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Coronavirus can have us judged by reactions?

With this coronavirus epidemic spread by are sorry elites we definitely need to be on a guard from making people have reactions. Cause people do stare at us when these reactions start and their going to think crazy. Please be on your guard, coconut oil and tea tree the inside of your nose and hyprodgen peroxide your nose. Drink aloa vera juice and make sure you take your probiotics and make sure you exercise daily to get your oxygen. This is a game being played out here that could make us look bad and we dont want any of are people being misjudged. Stay strong and stay away from these crazy people conclusions. They might try to link us to this bullcrap but when you get healthy and get yourself right, you'll see some heavenly things, it scared me. Be strong and encourage others and let's come out with a victory on this
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Does that slow the reactions
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