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I had Total Knee Replacement 5 weeks ago and I am still suffering severe pain especially at night.

My surgeon is managing my pain I have been on numerous pain medicinces including Fentynal patch, Diludid, Percocet, Norco, and now Oxycotin. I am in my 5th week of recovery and most of my pain is at night when I go to bed. It is a severe aching and throbing that starts at the knee and proceeds all the way down to my lower calf and shin. I am currently taking 3 10 mg tablets of Oxycotin but still experiencing pain.I also ice my knee down in the evening. I took 4 weeks of physical therapy and my doctor is now having me do 4 more weeks and has me using my walker again. I am 42 yrs. old and doing normal activities, short walks, physical therapy exercises I am instructed to do at home and using the stairs. I rest when I feel like I have done to much. No matter how much or how little I do each day by evening I am in such severe pain it hinders my sleep all through the night. My doctor has mentioned a possible infection but I don't see any redness and my swelling appears normal. My question is this type of pain normal? Shouldn't I be receiving some relief from the pain medication? I am following all of my doctor's directions and my therapists. Is this normal at 5 weeks post op? When should I start expecting some relief?
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Pretty good for so early on
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I had my Knee replacement in March of 2015. A few nights ago I had sharo almost like charlie horse pain all the way down the front from below the knee clear into my toes. I had to be taken out of my apartment in a chair and lifted up the stairs because I could bear no weight. They checked for a clot and could find nothing. But told me my Dr needs to do an MRI. For 4 hours I was in misery. They gave me delodid(not sure how to spell it) with no relief so they gave me morphine which helped for maybe a half hour. I also had an infection 3 days after the surgery.
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17233305 tn?1474768408
I had mt TKR on Dec 14th 2015  I'm currently at 118 degree bend but have been there for about 3 weeks.  Getting a little frustrated with lack of progress but most people tell me that it is still early.  My physio thearpist says it takes time and not to overdue. When I saw my surgeon at my 6 week checkup, I ask him when I could go back to work. (house cleaning). So I went back part time only 1 three hour house per week. But now my knee really aches. I think i am doing too much too soon. I go swimming 3 times per week and physio therapy 2 times a week. This is my 8th week so over all I have had 16 therapy sessions.   I'm 67 years old, my friends also tell me I should slow down.  
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17233305 tn?1474768408
I read your post on pain weeks after a ortho surgery.
I had a total knee replacement. I'm into my 8 week and started back house cleaning slowing. I only do 1 three hour house per week. And I am swimming 3 times a week plus doing my exercises. My pain hits me mostly in the evening . The pain is mostly around the knee cap and on the inside of my left knee. My right side of the knee is still numb. Could I be over doing it?
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547368 tn?1440541785
Please begin a new thread. This is a very old one. You'll obtain better visibility and responses. Your comments, questions and concerns are important to us.

Looking forward to reading the new post/question.

My Best,
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Did you ever find out what causes the incredible itch.   I had my TKR in April 2015 and am still suffering from an extremely itchy hard skinned shin.   I also cratch the skin red raw and have to have it bandaged at night to avoid scratching in my sleep.  
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I had a knee replacement in 2009. It was a long and painful rehab.  I took pain pills as soon as I could to manage the pain. I also bought an Ice Machine before surgery and what a life saver that is!!! It looks like a playmate cooler and you put water and ice in it.  It has tunes that the icy water runs through and a wrap especially for the knee. You plug and get very cold water running around the knee!!! Heaven.  My knee was horrible at night too I had to keep propping my knee trying to place pillows in the right places and then plug in the ice machine. It took awhile but comfort came!  It seemed to get better and then bad again. Such an up and down process. Hang in there you are not that far out.  ALSO everyone has a different threshold for pain and maybe yours is lower. Take care.
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So good to read others recovery issues. I have now stopped feeling sorry for myself as I realise how lucky I am.
I am 4 weeks post op bilateral tkr. both at once, no choice, could not do one then the other.
Walked out of hospital with 1 stick after 5 days, no sticks after 6 days.
Still pain but most is from excersing and on oxycodon and paracetamol.
I have 120 ROM in both knees and can fully straighten both. Sleep is impossible for more than 2 hours as one knee or the other demands attention.
Keep battling on and thanks for making me feel lucky and having a great surgeon.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hello Infirmary,

Welcome. Sorry iIt took me a bit to see your comment tacked onto this 8 year old thread. Please next time begin a new question or comment. It will allow you more visibility and you should obtain more responses.

