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Most of you know on here what I've been going through the past few years and especially th past 2 2/2 months. For those of you that DON"T know I will give you a QUICK version.  I have SEVERE DDD as well as Arthritis throughout my body - EVERY joint.  On September 8th of this year - 2 1/2 months ago - I had my THIRD left hip implant. First was when I was 35 in "81 and new cup in 2006. The cup was put in incorrectly and has been held in by my muscles for FOUR YEARS. VERY LOOSE!!!

I have Osteoperosis and therefore sustained a small break and was non-weight bearing and FLAT on my back abaout 2 MONTHS except for being wheeled to my exercises.  Spent approximately 1 month in re-hab.  

Today I'm going to get my hair done - I know most of you it's not a big deal BUT for me it's HUGE.  I haven't been to a salon in over a YEAR!!!  My hair is thin and VERY fine and looks SOOOO stringy.  It depresses me to look at it and THEREFORE I DON'T.  I brush it in the morning and TRY  NOT to look in the mirror for very long.  

This to me is as exciting as going on a cruise BECAUSE for once I'm doing SOMETHING for myself.  I NEVER do that!!!  The NEXT thing I'm going to do is to bauy me some NEW CLOTHES.  Since last January I've gone from 175 lbs. to 133 lbs.  I'm acutally wearing a top today that my WONDERFUL Hubby got me when we took our FIRST CRUISE 16 years ago!!  My weight loss came because of the meds I'm on - the Fentanyl Patch.  For some reason it has taken my appetite away and the weight came off and I wasn't even trying!!!

I KNOW this has NOTHING to do with Pain Management BUT in a way it does because for ONCE I'm TAKING CARE OF ME!!!!  I can't begin to tell you all HOW EXCITED I am about today.  My appointment is at 5:00 pm tonight and I can't WAIT!!!  For the first itme in a LONG time I feel like a kid again and am walking around with a HUGE GRIN on my face.

I just want you all to know to PLEASE DON'T DO WHAT I'VE DONE and put yourself on the BACK BURNER!!! I WISH I'd done this a LONG TIME ago!!!

So for the FIRST time in a LONG time I'm NOT asking for your prayers but letting you know that for once you can be EXCITED for me that I get to do something special!!! Understand it's NOT that I couldn't have done this before it's just that I didn't FEEL LIKE IT!!! It was easier to hide at home and NOT do anything.  

The NEXT thing I would like to do is to take a trip in January or February to be with My Best Friend. Don't know whether I will be able to afford to do this one or not BUT it sure is fun to DREAM about it!!!!

I JUST want you all to know to be sure and TAKE CARE of YOURSELVES and DON"T do what I've done.

I'd like to know how many of you have done what I've done and take care of EVERYONE EXCEPT YOU!!!! Let me know what YOU plan to do to have fun OR to take care of yourselves in the next few weeks or months!!

Love to you all........Mama Sherry
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Sheryi!!!!!!  I am thrilled for you.  There is NOTHING better than having your hair done.  It gives you such a boost.  My hair is thin.  After my divorce I started taking better care of myself (well, a little anyway.)  My mother would ALWAYS tell me to take care of myself and be good to myself ... something she never really did; she always put us first.

After she died I started taking what she said to heart.  I left a bad marriage and went back to the gym.  And I started getting my hair done regularly, cut and highlights every 6 weeks.  (Though lately I'm off schedule due to budget issues but after the holidays I'll be right back at it.)

The first Christmas after she died, I decided to by myself a Christmas present in her honor.  It was a gorgeous, totally outrageously priced Coach purse.  I'll have it forever.  Now, three times a year I buy something for me:  Christmas, her birthday and my birthday.  It's not always something as pricey as the purse.  It could be a perfume I've wanted or sunglasses. The point is it has to be just for me and it has to be something I normally wouldn't buy for myself.  It hasn't been as easy as I thought.  As mothers, most of us put ourselves last.

After my divorce, I hit the gym at 4:15 am every day.  My pain meds at the time gave me little appetite as well and that, coupled with being happy and not afraid anymore, the weight just fell off.  For the first time in 30 years I was a size 8.  And luckily (for me and unfortunately for her) I had a friend who gained a lot of weight and gave me a whole new wardrobe of gorgeous clothes.  She and I share the same tastes and it was so nice to actually wear clothes that looked good.

I started the patch this summer, and unfortunately, my appetite is back big time.  So I need to be really careful now because I do not want to go back to where I was.

