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I believe the problem is parsites and worms, heres how i came to that conclusion

Ok people get ready for this it is very very seriou. We as a planet are in danger. We are all sick. My ten years of suffering and many years into bacteria has finally led me to our problem and solution. What I am about to tell you I know because i am in contact with a microbiologist and other people who are aware. I will state the facts, provide the links, and my story.
29 Responses
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Its all intestinal. The shocker is our intestines are full of marine life. Worms come from water. They eat carcass bones which is why so many have bone issues
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im curious how u are doing now meow? Any progress?
17489628 tn?1458796338
Appreciate u responding!  1 last thing meowmeow, at first i thought i just had funk mouth (bad breath), then i noticed how ppl started have allergic reactions to me.  Was ur bad breath associated w patm? I saw how u said to follow Steves protocol, is this what cured ur bad breath?
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Original post was made for bad breath community. Thats what the cured part eas about. Patm is improving tremendously since deworming. Bug larvae in body is heaviily related. Read this site. Mentions the bugs following. The smell death and parasites.
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Hello meowkity1. Please outline for me the deworming protocol which has made you patm free. How long did you take the dewormers? And how long have you been patm free?
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please listen to me people, I am cured from deworming, Worms produce amonia and al sort of chemicals. I AM CURED
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Go to the link i shared to see my latest worm. http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2009/04/snails-slugs-and-semi-slugs-a-parasitic-disease-in-paradise/
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I worked in nursing homes, theres never more than a few people that arent overflowing with red , scaly skin, dandruff face and eyebrows. Unless you have a brand new house slime mold is in your house right now, creating marine life
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Steve saysMyxomycetes (slime mold) is the vector of many diseases, it transfers chronic diseases by holding bacteria, fungi, other microbes as endo and ecto symbionts, it first overwhelms them with its slime, then holds them as part of its own composition, thus whenever it requires assistance to eat, propogate, defend, progress forward, it calls upon its symbionts to awaken and help decompose its own barrier, too bad that we are sought out to be decomposed, heterotrophism by slime mold is now upon Us. Within its symbionts lie bacteria, fungi, alien to us microbes which are found Inside rocks beneath Earth's crust, these rocks which have arrived here from other celestial bodies, Some as tiny particles, such as those found in comets, asteroids, meteroites, etc., These extraterrestrial microbes, ones which we know so very little about, now cause us great discomfort and harm, chronic diseases, skin afflictions, probably all diseases of all species are from these micro organisms., I can now see these pathogenic micro organisms in plants, bees, bats, deer, our pets, our beautiful trees, all suffer greatly from these invasive, microscopic organisms, plus those species of life which we treasure the most, our fellow human beings, for they are being massively afflicted, effected, dying, threatened with extinction.
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Just posted lots of pics and on video of slime mold taking over home
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This is environmental slime mold https://www.google.com/search?q=slime+mold+in+homes&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxsoG1oqnJAhVDdj4KHaOJA4AQ7AkIKA&biw=1706&bih=936

From here I will use a facebook page to share pics with you all so get ready. Though, I will not share the microbiologist pics or his members unless they are already public. I will just help you all to understand what we are dealing with here

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For soiledsystem and other people that have the electric phenomenon or thinks its a smart bacteria, Read on slime mode, it can grow the correct route through mazes, and it is used in bio-computers. If you do a image search for it you will only find what they want us to know, the scientific , or nature slime mold. I have a giant web of slime mold growing in my apartment staircase real high up. I took pictures in this staircase and things were flying by at super speed. Look up pictures of slime mold life cycle, this stuff is everywhere in the environment and inside of us, producing marine life as slime mold originated in the deep ocean and has gotten inland.
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Watch Documentary Under Our Skin if you suspect morgs, but watch it anyway http://www.underourskin.com/#home-emergence
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And right now the thing is moving in my ear, this stuff will go years unnoticed, until you try to get them out, i just had a small bowel x-ray series, could they not see the fudging thick, three inch long worm,, im pissed, the last time i was at my gp she told me to find another doc and all i did was ask for testing. I cant wait to compile all my evidence tomorrow morning and push my worm right in my face. Telling me people couldn't be allergic to me, but very time, i look away from her, she needs to sneak in a quick nose robe like she doesn't want me to see. .She said leave since I am upset I have no diagnosis after running numerous tests, I said what test, one h. pylori test, one bowel specimen, and basic azz blood work?
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If you need to research dewormer more and dont feel comfy, please people atleast go to the health food store and get  wormwood combo, black walnut, worm wood and cloves
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Please study slime mold mytosis people. Just image search it and you will see its an environmental issue that gets insde of us, creates parasites, worm, jelly fish, fiber live organisms.

