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Has anyone tried tranquilizers?

I just wanted to ask if anyone has tried tranquilizers to cure PATM. Please tell me your results.
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I use some anti-anxiety meds or herbs (mostly gabaergics) from time to time to deal with the stress PATM makes me feel. While taking these drugs does not cure it, I can definitely observe a decline in symptoms. They calm me down enough that I don't think about PATM all the time and can maintain a normal relaxed state in social situations.
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I believe you.Tranquilizers reduces stress in the body.Stress feeds bad bacteria-it's simple.
I’m on anti depressants due to stress and it does reduce it
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I am not saying that PATM is in the head. But haven't you felt PATM leaving you when you forget about it completely. Maybe PATM is a disease of the physical brain. Maybe that's why we are radiating some kind of wave that can go through walls. Have you ever wondered about what happens when we sleep. People don't get sick because our brain is resting. I am not saying go and try some psychoactive medicine because it might make you crazy or dumb but all i am saying is that there is something wrong with our nervous system.
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Does leakygut suddenly get cured and leave a PATMer when he’s not thinking about it? Does lacking metabolites like amino-acids suddenly accumulate in the blood out of thin air when you’re not thinking about it? You’d be defying a lot of things including science itself if you believe so.
I agree that the nervous system is affected in some way.
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If it heals PATM, then it should heal TMAU, AIDS, leprosy, malaria, swine flu, ebola and any disease on earth.
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