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Does anyone else here have social anxiety issues?

I'm just trying to gather more comprehensive information about PATM victims. In my case, I've had blood work done my kidneys work fine - so it probably isn't toxins. I think I have IBS but I haven't been officially diagnosed. Either way, most posters have something wrong with their digestion - and I do as well. Someone posted recently that their stomach was too alkaline, which in looking to target now - increasing acid and introducing probiotics. That mostly covers the physical side.

There has to be something else though that is causing this. Obviously it's not just those issues; So I'm trying to see what other posters are like in other aspects of health.
8 Responses
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I had social anxiety issues when I had my PATM. I think there is a relation between the two.
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If I have to meet with big wigs sort speak
And if I have an event so yes stress -- stress of trying to be your best
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Hey, i do suffer from social anxiety (undiagnosed) and I think i definitely did to an extent before PATM. It seems to be a very common trait for a lot of people here. I'm almost 6'6" and pretty skinny and grew up pretty self-conscious about that. A theory i sometimes entertain is i just stopped using my stomache to breathe, due to anxious short breathing, and trying to suck in "the gut" and appear small and off people's radars. And potentially that kind of paralyzed my stomach, allowing too much fermentaion/what-have-you/PATM. Deep breathing excercises have given me far more relief than any other action I've taken against PATM. Interested what others think!
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Thanks for the response. I get the feeling that most people with PATM have severely repressed emotions in some capacity. I'm a very quiet natured person and rarely express too much emotion, accept around close friends. Moreover, it find it somewhat difficult to form relations with people. In the end, I'm not sure where this all plays in and how it relates to the more physical symptoms, but there is definitely something more at play here.
I completely agree
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I don't think it's a factor here but I also have ASMR. No orher health issue that I know.

And yes, I have social anxiety issues also, but greatly increased due to patm
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yes i have anxiety only after i got patm
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Yes I do.
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Oh yeah and my anxiety boosted up can't breath but has to do with the stomach and nose has to be.
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Its the stomach and the nose I feel the pain we have something I'm going to have a GI put a scope down my throat in a couple months this acid reflux ***** man I miss having a relationship  
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