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Dear PATMERS, do you feel itching too when you talk?

Do you feel itching too when you talk. I will. When I saw someone rub their nose or half cover their nose , i could feel my face or nose itching too. I try not to think so much, but really not easy.
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Not this exactly. Right before I cause reactions I often feel hot and my skin itches.
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I bet the heat could b due to we r panic about others' reaction or afraid to see what could be others' reactions. Hope we will be better soon.
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If I breathe under the cover for a few seconds the “itch or tingle” starts around my nose.
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I tried this as well. Some times i feel the same with u. Sometimes not. I tried to alter my mind not to think about itching, it seems help a little.
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Yes, my nose will itch just a tiny bit whike I’m talking to someone and only if it’s not well ventilated.
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Ic..thanks for your sharing. Sometimes before I talk, when i expect someone to come near me. I d started to feel itch around my nose. Guess i was nervous. I tried not to be nervous but it's natural response of mine.

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