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This isn't a question just some advice. The best place I have found to place the patch is just either side of your midline (front not back) and low down (yep, down there). I put it so that the top of the patch is right along the elastic in my undies (and the main part of the patch is completely covered by my undies). This keeps it on perfectly and as a bonus, this part of the body is always warm so the patch works well. Hope it helps. Hairy ppl may need to do a little greenskeeping 1st.
Oh actually I do have a question.
I am on the 100mcg patch and i am finding that my BT meds don't seem to work much at all with it (20mg oxy as req). Those of you on the patch please help re BT meds, What should i try?
THNX everyone. Nick.
17 Responses
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A little tidbit on the body heat discussion. I saw someone say that the med doesn't increase the dosage until it hits 104...maybe i am just a bit weird physiologically, but i had an incident where i was wearing my patch when i had a tire blowout on the interstate. Luckily i was able to get to the side ok, but after i had finished switching the blown tire for the spare in the trunk, i had a serious problem. Upon rising back up so i could put the tools back into the trunk i instantly noticed that i felt as if all the blood had drained out of my head. Now, it was cold outside so i was wearing a coat, but my body temp didn't get anywhere near 104 (i tend to start sweating really bad once i hit 100), but the patch had ended up dumping a lot more than it usually did as a result of the work. Luckily, i actually had my mom with me at the time and also a state trooper who had stopped to help us out, but from what i was told i pretty much passed out right there on the side of the road. Fortunately the first thing my mom did was unzip my jacket since she suspected what had happened and i was fine after a minute or so of cooling down. I guess the whole point i am trying to make is that you don't neccessarily have to feel over-heated like u should feel at 104 to run into problems with excessive dosing. Just keep an eye out for things that would raise your body temp a bit, and be sure that, if you can, someone who knows you are on the patch is around if you do any unusual exertions just in casse of similar issues.
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I agree Mollyrae, if heated up too fast it can go way too fast into the bloodstream. Unfortunatley I lost a loved one because of that. i advise anyone with the patch to please be careful and do not heat it up or take a hot bath with it on. It is highly dangerous.Please be careful to anyone on them. and DO NOT use a heating pad. many young people have lost their lives that way. God Bless and Good Luck
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I believe in following the directions and instruction by the dr and what comes with the patch, the instructions clearly tell you the only places to put the patch, down there is not one of them! This is a powerful drug people don't believe so cause its a patch! Highly addictive and withdrawal *****! I'm on my 2 nd go around after being off two years! I had my pharmacist call the number comes with the patch and advised transgerm breathable waterproof patches that go over the fentanyl patch I have never ever had one fall off and in the water a lot!!! It is the only patch they advise using its see through and basically the thing they put over iv's to keep needle in place! Read the instructions don't place patch where it's not advised! Safety first
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I use Nexcare Tegaderm waterproof transparent dressing(learned from research and then also from my Pain/Back Doctor) to keep it in place, covered, and safely "stuck" to me since I can't afford to lose the pain relief I desperately need. I swim, sweat, shower so it just makes me feel better to have it covered
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I like your attitude! Thanks
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If I take like 8 10 mg hydro codeine a day for two herniated discs in low back, will I feel any affect from a 50 mg fent patch? Never taken one and wonder if it's a waste of time?
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369629 tn?1237812958
hi there i have been on the patch now about 6 months now have not had to bad of side affects other then the last few weeks when i take the patch off i am so swollen and red its like its burning me i told the Dr and he gave me cream to put on but its still like red itching whats causing this??? and 1 more ?? what are thr risks of being on this med. for a long time and is it a bad thing or not.. i do have to say my pain is almost nil now and to me thats a relive.it was so bad before if any one can answer my ?? it would be greatfull thank you sharon
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I'm clearly not as hot as some ppl think!
I should clear something up tho. I don't, nor does anyone, get 7 full days of theraputic dosage from the patch (dead skin etc finishes that idea off, it must go into live fatty tissue). All i meant was that theoretically there is approx 7 days worth of drugs in the patch (dont argue, do the maths). I could be wrong but - a 100mcg patch delivers 100mcg/hr, x24 then times 3 equals the 3 day amount (7200mcg). divide by a thousand to get the milligram amount (7.2mg over the 3 days). That is 2.4mg a day. there is 16.8mg in the 100mcg patch. divide 2.4mg a day into that and you get 7, hence 7 days supply( even tho it isn't accessable thru normal means, but it explains why junkies seek used patches, they're still loaded). If my math is wrong, please feel free to correct. THANKS. Take care y'all!
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547368 tn?1440541785

You are correct heat and the patch is not a good combination, indeed it can be fatal!!!   But it is safe on your body as long as your body temp remains below 104.

