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Hi does anyone work in retail with this condition

Just wanted to know if anyone with PATM work in retail and are the customers that come in contact with you are affected? If yes how do you cope with people coughing
around u.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
1 last thing to go along w my ladt comment...u HAVE to balance out bad w good...dont let patm takeover...add some positive things in ur life..get a friend,  get a hobby, have a drink, get involved in ur own project, WORKOUT WORKOUT WORKOUT till ur body cant take anymore, listen to some good music, slap someone w a burnt tortilla lol ANYTHING
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Precious i also wanna add..having at least 1 close friend  that u can tell ur problems to  really helps.  Whether they believe u or not, it helps to chill w sum1 outside of work so u can boost ur spirits up.  I have a few friends that know, and they already forgot, which is good.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
I work at a very good company where i am around hundreds of the same ppl everyday in close proximity...i take a few supplements, workout in the mornings to sweat out all the toxins, shower and then go to work and eat healthy.  I have gotten a little better myself, but ppl still react to me.  Its going to take more time of course.  

I cope by just taking it 1 day at a time.  U have to keep in mind you need the money, and u cant let this problem stop u.  This problem has made me a stronger person mentally, and physically im cut like a beast now.  Im just able to look past bs now and i dont take anything for granted like i use to.  Having a better appearance helps lessen the mental impact of others reacting to you.  So far, these things have made life more bearable.  When i said i myself am better, i meant that i dont have that odor i was giving off before that was kinda embarrassing.  I thought it was the cause for ppl coughing and sneezing, but now that its subsided I can see that whatever we are giving off is still finding its way out of us.  Nats and moths are attracted to this odor, i think this is an important fact to make a mental note of.

If ya have any other concerns, feel free to ask.
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I used to work in retail with this condition.  Some people were affected while others weren't. I worked in a big store so unless you were around me all day, you probably wouldn't realize that I was the cause. If you have a good diet that you're following to diminish your reactions then you should be able to manage working in a retail position without much trouble. Just my 2 cents.
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See the main forum, I decided to post my more lengthy response there.
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