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sons lips frequently turn blue?

I was wonder if someone could advise me on my son, He's 16months old now and apart from being a handful is usually well except his lips (nowhere else) turn blue from time to time and I'm getting concerned as it is happening more frequently now! it does happen when he is cold but I've also noticed it at other times.I also have a 5 year old but his lips never turn blue ?
When he was 8 weeks he was admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis and at the doctor who examined him found a murmur? but said it was nothing to be concerned about and needed no further tests.
Should i now be worried?
Please reply as i'm unsure what to do.
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My daughter started getting blue lips around 9 months. Shes going to be one at the end of this month and she is turning blue more and more frequently. her lips, her fingers, toes, and lately her cheeks. and as it's warm outside, i know that isnt the problem. it most often happens with she is playing with us inside, with her toys or something. i'm calling the pediatrician tomorrow and getting a new appointment set up. when i took her in in febuary because of this, my doctor said "it will be interesting to see if it happens when its warm out." i dont like this care free attitude and its not addressing the problem. she doesnt ever turn blue when she wakes up like i see alot of people saying. shell be playing. its not normal,  i dont care who says it is.
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My 18 month old grandson had an episode of turning blue a couple of days ago; Monday April 26.  He had been running a mostly low grade fever since this past Sunday, but it did climb as high as 103.8 during the overnight hours on Sunday. Since then Tylenol worked well to keep the temp down and was being given every 4- 6 hours.  He had clear nasal drainage at times.  Was not coughing, but had a poor appetite at breakfast on Monday, and had been very clingy ( did not want to be sat down, wanted to hug a lot and stay real close).  He had just been placed in his high chair and I was attempting to feed him.  When he laid his head down on the high chair tray, and began to shake.  His lower jaw was trembling, his whole body had a fine tremor.  His arms were discolored.  When he looked up his lips were blue as well as his finger nail and great toe nail beds. His temp at this time was 101.5. He did not feel cold to the extremities nor was he sweating. The whole episode lasted only 5 minutes or so and next thing you know, he is eating/playing with his jello,  He remained quiet and with a poor appetite the rest of the day, but began to play a little more toward the evening hours, however at times seems to be more starry eyed lately. He had just been at the Dr. in the AM for a previously scheduled appointment. Although he had a fever and his heart was racing some at that point along with a bit of a red throat,  the Dr said his heart and lungs sounded good and was not concerned.. Following the episode, the Dr. was again called and he stated that this was not unusual when a fever was breaking.  His fever remained low grade for the remainder of the day and into Tuesday.  It finally resolved Tues eve and then he began to have more frequent clear/yellow nasal drainage.  Since this was the first and only episode thus far, we plan to monitor him and will take him to the ER if any subsequent episodes occur. I had never heard of this before and am amazed at the number of post regarding this topic.  I am hoping that it is as simple as a breaking fever, but I too worry about a heart condition, or mold exposure, or some chemical/drug exposure.  The mind races you know and we all want answers now.  But reading all the post, it seems that an answer may never come.  Wishing you all well...
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Thanks for your postings.  I'm really interested in hearing what you found out, if anything.  Thank you.
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Hi all my son has been turnig blue for a while now its his lips hands and arms that go blue, he has been admitted a few times to the hospital because of this and has had an echo on his heart which was fine he is going for an mri scan on the 19th of this month as they think it could be 2 cervical ribs(extra ribs) at the bottom of his neck pushing down on an artery causing him 2 go blue from time to time, my sons longest episode was 3hours he had nine in a week, but for the past couple of weeks he hasnt had any noticable ones. Another thing that can cause the blueness i have heard is fetus in fetu so going to speak to the consultant about this aswell. x
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hi, my son has also been turning blue. He is 2 years old and his creche said when he woke up from a nap his lips were blue/purple and quite cold, however his mood was normal and he seemed happy and his lips returned to normal colour within 10 mins. When he was a baby he would wake from his sleep trying to catch his breath so i took him to the doctors trying to get an answer to why this was happening and i was told that he may have sleep apnea and that this means he holds his breath whilst sleeping however he would always wake up again to catch his breath. I was terrified in case he would not wake to catch his breath. This spell of apnea only lasted for the 1st year of his life and seemed to disappear. Its only recently that the blue tinge or blue lips have appeared and he has not shown signs of sleep apnea recently or over the last year. I have made an appointment with my sons doctor to get him assessed, it is very strange tho that so many parents are reporting these symptoms in their children. Maybe it is linked to sleep apnea? My son is not pale in skin, he is swarthy so i do not think it is linked to pale or fair children. The only other thing i can think of is, he was at hospital last week an was given an antibiotic for a chest infection, also doctor stated that he might have asthma as he has had a persistant cough after having had croupe. She give him inhalers to take a few weeks ago. However when he was at hospital last week as he has a tempreture with his cough the doctor told us he actually has a chest infection so prescribed antibiotics. I asked her about his asthma and mentioned the doctors previous concerns about asthma and this doctor told me that she thinks he does not have asthma. I just don't know which doctors to listen to anymore as they seem to be giving me different information and diagnosis. Does anyone have any suggestions with regards to this information and why this might be happening to my son?  
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I posted a short time ago and have some new (but not very insightful) info to add.

My daugher had anohter strange episode that was different than her first (see my post dated Feb 18th)  She was at daycare, being her normal happy energetic self... and dancing on the carpet.  Suddenly she just stopped dancing and totally spaced out and was non-responsive.  Only this time she did not go unconscious or stop breathing (thank God).  But this episode was very different from her first. She did not have blue lips (from what I was told).  But while she was spaced out she was looking towards the floor but not focusing on anything.  When you looked at her eyes, they were moving from side to side slightly. (kind of how your eyes look when you're reading a book).  My caregiver called her name, snapped her fingers in front of her nose and got no response.  She also lifted up my daughter's arm over her head, and let it go... and her arm just dropped down to her side.  My daughter didn't react in anyway.  A short time later my caregiver shook her favorite toy (that rattles) and on the second shake my daughter just snapped out of it, took her toy and just went along her way like nothing had happend.

We also had our initial appt with a neurologist who said she seems completely normal.  He thinks the seizure theories we've been told are very unlikey given her situaiton and age, and if the spacing out were these types of seizures they'd be happening multiple times a day... (like 5 to 7 times in a day and would be more likely for children 5+ yrs old).  We have to wait another month for her EEG and weeks later for the results.  

The neurologist doesn't think he'll find anything but we're insisting on the test anyway.   He did say he thinks it's a circulatory issue.  He said if it was an issue where she was not getting enough oxygen that her whole body would be going blue, not just her lips and hands.  I'll have to look more into this. I thought that because she was cleared on the cardiology end of it that circulation wouldn't be an issue.  I mean, if her heart is working as it should be... could she still be having circulation issues?  I don't know.

I'll post again with any new info.
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