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Can we possibly get this into mainstream to gain support?

So this disease is crazy I've had it for about 2 years and I have to say at first I thought my mind was playing tricks on me but after 2 years dealing with this disease it is for sure real and I know this for a fact because everywhere I go people can't help but clear their throat and spit and even and in my own apartment building people like I hear them coughing and all around me at then it's the same kind of cough and it's the same kind of and I swear it's like like like this whatever it is coming like out of my body like it seems like it's or just goes through walls and it seems like it's it has its it goes pretty far out but anyways I'm just trying to reach out.
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It's the allergy of 21st century-electrohypersensitivity.
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Does anyone notice people are retracting posts on here??? also my comments are not being shown
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Unfortunately mainstream thinks this is a delusion.  As sufferers we must continue to discuss this with our peers, friends and family and show them examples where we think it's occurring.  I understand this is very difficult to talk about because people will think you are delusional but it's our best hope.  Stay strong my friend, remind yourself you are not alone in this bizarre nightmare.  Interestingly enough I've had this for around 3 years now.
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