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Could it be hydrochloric acid from our stomach?

So tonight I decided to do some research. I based this research on being told "it smells like swimming baths"

Funnily enough swimming baths contain chlorine, as does our gastric juices (hydrochloric acid)

Looking into this further, hydrochloric acid is quiet an aggressive irritant, burning lungs in high amounts, this could explain the coughs and sneezes.

I believe our stomach is creating way too much acid, moving up our esophagus, and being exhaled with each breath.

Apparently hydrochloric acid has a "pungent tangy" odour, this mixed with half digested food could explain the various smells we seem to emit.

What do you guys think?
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My opinion is the "patm" increases and shoots out different smells based on the person.   The acid smell is just multiplied by the patm and shot out by "this mystery thing we have"   ive seen many different reactions and smells that all.fall under the patm umbrella
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