If you haven't already please consult your PCP. It's possible that your fall did damage to the hardware used in the knee replacement procedures.

It's more likely that your fall injured the surrounding/supporting muscles and/or ligaments and soft tissues associated with the structure of your knees. But don't guess, have an x-ray, CT or MRI if warranted of your knees. Your PCP will make the determination as to what if any test you may require.

I wish you well and hope you will keep us up-dated. I'll look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Best Wishes,
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I had two replacements one 5 yrs ago and one on the other knee 7 yrs ago.  They have been wonderful.  My problem is I went walking one day and tripped and feel on the asphalt  hurting both my knees.  It has been about a month and they are still bothering me.  It is not a pain but feels like I have two heavy objects in them.  Does anyone know if I should go and have them rayed or maybe I just bruised them.  I would think if they would be fractured I would suffer a Lot of pain
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Hi my name is Manuel I am 52 and just did a TKR on 1Apr 15. That takes me out 6 weeks today. I still have pain but controlled with Percocet. I have the CPM machine have my leg all night at 60 to 70 degree all night running. During the day I take it up to 90 degree. I go to physical therapy 3 times a week and we are having trouble bending to 75 degrees with alot of dying pain. I use a pully system at home to bend my knee and try even squats and a roller to hang my leg over and let gravity take it. Went to doctor and he was not happy it was not at 90 yet. He is giving me 3 more weeks or he is doing a manipulation of the knee. I am very worried need some help from anyone am I on track or behind. Is the doctor just pushing me to get the best I can or its not working. Any advise please
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I'm also suffering with intermittent pain from TKR my FIRST ONE DONE ON 1/27/2015 I just had my second TKR done on 3/17/2015. I was suffering for years with failed back surgery. Finally after more then 10 years of that horrific pain. Some or part of my leg pains were due to having no cartridge in either of my knees and as soon as I could after back repairs to have my knees done. I did find a great doctor to do the back repairs on 8/19/2014. They found out while doing tests to this back repair surgery that both my knees were bone on bone with grooves worn into the lower leg bones and right leg was so bad it was beginning to outwards.

Needless to say I was in pretty bad shape and finally had hope of becoming pain free eventually. I have been on strong pain medications for a long time just to able to live. So the health care workers had a really hard time with controling my pain after these TKR operations.

Each knee operation seemed different. The first time I woke up with a catheter. A Complete waterproof bandage was covering the 16 inch incision. Was in PT the first day went home after 3 days did my PT work with home health aid. The pain was so much worse than I ever experienced in my life. After2 weeks about 80% of it was under control. Not to bad I thought. So I scheduled the second TKR so after 6 weeks I was in the hospital again. This time I woke up with no cathete. I now had a nerve block with a black bag with Novocain in it. It was going to help me handle the pain better.

Well it didn't do that at all. Now 5 weeks out since my second TKR operation I am still suffering with nerve pain not only were the block was put in but up and down the entire incision.  Even the hair stubble is so sensitive I get up and shave my legs just to make it stop. It only last a short time. I am itching like crazy. It feels like I have thick skin on both of my lower legs it feels like it's growing. I've used everything on it cremes oils. Nothing helps. I have scratched some place raw. Flexing my ankles seems to becoming a problem to.

Pain and sleep problems are just like the rest of you all are having. Except I have a strong urge to stretch out my legs while I'm in bed laying down. It helps somewhat but again the pain returns. Funny how different each knee is responding to healing. Any ideas pass them on, Please. This knee pain has taken my mind off my lower back issues. They are probably connected just can't tell the difference at this point.
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I'm also suffering with intermittent pain from TKR my FIRST ONE DONE ON 1/27/2015 I just had my second TKR done on 3/17/2015. I was suffering for years with failed back surgery. Finally after more then 10 years of that horrific pain. Some or part of my leg pains were due to having no cartridge in either of my knees and as soon as I could after back repairs to have my knees done. I did find a great doctor to do the back repairs on 8/19/2014. They found out while doing tests to this back repair surgery that both my knees were bone on bone with grooves worn into the lower leg bones and right leg was so bad it was beginning to outwards.

