results show liver damage:

Hepatic impairment:

Buprenorphine is metabolised in the liver. The intensity and duration of its action may be affected in patients with impaired liver function. Therefore patients with hepatic insufficiency should be carefully monitored during treatment with BuTrans.

Patients with severe hepatic impairment may accumulate buprenorphine during BuTrans treatment. Consideration of alternate therapy should be considered, and BuTrans should be used with caution, if at all, in such patients.

The other thing I found was this which suggests the Co-Codamol isn't a very good idea to use at the same time as the patch regardless:

BuTrans should be used cautiously with: Other central nervous system depressants: other opioid derivatives (analgesics and antitussives containing e.g. morphine, dextropropoxyphene, codeine, dextromethorphan or noscapine). Certain antidepressants, sedative H1-receptor antagonists, alcohol, anxiolytics, neuroleptics, clonidine and related substances. These combinations increase the CNS depressant activity.

Now its probably nothing to worry about but its worth a chat with your GP I think.
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Thank you for your advice.I just got my blood results and the doc is worried about my liver.i dont drink at all and havent for many years.i have been takeing a lot of co-codamal so maybe thats why my liver is bad.I was a bit shocked when doc told me about my liver.i didnt even drink much when i was young,im now 47.thanks again so much.
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Kaz I can't answer your question about using both at once, don't know the answer sorry.

I just wanted to say PLEASE be careful not to exceed the stated dose of the Co-Codamol. As well the codeine it contains 500mg of paracetamol (acetaminophen) per tablet and its very easy to destroy your liver with that. In fact its the leading cause of acute liver failure.
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im on 10mg of butrans and still in pian..can i take my cocodamal with the patches? thanks k..pls anwser A.S.A.P
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