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1187071 tn?1279369698


As you guys know I have to go back to work this weekend. I work Saturday, Sunday, Monday and suppose to work Tuesday but no way I am missing this appt so I will either try to get them to let me off or just call off.
Anyway I will be working without pain meds and that scared the crap out of me. but I will have to do it no matter what.
My question is for those of you that do work or did work did you take your pain meds while you was at work? When I was getting sticthed all the time maybe 20 at a time I had no choice but to take them at work. They also knew I was on them. There was NO way I could talk to people with stitchs in my mouth, my dentist would stitch my cheek to my gums and that was the most painful so I had to be on meds at work and when I wasn't it wasn't pretty.
I am not posting this cause I think my PMP will give me meds cause I don't think he will but I am telling you all if he pulls a needle out of his pocket I am going to tell him to put it in my face. I will do ANYTHING to stop this pain. I want to live my life.
I just want treatment any kind of treatment so I can work and be a good mom.
Did you take pain meds while you was working?
Best Answer
1324871 tn?1288981706
Before I was let go due to my medical condition I was responsible for 8 mentally challenged adults .I did not take my meds  while at work .I only took tylenol or ibuprofen .When ,I first started taking my meds they made me drowsy and loopy.I felt like while I was responsible for 8 peoples well-being it wasn't prudent to take them.I had some who were prone to severe seizures so I had to be at the top of my game .It was really hard at times because i was in such pain but I just gritted my teeth and made it through somehow.Thats just me though .Things were also not as bad as they are now .I would of had to resign soon if they hadn't let me go anyway .I was to the point I could not do the physical side as well anymore .Still, I miss them very much  .I still go up and see them but it's not the same .I was doing respite care for a autistic young man but 2 weeks ago he had a meltdown while with me and attacked me .He hurt me pretty good .My husband no longer wants me to it because he is afraid I may get injured and be in worse shape than I already am .I am on the fence though because I know I can help this young man.My hubby wants me to try and get disability but it's hard for me to admit that I won't be able to work anymore.I say you do whatever you think is best .I do hope this new Dr will give you meds to help with your pain .You shouldn't have to suffer the way you have been.If you need to take them at work by all means do .You have to do whats right for you .Take care Melissa
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1324871 tn?1288981706
I really feel bad for you knowing you will be working in so much pain .I know how bad that can be .I hope everything goes great for you when you see the new Dr .Maybe this horrible time you have been having will be over and you can get your quality of life back.You are right about me going for my disability .The more I consider and think about it I realize thats my only option.Heck I can't even keep my home up anymore .I have really let things go .I do what I can mainly the things that bother me the most (dirty bathroom , dishes, laundry) .If I can keep those up I am doing good . I will keep you in my prayers Jamie .You must believe things will get better .I know it's hard sometimes but try to think positive.Thanks and take care Melissa
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1187071 tn?1279369698
lol Melissa your fine. I agree you really need to check into disability, you cant get attacked again!! Your husband is right on this one. Plus your dr is even asking you about it and she will do the papers so I say GO FOR IT!! I know it really hurts knowing you can't work anymore but you have to put you first. I have been on medical leave 2 times now and I hated to go on it but I had no choice, it was either call off cause I was in to much pain and lose my job or go on medical leave so I picked medical leave. I am not sure if I will be able to work this weekend, I was in so much pain last time I worked and I was on med then, this time I won't be so I am very scared.
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1324871 tn?1288981706
I have really been having a hard time deciding what to do whether to quit doing the respite .I really don't think  I could handle another attack though.This boy is larger than I am and very strong .I could not get away from him and when I did I left a chunk of me behind.He had such a grip on me.I ended up with a baseball sized place on my back and I wrenched my neck getting away from him .He is only a child but I was afraid of him .I have worked with mentally challenged people for over 15 yrs but I have never been attacked this way.I also was not forwarned by the mom that this kind of behavior was possible or the best way to handle his meltdowns . If I was being honest with myself I know I can't do this.I can't put myself in harm's way with my condition .I guess I will have to check into getting disability .My Pm once asked me if I was going on disability that she would sign the papers for me. I can't work anymore . I have tried for the last couple of months but that has just been a few hours a week .I am going to continue to stay in touch with the people I cared for.They are family to me .I will never lose interest in their lives and how they are doing .Thank you Jamie ! I feel like I hijacked your thread ! LOL! Melissa
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1187071 tn?1279369698
It would be so hard to leave the people you take care of. But I do understand where your husband is coming from, he don't want you hurt again. Even tho you think you can get to this boy there is also a chance he can hurt you again, worse then last time. So I would just let it go. Keep visiting the people you did take care of.
There is nothing wrong with trying to get disability, you really need to look into it since you can't work. I know it is a eye opener but it is the best thing to do.
My mother inlaw is quiting work next month and she only cares for one guy, she goes to his house 3 days a week to care for him. She is going to really miss him and I know she will be over to check on him all the time. She has cared for him for like 3 years.
Hang in there
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