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Can you guys smell your own odor?

i cant really smell it,and im pretty sure i havent lost my sense of smell.
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Not always , but even if I smell myself it’s for just a short moment , sometimes when I sniff my old T-shirt’s I recognize the smell I’m putting off .. its like theyr r stuck there
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When I do laundry I notice it, I'll leave my place then come back and then notice it briefly
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Sometimes, but I get different odors. Am not sure what is the odor that is causing patm or the strongest. I have 2 odors that I get. One is like a poop smell kinda(maybe not as strong) but I dont know if its comming from my mouth(like bad breath) or if this is patm. The other smell I get its a wierd smell I dont know how to describe it , like a medical thing or like infection, I get that around my nose sometimes. Like when I mess with my nose sometimes or like when I used to work as a roofer and I would be bending over nailing **** down and excerting myself I would get it.

Anyway, the thing about me is, is that I must have some food intolarances (like glutten, dairy, and to a lesser degree sugar) because my sense of smell is ****** up most of the time. However, after like 2, 3 or 4 days on like a vegetable diet, or fasting or low glutten low dairy low and low sugar diet, then my nose seems smell and breath better. In other words the inflamation in my body goes down.
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Only when sweating in sauna, leaving the sauna for a moment and re-entering I notice a weird smell that is not normal sweat.

Also some weird smells get stuck on clothes and fabrics I use.
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no not at all.  What I've noticed is that it just seems to take certain odors that are already there on or in me and throw them out somehow.    But at least for my patm it has no smell.    
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