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How was your Head space like before patm ?

I Ask this question on the fact that I want to get a field on how our headspace to occur this patm. me i was Very considerate to others but never considerate to myself i always needed someone else to help justify my  decisions and never asking my self. I wouldn't  never express my emotion though i was hurting. and held back on words i wanted to say. If you guys could relate this please let me know. i believe life isn't hurting us but teaching us . maybe we are too attached to a way of thinking and life is trying to help us learn
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though most say it's because of a illness i don't believe so cause i could be watching a video and still see patm reactions in the video posted up week later . also when im Facetime or on the phone with somebody reactions are still there. with that being said i feel like this is internal issue that we must face and understand
Helpful - 1
Cure is in your mind.more you count and look for PATM more it will happen.From the moment you kick patm and live your life without hetating and worring too much PATM cure begins and at the end when you are cured (you will be) you will be like "PATM?WTF is that?".Trust me every one person went through the phase you are in pass it quickly as you can get your mind out of that whole patm thing.Point you r focus to something completely different with the time you will be healed.Key is not to think about PATM
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Can you cause people cough in a YouTube video? I think "Time travel telepathy" beats even "alien DNA". Stop warrying about it, stop counting every cough, it is what it is, maybe we'll find a solution maybe we won't, one day somebody will.

I do have a somewhat self-poisoning, self-depricating personality. Could it be so bad that it causes harm to our health? I don't know..Anyone else?
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I mean i don't really think of patm when i watch videos or snapchat videos but still it's there but you right..Maybe we need to reexamine our beliefs that we might be holding on tight
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Let me just say, I don't think this is all in my head, I'll never think that. I've been suffering roughly 6 yrs. I've only tried to convince myself a few times because I thought that might make it more bearable -- If I tell myself I'm the only one hearing this? (I seriously feel /embarrassed/ when I think of other people having to hear the coughing too, It's distracting and I feel like they're pretending not to notice.)
I remember one day I went out with a few friends to a restaurant and it was.. sadly awkward. I was stiff (I didn't want to go in the first place) there was coughing, yada yada.. so predictable. The guy that was with us actually pointed it out too! I still remember, his exact words: "I don't know why everybody's coughing in here." he says while he blows his nose every 10 minutes, lol! That's how it typically goes when the reactions are non-stop. "I don't know what's wrong with me" so I know they aren't 'sick'. Why would someone bring their sick child to the park? Hm.
To be honest, I was timid, self-conscious and sensitive. I would tear up if someone raised their voice at me, I couldn't fathom constructive criticism. But I've become self-aware. I could see everything from a "rational" persons perspective, or just strangers in general. I know I look dumb. I feel like I have a very contradicting personality though. I hate attention - yet I crave attention? That sort of thing. It troubles me these days,
I can never seem to put my thoughts into the right words. It's hard to explain..? Social isolation makes communicating 10x harder.
I mentioned self-consciousness and I think that might be something, caring what others think, needing validation, and having extremely low self-esteem in my case. I think that's what would make someone say It's all in the head. I'm probably looking for something that's not there; I'm paranoid. I think that is utter BS. People in my home can't go an hour without coughing every. single. day. Someone will blow their nose 6 times, on a good day. Cough whenever I open the door. So much coughing. I have an aunt that has a runny nose and the sniffles every time I'm around her. It's impossible to ignore. I'm ashamed, guilty, and constrained. It's hard to be a functioning member of society (and I'm not). I don't really leave my bed.
btw all these "think positive" preachy ppl in the threads lately claiming they've found the 'cure' . . are you not lying to yourselves?

p.s. sorry if this doesn't contribute to your 'study' really, I'm rambling but what does it matter. I like to see this place active. :D
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Bro at this point you're hurting yourself, Overthinking things probably why we ended up having patm but that shouldn't stop us from living our lives. we should take this thing or should i say opportunity to look within ourselfs. This could be the major change  
For Every cough, sniffles, itching ask yourself how you feel at the moment any anger anything your holding back or negative thoughts thats occuring and change it , If you dwell in bringiing yourself down youre not making any positive movement and in the long run hurt your self emotionally and probably physically
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