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this forum is a big threa.t

I guess moderators on here just want us to suffer, But i wanna give my freedom of speech!!
So now, everyone on this side of smell tmau whatever it may be, u will find millions of supplements and consuming them, true fact u will never get cured. Why? because patm is all in our mind, i realised this, when im not focusing on patm, it dissapears, but when i focus on it, reactions come. We are all creators of our own world. I take as a patm victim that it's a life lesson, whatever you see in yourself, mirror's back to the world. I remember exactly what i did before patm. I would non-stop target my mind with negative thoughts because i thought that was the safest way, whenever i feel down, i was extremely stressed because i had no support, i would listen to depressing song and guess what patm manifested itself in our mind on halloween day, bad thoughts, low vibration. I don't even think anyone's even cured on here, even if they are their just saying it, which is good for them because if u don't believe u have patm, then u wont attract the reactions. I tried this and it works like magic.
4 Responses
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Animals sense PATM just like they do right before an earthquake...I guess it's "all in their head" too (yeah right)
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20637193 tn?1503890589
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This is nonsense. I remember a time just a year and a half ago when entire rooms full of people didn't cough everywhere I went anytime of year. Just because we haven't figured out why yet doesn't mean it's not real. Look at celiacs disease for example. Just recently figured out after years of sufferers had no idea why. If you find relief by mental adjustments, great. But there are many logical, well reasoned individuals in here that know this is real and is a condition that hopefully one day will be treatable. Until then, the battle continues.
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every disease has to be tried to be cured by science whether it may be Patm or else. Now human is landing on moon, no lack of genius. Patm should be researched by scientists like every other disease
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yo man this is what i allready told this forum chick my post
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You told us it's a problem by the "belief system" i'm not sure what you mean, but patm is related to negative emotions projected by our mind. The author of this post is right when he says it's vanishing as soon as stop focussing on these reactions, i'm observing the same thing. However i think it's possible that many patmers are suffering from underlying body problems such as intestinal bacterial imbalances, which is strongening this thing as well. Probably it's even possible that our mind is triggering these imbalances if we're suffering from stress.
Indigestion is also related
There is no doubt that people's allergic reactions are due to (EM or sound) waves that our bodies produce in response to our thoughts. However, the specific mechanism by which these waves are produced remains mysterious. The next step for medical research may be to place a device on us that measures precisely what part of the body is activated to produce these waves. I believe that much progress can be made with current technologies.

As many of you may feel, it is hugely unfair to us that even apparently innocent thoughts could trigger our bodies to emit these waves. To avoid PATM we have to carefully control our thoughts, but meanwhile we cannot compromise our abilities to take actions. Life is tough this way.

You are reading content posted in the People Allergic to Me (PATM) Community

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