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1428373 tn?1301324636

Chronic Pain

I have had chrinc pain in my stomach for nearly 2 years. I have had stomach pain since I was 11, but it has been constant since Feb of last year. I dont know what to do or how to handle it. It gets to the point that I want to just give up. The doctors still have no idea what it is. It is a really intense pain right beside my left hip bone. I was off work for 4 months because of this this year. I dont know what to do anymore... It also feels like my ribs are being crushed all the time. I dont know if it has to do with gaining so much weight since this all started or not but its there.
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Hi have recently been diagnosed with Chronic Abdo wall pain after 6 months of being told I had problem with gall bladder. Was diagnosed after being admitted into hospital in severe pain despite being on tramadol and oramorph.
I am now on fentanyl patches and there do work but still need 2-3 tramadol a day instead of 8.
I am just wondering whether anyone could tell me if an abdominal support belt would help as very limited on how much I can do daily before I have to go to bed to rest and getting fed up with spending time in bed during the day. Thanks Su
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1428373 tn?1301324636
The gastroententerologist is the one that im waiting for, they said its a minimum of 10 month wait so Im at about 8 months now. There is a history with the thyroid in my family, but mine has been checked more than once since this started. Some in my family are over weight but the majority are thin, and I was always on the thinner side.  I go bak to my doctor on the 24th so hopefully we get some results. Im so tired of all of this, I want to be normal again.
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547368 tn?1440541785
I appreciate the additional information. It sounds like the physicians are doing all the right tests and looking for the appropriate causation's.

Unfortunately it's doubtful that we will be able to offer more than what your physicians are doing. By no means does that mean you should give up. If you were in the USA I would advise you to consult a physician affiliated with a large teaching hospital or one of our national well know clinics. I assume there are such facilities in your country. Sometimes thinking out of the box and a new set of eyes can uncover missed or over-looked possibilities.  

A gastroenterologist seems to most logical nest step. have you had a colonoscopy? If not I would want to be checked for any growths or diseases conditions within the intestines. An abdominal CAT Scan ma also be beneficial if you have not had one. If both of those are negative for disease and all your lab values are within limits of normal you may be looking at Chronic Functional Abdominal Pain or other emotional contributing factors.

IBS is painful and can cause some of the symptoms you are describing. Do you have a family history of weight gain? Are all your family members relatively thin or are their weight issues among them?

I too commend you for exploring the anguish producing sexual assault. Our mental history and health can make an impact on our physical health.

I am so sorry that you are experiencing these symptoms. I can only suggest that you continue your search. Don't give up and try not to be discouraged. You know your body better than anyone else does.  We have other forums that may be able to offer you suggestions and information. You might also want to post on our undiagnosed symptoms and Gastroenterology forms. Search our forum listings and anything that you might think will be relevant please post a detailed thread.

I hope you will let us know how you are doing. If you have specific questions or just need to vent we are here. I'll look forward to hearing from you.