Needless to say I was in pretty bad shape and finally had hope of becoming pain free eventually. I have been on strong pain medications for a long time just to able to live. So the health care workers had a really hard time with controling my pain after these TKR operations.

Each knee operation seemed different. The first time I woke up with a catheter. A Complete waterproof bandage was covering the 16 inch incision. Was in PT the first day went home after 3 days did my PT work with home health aid. The pain was so much worse than I ever experienced in my life. After2 weeks about 80% of it was under control. Not to bad I thought. So I scheduled the second TKR so after 6 weeks I was in the hospital again. This time I woke up with no cathete. I now had a nerve block with a black bag with Novocain in it. It was going to help me handle the pain better.

Well it didn't do that at all. Now 5 weeks out since my second TKR operation I am still suffering with nerve pain not only were the block was put in but up and down the entire incision.  Even the hair stubble is so sensitive I get up and shave my legs just to make it stop. It only last a short time. I am itching like crazy. It feels like I have thick skin on both of my lower legs it feels like it's growing. I've used everything on it cremes oils. Nothing helps. I have scratched some place raw. Flexing my ankles seems to becoming a problem to.

Pain and sleep problems are just like the rest of you all are having. Except I have a strong urge to stretch out my legs while I'm in bed laying down. It helps somewhat but again the pain returns. Funny how different each knee is responding to healing. Any ideas pass them on, Please. This knee pain has taken my mind off my lower back issues. They are probably connected just can't tell the difference at this point.
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Yes, that was what happened to me. I was in pain from months after surgery, but had no idea it was infection until I had to push a "lift" for my father to take him from chair to bed. They are cumbersome and heavy. Very hard to move on thick carpet. That night when I moved him something snapped and I knew something was wrong. When I woke I could not put any weight on my leg at all without excruciating pain. I was taken to the er and an ortho I had seen before looked at my knee and said it is infected, let me take a sample. He took a sample of fluid from my knee and my sed rate was 99 percent. You start thinking something might be wrong when it goes into the 20's. Immediate knee implant taken out and a spacer put in where the parts were that also had antibiotics in it and I was unable to put weight on it for 6 weeks. I had to be in a nursing home at the age of 51 for those 6 weeks while they filled me with stong IV antibiotics too. Then when the sed rate was safe they redid the knee replacement. It has been several years and I have had the other knee done without complication, other than terrible pain, but the one with the infection started giving me pains in my shin, from my knee and around my calve. My sed rate was in the 20's so they scanned me and there was a pool of what looked like infection in that area, but they sent me to an infectious decease dr. and she said there was no  way I had an infection. I just wouldn't have the mobility I had. Now, two years later my pain has returned and it is worse. I go to the ortho in the am tomorrow morning and am asking for a sed rate to be run. I want to know what is causing this. It can't be right. Along with the other posts I see, I too have been on hydrocodone for several years now. I have gone from about 8 pills a day down to one or two with tramadol for breakthrough pain, which I am trying to stay away from. But, at this point I am thinking about uping the meds again. This is killing me worse than the bone on bone that put me into the knee replacements to start with. WTF do we do. Does someone know a doctor who knows what they are doing, because I am starting to rethink my choices. I like this doctor and feel he is competent, but this pain can't be right. I don't want to be on these meds, but I don't want to be in excruciating pain constantly either. I don't know where to turn. Oh, yeah, last surgery I had they had to "wake me up" in mid surgery due to breathing issues. That has always been my biggest fears....to wake up in the middle of a surgery. I was so anesthetized and had nerve blocks front and back, and epidural that all I did was say, are you still doing my surgery? and they said yes, but we are almost done. Thank goodness I was so zonked, cause if I were in my right mind I would have flipped out.  I don't know, maybe it is all just a crap shoot for everyone. Things go wrong and what can the doctor do, but what they have in their power, but I am freaking out thinking I might have bone cancer or something they just haven't tested me for......AGH, what can we do???????? I wish I knew the miracle cure.