Putting myself first is still a process.  I have to force myself to do it.  I do try to teach my girls to take care of themselves and try to teach them it is NOT selfish to put yourself first.  Because if you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else!

So my wonderful Mama Sherry, I hope you enjoy EVERY minute of getting your hair done, and you have lots of fun buying yourself new clothes ... so fun!  I hope you go out for a nice dinner or something after and show off your new hairdo!

You remind me in so many ways of my mom ... who I miss every day.

So, after Christmas (I do love a sale!) I will think about what I will buy for myself.  It may be another nice purse or maybe a new pair of shoes.  But whatever it is, whenever I use it, I'll remember that I am important and I'll smile and think of my mom.  And you.

I'd like to hear what others are planning, too!

(I'm also looking for a trip to Mexico or somewhere warm and sunny to go with my boyfriend.  He took me last year for a Christmas gift.  FIRST time I ever was away from my kids.  It was incredible.  But his hours were cut at work; so we'll have to wait until he's back to full time.  In the meantime, I'll look online for gorgeous resorts and I'll welcome suggestions!)

Thanks for the WONDERFUL post, Sherry!

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954005 tn?1304626605
Good for you!!! I totally know what you mean...I cannot wait until I get my hair done....someday soon:)

I hope you can plan a nice trip in the new year...keep us posted about where you might go!
xoxo Love, Alison
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I just got back from the salon and I MUST tell you I feel like a TOTALLY NEW WOMAN!!! I splurged even more and had my hair colored!!  I decided to just go for it and I'm SOOOO glad that I did.

I go to my surgeon tomorrow and it will be the FIRST time that he will have seen me with my hair fixed NICELY as well as being short.  He WILL not recognize me when he firsts sees me and I cna HARDLY wait for that tomorrow!!!  LOL

I'm going to do my best to take that trip - I'm starting to try to figure out how I can do this. I'll let you know when I've figured it out.  At least I have a few months to get this worked out - until January or February.

Love you guys - I'll let you know what my Doctor says tomorrow - HOPEFULLY I can put FULL weight on my operative leg and IF I can then graduating BACK to my cane will just be a matter of a couple of weeks probably......Mama Sherry
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596605 tn?1369946627
Good for the new and improved you. A simple thing like a having your hair done can be such a task for those of us who deal with chronic illness and pain. But the end result is so worth it. Cheers to happy hair.
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547368 tn?1440541785
First of all Sherry you are BEAUTIFUL, no matter what you think the mirror is saying....... because you are beautiful on the inside which is only where it counts!!

You always put yourself last and none of us should do that You're just so thoughtful of those around you and all of us on MedHelp. So thank you for sharing with us a very valuable lesson.

You deserve to feel like a kid again. Imagine the good times that lie ahead for you now that you will be able to ambulate without so much pain and difficultly. I am so happy for you.

And yes, visit your best friend. I know she would be thrilled if you spent some time with her.

Please let us know what your physician says tomorrow. Just remember no matter how good you may be feeling to take it easy....don't overdo. You've been through heck and your body is still healing. We don't want you to have anymore set backs. I can't wait to hear about your appointment. :o)

(((HUGS))) and Blessings,
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Mama Sherry,

Thank you so much for always sharing your good news with us. You are such an inspiration on here with your positive energy!! I'm so excited to hear that things are continuing to look up for you! Good for you for gettinng your hair "did"!! We need to do those kinds of things for ourselves! I hope that you can take that trip with your friend that you want to take too...but please don't over-do it! :)

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Yet again MORE good news!!!

FINALLY I can put full weight in my leg!!!!!  It's quite weak - even though I do my exercises RELIGIOUSLY - it still doesn't make up for not being able to walk with weight on my leg.  That's what REALLY builds up your muscles in your legs after surgery. Also, I don't have to go back for 6 WEEKS.  Always before it has been 4 weeks.  Now there's GOOD NEWS as well as NOT SO GOOD NEWS in this part.  The GOOD NEWS is that my break ISN'T healed YET BUT is healing!!!  The NOT so good news is that My WONDERFUL SURGEON is INCREDIBLY Handsome!!!!  That means I have to wait 2 more weeks BEFORE I get to go in and have him kiss my cheek and give me a REALLY big hug!!!  That part I will miss GREATLY when my leg is FINALLY healed and I No LONGER get to go to these appointments!!!  He's been INCREDIBLY kind and sweet to me - don't get me wrong he's that way to ALL of his patients - as a lot has to do with the fact I've had SOOO MANY set backs.  The attention from a KIND and HANDSOME Man has been VERY nice!!!

