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Do You Ever Give off a Weed-Like Odor?

Just a random question. A few times in my life, someone has mentioned that I smelled like weed momentarily. One time it was described as a vodka smell. Seems like a really quick release of odor. Then it goes away.
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I have to disagree with you about the smelly odor part. How do you explain people who are in passing cars or inside stores rubbing their noses and sneezing in reaction to you?
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Whatever is in your blood you will smell like. If you drank alcohol, people will smell that. IF you just smoke a blunt, people will smell that. If you just ate Mcdonalds people will smell that disgusting ****.

Thats why many reccomend supplements and healthy food, so that you purify your blood.
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Whatever is in your blood you will smell like. If you drank alcohol, people will smell that. IF you just smoke a blunt, people will smell that. If you just ate Mcdonalds people will smell that disgusting ****.

Thats why many reccomend supplements and healthy food, so that you purify your blood. This is also why we attract certain bugs like mosquitoes more than others, they smell the blood scent and go CRAZY
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I get PATM reactions and I have been described to smell
burnt,old onion,tequila/old booze (i donr drink) and ive probably had other odor but people just dont mention them.
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yes, but it's hard to say because I always smokes weed and owned medical marijuana properties.   But even when I quit for a few weeks if I talked long enough I'd get the same comment about weed breath.  I know my body well enough to know the smell shouldn't have been there when they said it was.  I may not be the best person to answer this. but yes.

I just believed my lungs somehow were not detoxing properly and that it just showed back up.  
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It's only happened a few times in my life, one time when I was in high school someone said I smelled like weed. At that time, I had never smoked weed before. Then the other day, my friend said it suddenly smelled like weed.
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