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How I Fight PATM

First of all thanks for this forum,this forum was a blessing to me when I was lost with PATM.
I noticed I was having patm condition an year a ago.It took me around 5 months to understand what was going on and   since then I started looking for a cure and i was able to reduce the symptoms.

I will describe the nature of my PATM experience .It will be helpful to someone with same PATM nature.

It always starts when you become nervous,fear or anxious.
It happens over the phone ,beyond windows regardless of the distance.
Coughing is no the only result,Nearby people feel unusual cold (obviously you want feel any difference in cold),People feel fatigue,lazy,moody,sore throat or yawning.
You might feel burning sensation in your head.
Effects are amplified when you are in a A/C environment.

How I control PATM effect.

Be mindful about the thoughts and feelings
PATM effects are highly related to what you think/feel.More you become anxious more it will happen.I know its not easy to remove anxious feelings from your head.Because when you become anxious PATM starts the more you hear people coughing more you become anxious which will increase PATM again.This is the vicious cycle you need to break.Be alert in your mind.do some experiments try to identify what you feel/think when PATM happens (In my case its anxiousness and anger),With the time you will find you are feeling the same feelings every time PATM happens.Dont give into these feelings,In my case when i start feeling anxious i fear about coughing will start,First i avoided the things that was making me anxious secondly every time i feel anxious instead fearing about it I become mindful about it ,My exact thoughts are ~Mmm,hear comes the anxious~ then i start focusing back about my work.People might start coughing but dont feel  fear or guilty about that just let it happen,(i used to count the coughs and with a smile) if you let your self feel fear or specially guilty you will be stuck in the vicous PATM cycle.Never feel guilty you are not doing this because you want  it to happen.Let go the guilt by identifying anxiousness miles away. I know this isn't easy but give it time ,with time it will become a habit and you will find the PATM symptoms are reducing.Put your mind into something you like keep your mind occupied with something else like Painting,Exercising put your focus away from PATM.Walk among crowd feeling free even when you are hearing coughs ,never try to own them.With time you will hardly remember that you had a time like this.KEY IS KEEIPING YOUR MIND AWAY FROM PATM.
I will advice dont start anything thinking that this will solve PATM.then you will end up thinking about patm every time that you will do that thing.Every one has something they love do  just because they love doing it find your thing and focus on that.

It has been around 2 months now since i started doing this and  PATM symptoms are hardly seen anywhere i go,even when i hear a few people (a significant decrease of number of coughing people) cough per day,I just ignore it never try to attach them to PATM,simply i dont care even the whole city start cough and that is the mind set that help you to get over this,more you look for PATM more you will find them the so ignore them be mindful, it will fade away slowly.

Be Strong everyone,Cure is in your mind !!
5 Responses
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Well done! My thoughts exactly. Particularly about stopping thinking about patm. Don't look for a cure for patm, just overlap/override it with doing/thinking/feeling different somehow. Good and well written for the simplicity of readers. Great job.
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Thank you,Yeah keeping PATM away from your mind is very effective.
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thank you i sreally belive we can make people react to us over the telephone even behind doors and windows
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Yeah,I have notice it too,That,s why i focused on a mind/thoughts related cause in the first place.
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Ay, good post! Yeah my reaction even caused reactions over telephones and skype calls, they would cough and sneeze and get sick, and i realised after a solid 1week of 1hr meditation everyday, the reaction over phones caused no reaction. Therefore, at least something's progressing. Also there is definately a cure that will completely demolish reactions. And this happened yesterday. I didn't fear of going out, so i went with my friends, walked to the beach. I put a smile non stop and socialised more, thinking positive thoughts guess what? Everyone around me didn't cough what so ever, what they did was smiled when i passed them, i guess i was sending positive vibrations to them. So my final thoughts on how to defeat patm is thinking of positive thoughts everyday and do this cycle over and over. And patm is definately caused by too much negative thoughts, since i realised when i was angry and depressed people will give me stares and nasty looks on the bus.
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Happy to hear you are progressing!!I too believe there is a opposite effect of PATM like what you are experiencing with happy,positive thoughts .
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Before PATM i used to be a highly positive person,people around me used to become energetic when i am positive and smiley,I used to have a smile always in my face .People used to like me instantly even strange people smile with me,help me, talk to me like they have known me for ages.One thing that they all say that i was familiar to them.I think this is the  OPPOSITE OF THE PATM (Which you should focus to regain). About an year ago i had to work in situation very stressful and with negative people,over the time i was became one of those people,who are always negative,moody and sad.And PATM slowly started,It started with a single person used to work near me and over the time many of the colleagues affected. Then i googled ! ~People coghing around me~ and found this forum.Which was a blessing to know there is a hope and help.And here i am changing my life style and thinking patterns back to positiveness,happiness.  

Today I,m considering this as blessing.Now i know the importance of being positive and happy.I suggest all of you to this as a blessing,you can win this fight and it will leave you as a better person.

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Omg, everything u just said 100% relates to me!!

When i was young i smiled everyday as a way of communicating nicely to people. All the photos, i smile and one day a guy on the bus said why do you always smile? And after that i started to stop smile, and ive become into a person that never smiles and hardly happy at times, always frowning. And just last year i was so depressed and stressed about my future, and gotten my thoughts so deep that i made patm come alive.

Do you also have a fear of bad breath around people and suck ur gut in or try avoid people? Cause it's what i did, and i think this can also relate to patm, as well as depression and stress.

Also have you done anything lately that has reduced the patm reactions? And also does your previous old friends react to you? cause for me they seem to be immune.
Yes,I thought it was bad breath and used to control my breath.But I dont do that anymore.and used to be a Mr always smile.Yes my family and old friends seem to be immune.But on the other hand i never think about PATM when im with them.
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Yes I believe this is  
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