He ALSO told me that the NEXT time he sees me I HAVE to come back in with a CANE.  THAT was MUSIC to my ears!!!!  I'm sure that I will ALWAYS be using a cane because of the instability in my back BUT what NICE words to have permission  to use the cane WHEN my leg is strong enough.  I tried it when I got home but my arm is VERY shakey so it's NOT ready yet.  It WILL get there though!!!

He also told me that my implant is SOLIDLY in place - he had been concerned about the cup because of the BAD SURGERY that I had in Tennessee - however my cup is SOLID!!! It PROVES that it was the surgeon in Tennessee that did a TERRIBLE job and had NOTHING to do with my brittle bones!!!  He was sure that there would be no problems - HOWEVER, it's ALWAYS nice to have PROOF!!!

After that I met my Daughter for lunch and THEN we went shopping at Kohl's and I found 3 tops and a cute pair of GRAY denim slacks - went form Women's sizes down to a 14P so that REALLY made my day.  I found ALL of them on the sales rack including 2 tops for 80% OFF!!!  Only $8.00 EACH!!! THAT MADE MY DAY!!!

Today for the FIRST time since my surgery I'M attempting to do the laundry - want to get my leg built back up as soon as possibile and THEN on to the cane WITHOUT the shakiness!!!!

It was so much fun this morning to get up and put on a top that FITS and have a REALLY cute hairstyle and GOOD color and hair that looks shiny instead of a dull brown and gray.  LOVING TODAY!!!

Thanks to EVERYONE and as soon as I get back on a cane I will let you all know.  That will mean we are ALMOST back to normal!!! BUT WITHOUT the pain!!!  EVERYTHING has been worth losing the pain from the LOOSE hip joint - there is NONE of that pain left!!!!  

So therefore I DEFINITELY chose the correct and BEST Surgeon in Arizona!!! IF ANYONE in Arizona needs Orthopedic Surgery I can DEFINITELY give you the name of a GREAT SURGEON!!! He has a SPOTLESS reputation and his staff are WONDERFUL and so kind and COURTEOUS to EVERY patient that comes in!!!  I don't usually do this BUT as an Orthopedic Implant Patient I KNOW how important it is to make a GOOD decision about your Doctor. So I am making an exception to MY OWN rule!!!

I Love You ALL and I AM going to take your advice and do my BEST to get to visit my BEST FRIEND this winter!!!.........Mama Sherry

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Oh forgot to add!!!  The lumps in my leg that we thought were possible clots are NOT BUT are muscle knots that are spasming.  So my surgeon gave me Flexerill for them and suggested ALSO that my WONDERFUL PM Doctor could also give me some type of shot in the muscles to help them loosen up!!!  Does anyone have any idea what type of shot this would be? It doesn't matter as I will do anything that will help but I'm just curious.

Thanks again to you all and GIANT HUGS.........Mama Sherry
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Hmmm. Maybe Cortisone shots? Maybe not. Not sure, but I have gotten Cortisone shots in my back for spasms--trigger point injections.
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Flower - Thank you for the info. on the Cortisone shots.  Do tese shots get rid of the knots in your muscle and do they administer them directly into the knots or just into the muscle of the calf?

Hugs....Mama Sherry
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1436598 tn?1332896533
I'm so glad of all your good news and great results! On a similar note, Thursday I cut off all my hair (well not all lol) and changed the color to darker than I've ever been.  Thursday night I had the worst pain I've ever had since I got diagnosed w/fibro but all I could do was smile about my hair!  It really does give you a lift, I swear we can endure anything w/good hair!
I just wanted to say congrats on things looking WAY up for you!  You are an inspiration!

-- dgg
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HI dgg,

I wasn't here when you came on board so PLEASE let me welcome you NOW!!! We're are truly glad that you are here to help people with their pain. :)

I'll tell you what - GOOD hair can ALMOST make anything bearable!!!  I'm still smiling too and I'm SOOO happy that you got your hair cut off and changed the color too.  Isn't that the MOST fun when you go to something that is ENTIRELY different than before?

CONGRATS to you and thank you for the VERY kind words. Again, I'm VERY happy that you are on the Forum!!!........Mama Sherry
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