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sacrillioc dysfunction

I've just turned 36 and i have had a Sacrillioc Joint dysfunction for the past 3 years. I have tried, Physio, Accupunture, Steroid  injections and more medication than i can remember...i am currently taking Morphine to help the pain.
My quality of life is nil as i cannot plan anything incase i have yet another bad day (which is more and more frequent).

Is this it for the rest of my life?? how serious is a sacrillioc dysfunction? is it going to get worse?? what else can i do?? every single thing that the Dr's have recommended i have tried and i'm still no further forward. I feel like i'm banging my head against the wall and no one seem's to be able to help....I just need answers and help instead of  feeling like i'm getting fobbed off...I try and do thing's but it's getting harder and harder and it is very frustrating not being able to just get up and go and do thing's and missing out on so much.

I get very very low and my confidence is shot, i snap at my husband for no apparent reason which makes me feel bad and i cry at the drop of a hat...

any help would be appreciated
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hi Tilly,

I am so glad that you have found us at MedHelp's Pain Mangement Community. I am more sorry to hear bout your pain...I am the CL that Mollyrae spoke about..I have SIJ Dysfunction also. I can relate to everything you said. There are not a lot us us that suffer with this often over looked and under diagnosed painful condition. I look forward to exchanging ideas and experiences with you. Welcome. This will be a bit long so forgive me. I will be happy to discuss this through PM's in the future.

I have was diagnosed about 5-6 years ago. I had pain for at least twelve years prior to the diagnosis. It began in the left SIJ and has recently gone to the right SIJ, though not nearly as severe. I have tried everything that you listed and more and none of it has been effective. The two SIJ steroidal injections I had eased my pain maybe 20% for a few weeks and it returned with a vengeance. I've refused a third. Most specialist agree that they are not a treatment but a good diagnostic tool.

I search the internet every month for new treatments. I have researched it in every possible way that I know to do so. I'm sorry to say that there really is no successful treatment at this time. Fusion of the joint is the very last resort. I have done a lot of research into this procedure, as my PCP and it is not promising. The success rate has been between 10-15%. Screws often back out, the joint is prone to infection and deterioration, the surgery is very intricate and difficult to perform precisely. The recovery very long, almost a year if things go well.  

Just recently this fusion surgery is being performed in several areas of the country at a few select clinics that are claiming a higher success rate. I am very skeptical of their claims, as is any other physician I have discussed this possibility with. If you are interested in the location and names of these clinics please send me a PM and I will share that information with you.    

So what now??? This is what I asked for a number of years. I have been to more specialist than I can count, been looked at and turned away, all with the same answer, "There is nothing we can do for you. You're wasting your time." I have even been told I was "wasting" their time, even though I was paying for "their time."

Defeated? No. Even though I am now disabled and unable to continue a career I have hope. There are new medical procedures, medications and breakthroughs being discovered every day. I hold out the hope that one of those will be for a good treatment for SIJ Dysfunction.

In the mean time I have thee best PMP that treats me like a valuable member of society, listens to me and does what she can. She is a D.O (Doctor of Osteopathy). I see her every few weeks or more if needed for what is called OMT or a manipulation of my SIJ and muscle release. Sounds like quackery I know. If is not chiropractic, she is a physician. My SIJ often "goes out" or is misaligned, at those times my pain is unbearable. Through manipulation she is able to realign it and help with the muscle spasms and twisting of my pelvic girdle. I encourage you to find a newer grad DO to see if this may help you. It's been the only thing that makes a difference, along with narcotics. She has been God sent.  

Another God sent is this forum. It helps me to know that there are others dealing with CP (chronic pain) every day. Here I find support and comfort. I have made many wonderful and caring friends. I come here most every day and respond and chat with those that are also dealing with the issues and trauma that the journey through CP forces into our lives.

I hear your dispair and pain and please know that you are not alone. CP can make you feel abandoned and left out of everyday life activites. Please stay with us and become an active member of our community. The magic here is in the sharing and caring of being with other's like you and I. It doesn't happen over night but I beleive you will feel better through the emotional support that this community offers.

I look forward to hearing from you. I do know what you are going through. I don't often say that to someone but in your case I understand the pain and challenges of SIJ Dysfunction. Hang in there and let's chat soon.

Take Care,
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535089 tn?1400673519
Please excuse my typing. I really wanted to say...I am sorry that you hurt so.
Helpful - 0
535089 tn?1400673519
Hello Tilly and welcome to the Pain Forum:

I am sorry the you hurt so. There is a Community Leader by the name of Tuckamore who has suffered from the same illness. She should be along at some point to help you with your question and herself is recouperating from an injury.

I'm sorry I could not help you further and again, I am sorry for your pain. Please take care.

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