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Pain and medication

I was wondering, I have a primary care physician and a pain management specialist. Right before I got my visit for my pain management my PCP wrote me a prescription for hydrocodone APAP 10 500 with 5 refills. My pain specialist originally told me to just take what I had left from my PCP but take 2 at time if it helps. So i did so, couple days passed and I realized by me doing that i was going to run out sooner and insurance wont cover an early refill, so I called my pain specialist and he gave me a script for oxycodone 15 mg Q 120. Ok i thought this is fine. Now that means a total of 4 a day and sometimes I have to take a half or 5 a day again making me run out 1-5 days before the new script can be written. I asked the doc to wright me a script early but to put a date on it when it can get refilled because I was leaving town. He put it on the exact day the 30 days were up. And im going to be 4 days short. He was already upset that I was taking half or one extra a day so I said I would compensate by taking only 3 one day which I lied because he seems upset. So would I get in trouble if I went to my regular pharmacist and had them fill my hydrocodone Q 90 and only use what is needed then go to a different pharmacy and give them the oxy script and put away the hydros. What ramifications could this have? Otherwise I am going to have to buy on the black market. I have a disk perfusion and fluid missing between L4 and L5. I’ve been on pain medications for 5 years. So not only would my pain come back full force but I would have withdrawals.
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I have GAD as well and I know how the worry just runs over and over again through your mind.  Especially when you're in pain and anxious about being in pain.  It can feel hopeless.  In your situation you are on a medication that is stronger than what you were previously on, so in that case one would expect it to work for you without you needing more than prescribed.  I understand the stress of being in pain and not suffering if there is no need to suffer, however, with PM honesty is the best policy.  I think everyone here appreciates your honesty with us.  
The thing about your post is that you admitted that you lied to the doctor when you told him you would take 3 a day.  Sometimes taking less is just what you have to do if they give you X number of meds to last 30 days. A lot of people here have made errors and had to go without their meds for days, most will never make that error again.  Are you really going out of town or did you tell him that to get the prescription filled earlier?

An important thing to know about PM is that the meds are not to put us completely out of pain, they are to make it bearable.  Maybe even comfortable, so that we can live somewhat normal lives, but not as if we never had an injury or condition.
The thing about filling prescriptions from two doctors is that people do that every day who are not in pain, and only seeking the drugs.  This makes it harder for CP patients like us who are honestly in pain to get the help we need.
Perhaps if you call the doctor on Monday, explain that your medication is not working, and ask for an appt ASAP, they will see you and you can explain everything in person, bringing the medication with you, that's really the only way I can see that you can make it right again.
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82861 tn?1333453911
Count this as a learning experience and hope your PMP will overlook it since you're new to pain management.

You have run out of two prescriptions from two different doctors too early because you ignored the prescribing instructions on the bottles.  Doctors do not take kindly to that kind of behavior as evidenced by your own comment:  "He was already upset that I was taking half or one extra a day..."  Of course you were going to run out early!  When the prescribing instructions state "one to two every 6 hours as needed" that means ONLY every 6 hours.  "As needed" doesn't mean you ALWAYS take two and if you still have pain you get to take more.  It also doesn't mean that you always get to take two in every 6 hour period.  You've already counted the pills and determined that taking them that way will result in running out early.  So don't do that and you won't run out.

The goal of pain management is "management."  That means that your doctor will TRY to get your pain to a manageable level so you can get on with living.  I doubt there is one chronic pain patient who can say that they have zero pain whether opiate therapy is on board or something non-narcotic or even non-pharmaceutical.  There is always a certain amount of background noise and often pain spikes that occur in any given month.  The goal is to avoid those pain spikes as much as possible.

You admit you have anxiety and that alone increases pain.  By obsessing on your pain, on the number of pills you have and the refill dates, your anxiety and pain levels increase.  Distraction is something you need to learn to get away from that reaction.  Your brain gets stimulated (pain); you respond (take more meds than prescribed); and you get rewarded (pain relief).  Uh oh!  Now you're in trouble because you're going to run out.  Do you see how your reaction to pain is getting you into trouble?  Try to distract yourself from that knee-jerk reaction of taking more meds.  Recognize it when it happens and turn to something to keep your mind occupied like reading a book, hanging out here at MH, listening to music - anything to get your mind off your pain and your eyes off the clock.

I am not saying these things to hurt you.  I only want you to recognize that your behavior has to stop or you may find yourself without any pain management at all.  Self-medicating is a pit you cannot let yourself fall into.  Doctors do not adjust meds to suit this kind of behavior.  End of story.  Take your meds as prescribed, and only as prescribed.  If it's not working out, you tell your doctor what is happening and let HIM make any necessary prescribing adjustments.  Ask him to put a daily maximum of pills you can take per day on the bottle.  That will help you more easily keep track of them and ensure you won't run out early.
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Sorry that you have anxiety. Yeah, maybe if you take in the unused medication and tell him what happened, he'll understand. I'm sorry that I said that you broke the contract. I really have never been in this situation before. I think that it depends on the doctor, but maybe if you bring in the hydrocodone and talk to him, he'll understand.
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They told me weeks ago that they would void my pain contract so I can continue with my PCP pain meds so I did for about a week called, and said im going to run out so they wrote me a script for oxy. Do they have the power to void and re initiate my drug contract.. and I didn’t break the contract. I was about too but I was going to show up at his office and hand him the hydrocodone still in the package stapled and tell him what I was about too do. Why would he drop me for not taking any, giving him the rest, and telling him the issue? Not only do I have pain but I also have generalized anxiety disorder meaning I worry about everything and you guys are freaking me out. lol I know i messed up but I haven’t consumed any of thy hydros.  There has to be a way not to get in trouble here. I was preparing to break the contract but I didn’t yet.
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Welcome. There are so many supportive people here!

Does your PCP know that you filled both prescriptions? If not, then unfortunately you could get dropped by both doctors. I think that you will get dropped by your PMP. You violated the contract. You knew what you were doing.

Can you make an appointment with your PCP to tell him what happened?

I don't think that there's any "good way" to tell your PMP. To me, it looks like you doctor shopped. I think you will get dropped if he finds out. Can you make an appointment and tell him that the oxycodone is not helping your pain?

Jaded is right, long acting morphine lasts longer than six hours.

I understand that you feel under-medicated, but the end result of what you did could be not having any doctor willing to treat you with pain medications. I think you should call your PCP and talk to him to see what he says. If you signed a contract, then it is most likely voided.

Once you get red-flagged, you will have trouble getting treated with medications. I tried to be gentle in my post, but I really think that you made a huge mistake by filling the hydrocodone. I understand that you have pain, but the risk that you took (IMO) was not worth the consequences. Wow.

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Well, MSContin, (morphine ER) lasts longer than 6 hours as it is a long-acting pain med rather than a short-acting pain med like hydro or oxy.  
I don't know what you could say to the doctor about all of this.  I've had the same problem with taking too many roxycodone (throwing them up and having to take another actually) but I just stretched the rest of them out at the end of the month, taking only 3 a day instead of 4.  My doctor does acknowlege that they only last about 3 hours and I am always honest with him about how many I've needed to take at a time, etc.  

The thing is, you called your doctor and he told you to make the oxycodone last.  Then you had a seperate script filled which may have violated your contract.  
I really don't know what to tell you other than try to make the oxycodone last.  I know it's not comfortable and if you feel like you're in agony, you should call the doctor and let them know that the meds aren't working as prescribed.  Some doctors still won't do anything for you about that, though, and then you just have to suffer until the next appt.  
I really don't know what to tell you about it all except that you could get in trouble for getting the lortabs filled and taking them.
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