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why not ask your dr if he'll give you a Rx for a knee exerciser...or for a cold therapy machine.  Maybe they would help.  Did you try asperin for a while without the stronger pain meds?    I have taken Re Liv vit supplement and it helps restore you body.  Go to ReLiv.com and check it out.  I took the Arthaffect for two yrs with the ReLiv and my Spine Dr said that my DexaScan showed my bones had improved fm those of a a 65 yr old woman to those of a 30 yr old woman and that whatever I was doing (along with my genes) to continue.  That was the only thing I was doing.  It helped my arthritic knees & back tremendously.
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I noticed you had your surgery in 2007....how are you doing now?
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P.S.  I had my first tkr done at the age of 69.
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It appears you are doing well and I'm gld to hear it. Stever1964's advice is great. What I don't understand reading about everyone's pain is why the docs aren't helping.The objective of pain meds are to help one relax so all your energies can work towards healing and not fighting the pain.
Before the tkr I did acupuncture, holistic medicine, vitamen supplements, celebrex and the series of knee shots.  They all worked but just prolonged the inevitable.  The deciding factor in having a tkr was that celebrex was giving me A-fib and I wanted nothing to do with that routine.  The A-fib is now gone. I stopped Celebrex in 2012.
My recommendation to anyone considering tkr follows:
1.  Choose doc carefully. He must ans all questions & not think any question too small or silly.  You must have total faith in him & his PA.
2. Ask the doc for 3 of his tkr patients to call you with their experiences.  One with a tkr within 3 mths; One with a tkr within 9 mths & one at least one yr out.  They each called me within a wk.  If the doc objects, get a new doctor.  Pronto.
3.  Watch the tkr procedure on a video (usually on the dr's web site).  Once you see how they bend your knee & throw it around after the surgery, you will realize that nothing you do will hurt it.
4. I asked, & received, a Rx for the knee exercise machine.  The dr told me they didn't normally reccommend that, but my reply was I would feel more comfortable if I had it available and he accepted that. When I was resting (during the day), my knee was in the machine being exercised.  It helped tremendously.  (p.s. if the doc had not given me the Rx, I would have changed docs IMMEDIATELY...to me that would mean he doesn't care nor does he listen).
5. I purchased the cold therapy machine (you can rent them) & used it often (but wisely).  We bought bags of ice to use with it...unless you have an ice making machine.
6.  The dr recommended taking a pain med one-half hr before doing pt (or going to pt).  I did and had no problems.  I was off the pain meds after four wks and only took asperin for a while.  I believe that all my energy should go towards healing and not fighting pain.  It is counter productive.
7.  I did not overdo anything and stayed home fm work 6 wks as suggested.  You should pace your recovery and activities to YOU, not to anyone else.  You know your body better than anyone else, or, you should.
8. My experience was so positive, I did a tkr on my right knee 6 mths afterwards instead of waiting a yr.  The experience was the same.
With both knees, I came home fm the hospital one day and was walking the next morning as though nothing had happened.  It made me wonder why I had waited over ten yrs to have them done.
The worst thing about the whole experiences was having to wear the stockings to bed at night...I hated that and was delighted when they could be removed.
Also, after the staples were removed, I rubbed the scars with a liquid Vit. E every day and that helped tremendously too.
I hope this small bit of advice is helpful to anyone out there who is considering a tkr.  Good luck.
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You  must first understand that your your dr is trying to avoid reopening your knee.  However, he should probably reopen it, cleanse it and get rid of the infection.  Then, place you on the high-dose meds that he is probably giving you.  First mistake was the hospital should NEVER have placed you in a room with someone who has MRSA -- they should be in a pvt room.  The mistake was the hospitals (saving money, more than likely).  You need an advocate--most hospitals have a patient advocate number to call when a patient needs help.  You call that number, tell the advocate what happened and that you want the matter cleared up pronto--at their expense.  Be nice but firm.  You surgeon sounds good but they are always reluctant to go back in, but I think this is your best bet.  Are you on vancomiacin?  Spelling may be off but that is the strongest meds one can take for MRSA.  I wish I knew how to contact you for further info.  If you live in a small town, it may behoove you to go to a big city near you where care can sometimes be more appropriate....although I like the sound of your surgeon and your current treatment.
