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Breast explant

Having this condition has been so frustrating! I started taking an OR course and Im currently doing my clinical rotations. I was in the operating room yesterday and the doctor sneezed twice while he was doing surgery. I wasn’t even close to him and I was wearing a face and eye mask. After being in surgery for 2 hours while wearing that mask I noticed my stomach started bloating and my eyes got dry that they started turning red. I know people with PATM assume they have bad breath bc people tend to look away after they start talking. But I don’t think it’s because of bad breath. I think peoples stomach start hurting. Our breath causes people to get gas. I know it happens with me at least. It happened to me while I was wearing the mask. My stomach hurt so bad that it felt like it was piercing my stomach and my eyes were so dry. My family still don’t believe me and they think this is a delusion because it’s not something they can see. But I decided to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon on 4/19/19 to see if I should get my breast implants removed. This is not something I want to do. I know this is going to sound crazy to a lot of people but my breasts gave me confidence. They increased my self esteem. I’ve had them for almost a decade but I’m hoping that if I get the explant, this PATM will go away because I got this PATM 2 years after my surgery. If I decide to follow through with the explant surgery and this doesn’t go away, I will be devastated. I’m losing hope and I’m losing my mind.
2 Responses
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I doubt this is related to your implants, so I would keep them. Plenty of men here got same problem, without implants I guess.
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18751818 tn?1482352552
Hello it has nothing to do with implants! I am a man 29 years of Paris I patm for 4 years and I have no implant.

I am sorry but this intervention is in my opinion useless.

You spend your energy on the wrong answer ...

The problem is either electrical or intestinal or parasite or candida or allergic food or anything else
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What kind of symptoms do you get ? I feel mine are worse than others from this site.
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