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Hands lighter skin tone than arms

Normally this would be a minor physical characteristic that I wouldn't even take note of. However, since there almost seems to be no unifying traits to people with PATM, at least those that we can see, I'm asking out of pure curiosity. I know I'm probably reading to much into nothing, but I would appreciate any responses - hoping that there is at least one physical marker that we all have.

On my hand, notice the skin color on my arms versus on my hands.


I'm not in this picture, but I noticed it here as well.

4 Responses
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No, I don't observe this. The skin tone of my hands is almost the same as that of my arms. Though I have some very subtle hypopigmentation on the back of the hands.

Maybe we should start a new thread and let everyone add their own special traits/diseases/allergies as a simple keyword. On a given date we would create a vote/survey with all the given keywords as options and might see if we have anything else in common apart from PATM.
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I have pigmentation in my thighs standing up called Twins, but it is not so remarkable or big, if I have all my skin in good condition, I have no infections.
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Come on bro you can't legitimately think having browner arms than hands causes people to cough
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Obviously not. I'm trying to establish and physical similarities that people with PATM have. Based of previous surveys, it's almost nothing; people with this live all over the world and come from all different ethnicities and backgrounds. People with PATM may have acne or they may not, they might be skinny or fat, they might drink or not drink. It seems like there is no rhyme or reason to this. If we can establish any common traits, it will benefit us. As of now, I'm not sure if there is anyone within a thousand miles of me that has PATM, it's an incredibly isolating experience. That's all I'm trying to do here.
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Alright, may have been a dumb question, but at least I know it has nothing to do with anything.
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