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Shanka Prakshalana (Natural Intestinal Cleansing)

FYI, I'm just reposting my original thread with correct spelling in the title.

Google it (no links allowed)- this is an intestinal cleanse that fills your guts with water and helps push all the gunk out. I did it this weekend, and I've seen a massive reduction in PATM reactions since. 

The way it works is that salt water goes into the intestines instead of into the bladder and this water cleans them out with the help of bowel movement-inducing yoga exercises. 

I personally saw a large string of candida come out of my stool the day after, as well as smaller amounts all weekend. This cleanse's effectiveness in battling our condition makes sense to me as it helps clean out our guts, where the problem is likely coming from. 

I highly recommend this cleanse + the recommended diet of easily digestible foods and grass-fed butter to grease the walls of your intestines (making digestion smoother and less damaging to your freshly cleaned intestines). Good luck to all.
3 Responses
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I agree this is healthy but it's not going to affect leaky gut or gut microbial imbalance. This will have the same effects on the body as exercise and yoga but muscle enhancement isn't our problem.
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Excellent TAPAKAH, hope you can review my previous comments and things I have done also you can also see the links of the pages I have left. I already mentioned before, what is stuck in the intestine is a biofilm that the body itself created to defend itself against all toxins, candidas. This is at least in my case because of antibiotic abuse for many years. This layer is made of mucin. And notice that I had made with epsom salt, but with cold water and without the exercises, I only had diarrhea, but the point is that the salt (sodium chloride), when I need to clear throat phlegm Symptom is also constant along with the PATM) is excellent, it detaches very well the phlegm of the throat, I hope it is equal in the intestine. After this you have to enter the probiotics or RESTORE, first you have to start this layer so they can gain good bacteria.
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protocolo autismo de andreas kalcher. Ahí tambien se ven algunas imagenes de esto que menciono, ellos dicen que son parasitos, algunos si se ve que son parasitos, pero otros me parece son igual un biofilm o placa mucoide (mucina). Revisenlo por favor. Lo que le comentaba a 'dontgiveuphope' es vamos a centrar todos en un mismo punto y si alguien puede pagar el estudio de la capsula endoscopica, ya no hay que perder tiempo hay que ir hacia un mismo punto, para terminar esto, que tanto nos ha hecho sufrir.
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Autism protocol of andreas kalcher. There are also some images of this that I mention, they say they are parasites, some if they are parasites, but others seems to me to be a biofilm or mucoid plaque. Please check it. What I told 'dontgiveuphope' is that we are going to focus all on the same point and if someone can pay for the study of the endoscopic capsule, we do not have to waste time we have to go to the same point, to finish this, that both Has made suffer.
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Mucin is a group of glycoprotein gel that is secreted by the epithelial cells of the gut naturally. They are there as a chemical barrier and lubrication. If there’s too much it causes cancer in patients. What’s more obvious it will have the opposite effects of a leakygut. Btw, it doesn’t block everything otherwise we’d die. It allows things in and block everything out.

Here’s one thing about it which I think you misunderstand. These layers are at most one-cell thick and transparent.  Epithelial cells are 9-17 um in diameter and gel layer thickness is about the same. You cannot see them with simple high school microscopes because they’re microscopic. Here’s another problem.

At university, before we viewed any cells whether from humans or animals, we couldn’t view them directly on the microscope. We had to dye them. The dye used depends on what we are looking at because in reality they are transparent and cannot be seen with powerful microscopes unless dyed. And believe me, if you think you can just put a slide under a microscope and expect to see anything, you are wrong. Sometimes you prepare a slide for an hour and come up with nothing.

So to presume that an endoscopic capsule will show a thicken mucin layer that simple light microscopes cannot see, is illogical.

Capsule endoscopy is just a wireless pill with a camera. It’s meant to show big things like bleeding, polyps, ulcers, tumors and so on. To capture microscopic things with just a camera is a far fetch.

As for parasites, most are transparent too. However, if the infection is big then of course they can be seen as a white mass from external scans but usually doctors have many ways of knowing that there’s no need for Capsule endoscopy.

I have taken parasitic pills before and it only made my problem worse. It was the worst PATM I’ve ever experienced. With the MeBO findings it makes sense why it happened. Most parasitic medication especially the one I took, Albendazole, acts in general by halting growth and ultimately starving parasites. But in the same process it can kill epithelial and liver cells because it’s very toxic thereby weakening our immunity system. If our gut is already compromised which 70% of our immunity depends on it, screwing it up even further isn’t going to help with our condition at all. As soon as I stopped albendazole, it returned to normal again. I had to do it to rule out parasitic worms as the source. That was years ago so I’m fine now.
I know that many people see colorful drawings on books and internet, and even microscopic slides of tissues from various organisms and think that tissues and cells are in colors in real life. The fact is, it’s not. Most microscopic tissues have very little pigmentation so need to be dyed otherwise they wouldn’t show up under the microscope. Also, every drawing or slide snapshot show a magnification. By using that magnification, you can measure out the relative size of what you’re looking at.

Unfortunately, some pictures on the internet are crop images from books and articles that the magnification has been left out so it’s impossible for ordinary people to comprehend what’s the size of what they’re looking at. I think this is the reason why people think they can actually see what’s happening on the intestinal lining if they can only get a camera inside. No, unless it’s a big ulceration or something of that sort, but if it was, you’d have obvious additional symptoms.
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