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Hillary coughing when doing speeches. Could she be weak to PATM?


Obviously, there are many many things that can make people cough so it's all speculation but you gotta wonder the possibility that there are people with PATM in the crowd making her cough. Imagine that, a presidential election decided by PATM sufferers.  

Secret services of other countries could actually use PATM sufferers as a tool to influence elections.
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My friend,

As a fellow Palmer this is crazy talk. I understand that the effects of palm can be baffling, but conclusions like this undermine credibility. I hope you can reason with yourself that this is probably not the case. There are so many different reasons why she could be coughing, and the most obvious is that she is older, has significant health issues, and is under an enormous amount of stress. I understand your just concerned, but we as a group need to eliminate silly talk like this if we ever hope to gain medical recognition.

Best of luck with your journey.
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Yes please lets avoid this kind of posts, if we really want to attract doctors to do further investigation on this .
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