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PATM ruined my life

Hey, I'm sorry for my english... I'm from Brazil. I don't know what to do, it has been almost one year and I couldn't find the answer for my suffer. What else can I do? I don't know anyone in my localization that I can talk about it. Sometimes I feel that I have just to give it up cause I'll never have a normal life like everyone else. Almost always I give up my planes to not make people suffer, I'm just isolating myself in a bubble completly alone without have someone to talke about how I feel. Sometimes I think that I have to just kill myself to end with all of this cause I'll never can have a normal life. How you guys deal with this?
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Please read my post to understand what is PATM and read what you could do and cannot. It's either a digestive condition very similar to IBS, IBD or metabolic like TMAU, regardless it originates in the digestive system [gut]... which has psychological ramification. You'll have to be mature about it or it will make you crazy.

Here's what I know from having it for so long and studying it. It's has no odor regardless what one may think. Most people who are gasping for air, holding their nose, coughing or sneezing initially have no idea you're causing the problem. If they do try to leave from the area you’re at, it’s because they are very uncomfortable, can’t breathe, coughing badly or just sick[flulike] and just want a better spot, but it doesn’t mean they know exactly you’re the problem. If you meet them continuously they will know by association and will try to avoid you as much possible. I think we’ve all observed this so no need to explain.
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He JSE, don't give up, if you need to talk let's talk.

A few of us are actively investigating and testing and seeing different doctors, something should come out of this soon, I don't know how soon, but hang on there.

Stop eating sugar and carbs for a bit and you should see some improvements!
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I used to suffer from PATM,it actually affcted my every aspect of life, but tried most of the guides i could found (eating healthy , excercise etc) but what helped me is geeting rid of my anxiousness and unneccesary guilt feeling . If someone caough around you its there problem not yours you are not willingly acting them.just because someone cough dont ruin your whole life.they will cough and thats the end of it.may cough all the day but its just cough, your life more valuable than someones cough.so value it dont hide.go to that person who cough talk to him with smilly firnedly mood you will be suprised tsee how they would become easily friend with you..im experinceing this from the begining i practiced controlling my anxiousness...in early stages peopl cough around me and i wen to all of them and talk with them the friendly smily.It did lowered my anxiousness as well as the PATM effect.now im hardly seen a person cough around me.im 100 cured.
Every PATM suffere goes through this  period wher he would just try to hide from the rest of the world considering they are a disease.Never ever do that go out more talk to people specially talk to closest one.i bet none of the closest friend will cough when you talk to them becouse with them you dont feel anxious.My advice by experience dont hide go out be more social, dont feel anxious let any one cough or even scream dont make them your buisiness if you want to FIGHT PATM.
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PATM can ruin your life only if you let it.
I bet you are a anxious person, alway look for other well being, make most of your choices based on if it would hurt anyone etc.?after the PATM your are more anxious and woried about what is does to other people and feeling guilty?(because i used to be.)
If thats the case and you want to fight PATM cure is getting rid of that anxious and guilty feeling.Do not ever feeling guilty thinking about others.Only way you are going to defaet is by letting go of this fear,anxiousness and guilt
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I get it, but isn't so easy see that If I care someone I have to be distant of them cause my condition may affect them.

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