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I'm posting this to say I feel better about my progress after reading that others also have a lot of pain six weeks TKR post-op. My surgery was done on September 24. I was not prepared for the continuous pain I have had. I still have swelling. I can slowly climb stairs but with some discomfort. I go to PT 3x weekly and ride my stationary bike 40-80 minutes daily. My flexion is about  120 degrees. I take Lortab 7.5 3-4 times daily. I am fairly comfortable during the day but when I go to bed, I cannot find a position where the knee does not hurt. I try a pillow under and between my legs but that doesn't give me enough relief to sleep. I manage to sleep about 3 hours in bed but have to get into my recliner for most of the night. After reading input from others, I think maybe I am doing relatively well. The few people I know who have had TKR tell me the pain will go away. Best of luck to all of you who are enduring TKR rehab.
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I'm now 4 weeks into my TKR, I'm a (49 yer old man)
The best advise I can offer anyone who is considering this operation is BE PREPARED !
Firstly, if you can afford it go out and buy yourself a nice comfortable recliner, you ARE going to need it, being comfortable and finding some sort of sanctuary from the pain post op is key, you are also going to be sleeping in this sanctuary and using it as your safe place for quite a while.
You are also going to be given a ton of advise by a bunch of people who really don't know or understand the pain and rehab that's involved in a TKR, I have had many arguments with my homecare PT to the point where I told her to not come back, she has the old school mentality of push hard and NO pain No gain !!
DO NOT listen and buy into this,
Listen to your knee and and do what it's telling you to do, if it's telling you to relax and use elevation and ice instead of a 20 minute workout then do just that, do not push it! your knee will tell you when it's time for a little work out.
If you have a exercise bike use it.
I was terrible for the first 2 weeks post op, i was constantly tired from lack of sleep, I wasn't eating properly, I had the most horrific constipation the drugs were knocking the crap out of me and the last thing on my mind was exercising 4 times a day.
I bought the bike a week ago and I have gone from crutches to walking without any aid at all, my energy level has sky rocketed, I use the bike 4 or 5 times a day with ten minute workouts each time, I have thrown away the sheets of exercises that the PT gave me as all they did was hurt and inflame the knee, you can find good deals on exercise bikes on the internet, I live in Ontario so use Kijiji mine cost me $40.00 and it's a professional bike.
As I mentioned before be prepared for constipation!!  stock up on stool softener before your op and start taking it immediately after! YOU WILL NEED IT.
Meditation is also a great way to relieve pain, find a quiet room, go to you tube and find some nice relaxing meditation music play it nice and quiet just like white noise in the back ground, go to your sanctuary and just relax, deep breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth let your mind go and think of happy times, it may take a few times but tell people to leave you alone for 20 minutes while you're doing this, you will be amazed at the results.
I hope this helps,
I am now ready to return to work on week 5  
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I had my right total knee replacement 11/10/11 and my left total knee replacement 1 1/2 years prior to that.  As of today both of my knees continue to throb, shooting pains down my legs, mostly at night.  My orthopedic M.D. has done x-rays several times and sees nothing.  He claims that it "could" be tendinitis. I currently take 2-5mg. ea. immediate release Oxycodone every 4 hours.  THAT is his solution.  It does help, but not all the time.  I do go to water exercise class 2x's a week and that helps as long as I'm in the water.  Does anybody have any solutions other than a narcotic drug?  The pain is just terrible and keeps me awake most night and I hate taking so many pain pills but have no choice.  Can someone please fine a solution to this pain?
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I had a total knee replacement 12 years ago. I was swimming at 6 weeks, playing golf at 8 weeks playing tennis at 8 months. I have taken up cycling cause im bored with the other activities. The problem is if i cycle 20 km my knee is fine but if i cycle more then 20km it feels a little stiff the next day. Does anyone else have this problem?
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29837 tn?1414534648
Had my knee put in about 1.5 years ago. I've had multiple right and left hip replacements and I must say the knee replacement was by far the most painful. The time given to me by the surgeon for recover is one year.

Have you asked your doctor about the circulating ice water system?

That helped me a lot. There are a lot of nerves and muscles surrounding the knee. When they do the surgery, they have to detach some and move others around. Therefor all the pain. The hip cavity on the other hand has much less nerves and muscles to contend with.

Had my knee put in Jan 4. The knee was finally pain free on March 27.
Hope this is a guide to the upcoming events. Take good care of the knee. It's a gift you should never abuse.

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