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the unknowns of fentanyl

That is an apt title. I have been thru HCV and successful treatment. I have CLL, but my oncologist practually swears
that my condition is unrelated to my ongoing fatigue. My gastroenterologist states the same. I do not have cirrhosis
and all blood tests come back as near normal. My problem is fatigue that is close to being incapacitating. This has
been hounding me for 12 to 14 yrs. I have been using the fenfanyl patch for for over 10 yrs., and as high as 50 units
a day. Having eliminated practically all other possible causes, I can only conclude that the fentanyl is the most likely
cause of my lethargy. I don't believe I need the pain mgt. and keep applying and/or chewing the patch to keep from
becoming ill. I want to stop using if only to find if it is the cause of my fatigue.My question is ,have others experienced
similar problems w/fentanyl. If this is the case,  please respond. I know I have the ability to stop using the patch,but
could use responses to solidify my approach.Please, no suggestions about Dr's or religion.Thank you much.
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Dolph -

Just wanted to let you know that I share your problem in dealing with combined pain and deep fatigue. I have decompensated ESLD, due to a chronic liver disease, as well as other systemic diseases. Everyday is like having a bad flu that doesn't go away, it's there 24/7. When I collapse in bed, it is literally that, the fatigue is truly amazing, and I used to be a very active, competitive athlete - not anymore.

I've tried just about everything but I finally had to accept my body's new limitations. So I make sure I get plenty of rest (naps are a requirement) and limit myself to only one or two tasks a day.

We're all different of course, so I hope you're able to work something out. I've found that my pain, if left unchecked, will make my fatigue far worse. So I have a PM routine, with the help of my doctor, that reduces the pain in half and this seems like a manageable solution.

Good luck and hope things come together for you soon.
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Well, off to have my thyroid-deficient blood drawn again. Can't tell you how
good it makes me feel to have support and enthusiasm like yours as part of
my travails. It is really helpful. Haven't been on a plane for almost 20 yrs. I'm
living outside of Detroit where I grew up, but as the song goes, "I left my
heart in SF". I am starting to feel that my condition is rather insignificant
compared to others in this forum. Just wish that everyone had this ray of hope I'm enjoying. I know that's not possible, but just the same, I wish all of
you had a second or third chance. Don't want to get too emotional, so I'll
sign off. Still have my doubts, but never expected to get this hopeful. Thanks so much Sherry, and will talk at you soon, w/o doubt, Dolph
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I can't wait until I see your post letting us know you have your tickets and then your updates from the SF Bay area!!! :)   I just have a feeling that we'll be seeing them very soon.  (Keeping my fingers crossed at least!)  

Looking forward to the updates on your tests you'll be getting back and wishing you the best of luck.......Nam  :)
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Yea, thanks for the encouragement. I hope one more blood test, and I'll be
starting thyroid meds. You can't imagine how I would feel once I started to
noitice some improvement. I really can't believe this might happen. I mean
"really believe". So it's" wait and see" time again. This isn't the first time I've had high expectations. Maybe this time it's for real. I've got a bucket list
a couple pages long. One is to visit SF Bay area, where I havn't been back
since 1996. Lived there for a long time, and left behind many good friends.
There's that and so much more. Keep your fingers crossed, and maybe in a
week to 10 days I'll be on my way. Have to keep it in perspective. You just
never know until it becomes reality. Cheers, Dolph.
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That's  WONDERFUL news if only because it gives you HOPE!!! :)  I'm sure you, of all people, know what it means to have hope after disparring for so long.  My blood tests were what led me to my answers & I'm so happy that, hopefully, yours have done the same for you!  

Just keep up the postive thoughts until you finish your tests and with any luck they will give you the answers you have been looking for.  Your doing everything right. Just keep it up!!!!

Looking forward to your next updates!  Hang I there, you'll get those answers.

As always, best wishes.......Sherry
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Well, I said he was a great Dr. Today I recieved the letter I have been waiting for. It wasn't so much a letter, but the results of the blood work-up.
This was a bit troubling since I could understand only so much. After calling
his office and requesting a return call from him, I waited, and waited. At 8:00
he did call. First of all, he wants a few things re-checked, and a few other
things ck'd also. OK, this is what he told me. The problem may stem from my
thyroid.He pretty much dismissed my theory about the fent., and the CLL.I
know nothing about the thyroid, and just as little about what would cause it to
cause the problems I've been having. To a degree, it could explain the duration of my fatigue.(14 to 15 yrs.). Of course the next question was,is
there a remedy. His reaction was,Oh, certainly. Well I don't have to tell you
how great it was to hear that. Now, I don't want to set myself up for disappointment, but at least there is a ray of hope. He sounded very optimis
tic, but I'm far from convinced. Until I start to feel some improvement, I'm going to have to learn to relax, and wait for whatever he prescribes to work
it's magic. That's      all for now. I'm going to sit back and digest this news, then get on my computer and read and read about thyroids and there
functions, and anything related. Thanks for all your help and concern. You
are the first to know about this(other than my 24 yr. old son). I'm going to
wait awhile before telling friends and family. Just want to be certain. So,
thanks again, and cheers, Dolph
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I think you could say I'm in remission. But the problem w/that is, it is very slow
to advance. It's hard to beleive that it's the reason I've felt like shite for all
these yrs. Jus terribly hard to fathom. But since confusion prevails, I don't
know what to conclude. Waiting on the mailman,or (please Mr. Postman), old
tune, probably dates me some. Anyway, I'll keep you "posted", Dolph
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