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1428373 tn?1301324636
Thanks everyone. They havent said anything about an MRI, Ill be sure to mention it next time I go in. They gave me morphine pills when I first went to the hospital for this. I couldnt function on it, it made me halucinate. And when they thought it was endometriosis they gave me ponstan for menstral cramps, which didnt help and also made me unable to function. I smoke pot because its the only thing that can take the pain away and I can still function. Usually the only thing that works is laying down until it goes away, and if its really bad the pot will just put me to sleep so my body can relax at least a little bit. I work in a school and really dont want to do it but everyone Ive talked to thinks its the best thing I can do until its figured out. That includes my councelor and a doctor indirectly told me that, he said " well i cant reomend it but..." then gave me the look like saying its ok for now. Ive wanted to talk to the doctors about getting the licence for it but cant bring myself to do it, I dont even know if thats something I can ask my doctor or if I have to see a specalist for it. If the pain was at least predictable or I knew what triggered it it wouldnt be so bad but it is so random that theres no way I can. I can be out walking and it will start or I can be sleeping in bed and it will happen. I have been just watching TV and have it start. It really doesnt matter what Im doing and it will start. Ive talked to my doctor about getting the lap band and she thinks that will the only way I lose weight too. Im ready to give up but no one will let me, including my doctor she told me that shes not going to stop until she figures it out. The rib pain started after the stomach but when one hurts its not long before the other hurts, and I also get really bad headaches at the same time for the last couple months. I cant have any lights on around me for a few hours when the headaches start.
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I'm sorry that you have this awful pain and that they can't figure out what it is.  Hang in there, they've got to figure it out some time.  It's good that they're actively trying to figure out what it is.  For some people they just give up on the testing and make them deal with it.  It's great that you are keeping at it to find the cause.  
The only thing I can think to recommend maybe is an MRI.  I don't think you mentioned having one of those, although with all of the testing you've had, maybe you have had it and forgot to mention it.  MRIs can see things that they can't see on an x-ray.  I have heard of some people having back problems where the pain radiated or referred to their abdominal area.  The human body is so complex and there are so many rare condtions that are not all untreatable even though they are rare.  
I also commend you for speaking out about the sexual assault that happend to you.  You are a brave woman to speak out and get therapy for it.  I also experienced a sexual assault in 2006 and luckily the rapist is in prison now.  You are also very brave for getting out of the abusive relationship.  
Is there anything that brings you relief of the pain?  Have they tried any medications for you?  
Thank you for sharing your situation with us.  We are here to support you while you go through all of this testing and your journey toward getting a diagnosis and relief for the pain.  
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Hi and I'm sorry you are having such trouble. Have you had an MRI and/or Xrays to make sure nothing structural is going on? I would do that if you haven't. Have you also had a lower GI done? Some testing needs to be done. But, if you can't find anything in any of the testing you may have to try several meds to see if you can get it under control. When do you get the problem? Any gastric upset or bone pain, nausea etc.? The rib pain I don't know how they are related. Did it happen at the same time? Do you recall an injury that started all this? Also, get a bone scan. Tumors and cysts cause weight gain too. I'm not trying to scare you rather diagnose. It doesn't mean you have cancer it can be benign. Is the pain in or near the hip sharp or dull etc. Write us back when you can.
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1428373 tn?1301324636
At first all the doctors were positive I had endometriosis so the past March I had a laporoscopy and the specialist didnt find anything at all, everything was good there. The first question people usually ask about my weight gain is if Ive had a thyroid test. Yes I have had a couple. The weight was very sudden. I had stayed at the same weight for about 2 years, give or take 5 pounds, then all of a sudden 2 months after my stomach pain started I noticed stretch marks and then I weighed myself. I had gained 30 lbs! I didnt change any of my eating or excersise habits so it really didnt make any sense to me. As my stomach has gotten worse my excersising has become almost nothing because it makes the pain so much worse. When Im having a "good" day (pain level is at 5 or less) I do as much as I possibly can because I dont know when its going to start again. It is better than it was a few months ago, but thats because Im not working. Food doesnt make a difference, the only way I have lost any weight is my unintentionally starving myself (my grandpa was in the hospital and really ill so I was only eating once a day). Ive cut my portion sizes and no junk food and Im still gaining. Ive been tested for cushings, endometriosis, thyroid, currentl waiting on results for metobolic syndrom... there have been so many that I cant even remember. I am waiting on an appontment with another specialist and its going to be at least another 8 months. He is going to see if I have IBS and an ulcer. I had a resident doctor working along with my regular doctor, but he is now gone. He got me to start seeing a councelor. I had finally come out about being raped when I was 17, and I was in a very abusive relationship later that same year that lasted for a year and a half. I had read something about Chronic Funtional Abdominal Pain, and people who have been physically, mentally and sexualy abused get this. I have been going to the coucelor and she has helped me mentally, but it hasnt made a difference with my physical pain. My ribs also feel like they are being crushed all the time, so she sent me to get my gall bladder checked. Its fine, as is my liver. Everything that I have been tested for has come back negative. So many people are telling me that it is IBS but it doesnt make sense to me because the pain is in one specific spot and even now that my bowels are good the pain still is just as bad. I think I have answered everything and look forwad to hearing back.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hello Linzee,

Welcome to the Pain Mangement Forum. I too have abdominal pain that become extreme. I do have a diagnosis but know how frightened I was before that diagnosis. My heart goes out to you.

Have you had any abdominal surgeries or any type of a pelvic inflammatory condition that could have caused adhesions? Jaybay is correct to ask questions. The more information you can provide the more suggestions you may obtain. Please know that there are no physicians on this forum. We all have some form of chronic pain and speak from personal experiences.

Weight gain on it's own should not account for severe abdominal pain. However reasons for gain could play a factor. Your symptoms sound very painful. I am sorry  you are dealing with undiagnosed pain.  

Sometimes it takes a lot of patience and tenacity to get the the bottom of your medical symptoms. Are you being seen by a team of specialist associated with a large teaching hospital? If not I encourage you to do just that. I beleive they are on the cutting edge of diagnostic medicine.  

I hope you will share more information and keep us posted. We will look forward to hearing from you again.

Take Care,
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82861 tn?1333453911
I'm really sorry to hear about any case of undiagnosed abdominal pain because I went through years of the same frustration before getting some answers.  Although there are no doctors on this forum, we may be able to give you some decent theories about your condition through our own experiences.  

Can you give us any more details about what is happening?  Any changes in menstruation or bowel movements?  Does anything make the pain better or worse like eating or the kinds of foods you eat?  What diagnostic tests have been run so far?  Are you working with your primary care physician or have you seen any specialists yet?  Ever had any abdominal surgery?  When you speak of weight gain, is there any obvious reason for it like eating more than usual?  Is it primarily noticeable in your lower abdomen or distributed over your entire body?

These are the kinds of questions a doctor should go over with you when they get your medical surgery, but we all know it generally doesn't happen that way in a rushed office visit.  Hope to hear more from you and that your history might resonate with members on this forum and set you on a more effective path to answers.  :-)
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