If you should develop fever of 103 I would be concerned but otherwise the normal warmth in the pubis area should not be an issue.  
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696698 tn?1227940059
Hi Everyone I myself am on the patch i was on 100mcg been wearing the patch since 2006 May and as of yesterday my dosage increased to 125mcg i also take perkocets for break thru pain.... I myself wear the patch on my arms i cant wear them down there cuz my pain is in lower abdoman and i constantly having a heating pad down there, And i read an artical that was on the news aswell as the tv that heat is NOT GOOD FOR THE PATCH... So stay away from the heat, not to scar anyone but the article talked about people wearing it who have died because they were not wearing them properle.... PLEASE JUST BECARFULL....
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547368 tn?1440541785

Please don't beleive that the fentanyl patch delivers seven days of a therapeutic level dose. It is not true that it is able to deliver any more than the package states. For some patients these patches only produce a therapeutic dose of medication for 48 hours and not the 72 hours promised.

If it works seven days for you, you are the extreme exception. Don't misunderstand me, I am glad that it does work that long for you. I just don't want other Fentanyl users to think that their patches are ineffective or worse.

Thank you for your input. I am glad that this method works best for you. And I beleive you are correct that any elevation in the area that you wear the patch should not be significant enough to cause a problem. According to my research and my physician the heat would have to be increased to 104 body degrees before heat would play a factor in it's dispensing. Which of course means if you have a body temp close to 104 the patch should be removed.

Peace, Tuck
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hi all, thanks for the feedback. I have not heard that it shouldn't be worn below the waistline. my doc knows where i wear it and he's fine with it. I honestly cant wear it anywhere else (successfully). and for me it isnt excessively hot down there to the point of OD'ing or patch wearing out too soon (there's actually about 7 days of meds in a patch - 100mcg per hr, total of 16.8mg, leaves plenty of leftover). best advice i guess is trial and error. we're all used to being ginea pigs right?
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547368 tn?1440541785
I have been told that the patch should be be above the waist also. But everyone one is different and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.

And Nick the ame is true for breah-through pain. What medication may work for break-through pain for me may not work for you and visa-versa. I would certainly discuss this with your prescribing physician. Because your physician knows you and your condition better than any of us, he/she may have a good suggestion.

Good luck to you. Tuck
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535089 tn?1400673519
I really hope that the members who use the Fentanyl patch and who read this undestand that putting the patch on in a warm place is not a good idea. It will make the medicine go into the blood stream faster than it would normally. Please stick to the arm or chest. It is in your best interest.

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720490 tn?1300442145
Just my two sense.........I have neck and lower back pian and my PM doc told me not to put it on below the waistline. Not sure why. I have tried to put it under the undies and it came off faster there than when I put it anywhere else. You know.....the taking off the underpants to go potty several times a day. Nope. Didn't work for me.....
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178107 tn?1315947630
I have tried putting the patches in almost every area you could think of, and like Nike I have found that the lower abdomon has been the best place to keep them secure.  I don't seem to be getting the meds any faster in that area.  I switch sides everytime I change patches. Great tip Nick.
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535089 tn?1400673519

That is some good advise but I will tell you that most ppl cannot wear the patch in that area. You skin is most sensitive there and will tend to become irritated much quicker than on the arm or chest. And because ti is warmer in that area, the medicne in the patch will effect you quicker and will NOT last as long. The medicine will absorb at a much faster rate. So I guess in my opinion, it is not a good idea to wear the patch in this area. Remember...warm is not good for a patch.....

Take care,
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