Having pregnancy flutter in your stomach is not gas, it is worm.  We all have flutters in our body, legs, foot, arm. We (us in the closed fb group that i mention) have enlarge lymph nodes and thyroids that go start to shrink after dewormer. We find resrarch linking dead or alive worm body cells to cancer, causes asthma, allergies, premestrual problems.Been peeingon myself only while menstruating past 2 years. wormy clots that come out, breast lumps with no explanation.  Snot is not white, if your snot is white you have small worms in sinus. I have pressure and heaviness in sinus for years .
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If you know someone with super skinny legs and big upper body teach them about worms, If you see people, especially elderly with red eyebrows, scaly skin, dandruff face, dandruf head, they are ozzing inside with slime mold gsb, marine biome,
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It is now Monday November 23. 8th day on parasite herbs, reishi mushroom, oxypowder, body mint (helps odor and patm reactions) and lots of garlic and onion. Yesterday the 7th I got out what looks like a slug, posted pic to the group and others posted their similar pics as well, at that point i realized mine was most likely a worm with a missing head not a slug. I have it in a bottle. I may take to doc so that I can get my kids human dewormer, as I cant really afford to keep the protocol up for myself. Iv already been to gastro who said you cannot have this stuff unless youv been to third world countries that is absolutely not true, and this stuff can be passed during sex.

A few are entering the group saying that they are getting the same worms out of them on the vitamin c flush. My theory is these will only reach lower body parasites. I really awakened something in my ear since startingthe fenben, its living in there and has not excaped. Last night My nose vibrated, the vibration moved behind my ear, into ear opening, I could feel and hear it at this point, then my earring hole started vibrating.  Then I felt i stinging sensation in my breast, then started moving a little, freaked me out, yesterday, i was crying a lot. So nice to have that group to turn to though.

My current boyfriend started herbs, now hes ready for dewormer after last night. My exboyfriend, child father, very scientifical, he started protocol by just my word, because it f%^^^g makes sense. We have worms in us people, even algae, morgellons, parasites small and large. We have patm because there are things inside of us growing and excreting waste in our whole body.
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What I mean by 8th day is, its my 8th day on dewormer. I had already been on everything else
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People in the group including me have these in us and i am not joking, they could look likr corn kernels or seeds. They r worms people
Day two on fen ben i had what looked like corn kernels, leanred by thursday they were worm pods, many people in group have seeds.
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My response to someone in badbreath forum asking me if my bad breath is improved I wrote-

I have only started it takes awhike to get a lifetime of parasites and worms out. I feel worm luving in face, vibrations moving across face. Heavy sinus, pressure sinus, we all have it in microbiologist group. I am learning. Please research slime mold mitosis. It is everywhere cresting marine parasites, worms and other organisms. Worms can even look like corn kernels or seed pods, they are exiting me since starting dewormer. Please people listen to me if you have never parasites ckeansed before you DO have them. My tongue coating is not growing rapidly anymore, anyone knows my history here knows that iv went to extreme measures to remove those long hairs off my tongue. Couging brown plegm, throwing ip egg sacks its all related, asthma, heart worm issues is heartworms. If u have a pet u definitely have parasite.
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Also had an episode of leg weekness when I was young, couldnt walk almost five days or so. This is related , coughing brown plegm, eye floaters, bumps that you cant explain or think are lymp nodes are parasites. Just noticed my odd bumps are shrinking. Have one behind neck and one on arm
the pics in this link is whats coming out of me. http://www.lymephotos.com/bb/index.html  
Though this is supposedly lyme from a sufferer, the microbiologist says this is slime mold, and you can see the slime, I hade the brown line pieces in mine. He said government lying about everything being spirochetes. ALmost all health problems are being caused by slime mold and gsb
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read up on red clouds that is the bacteria in the air usually after a hurrican or tornado. I dont know about you guys but this ***** got to go and I most definately will take the goat dewormer soon as it arrives. Supposedly you can get it at tractor supply, and some walmart and pet co. The will definately have cat and dog safeguard dewromer but the protocol is goat or fish. Goat is 20% fish is stronger. I was hesitant untl this week seeing the same thing in my toilet that I can see on the closed group fb page, and algae. I could have started about 3 weeks ago, but i am well over a month on the parsite cleanse, Iv taken diamotaceous earth too, but that micribiologist says humans eating dirt is just wrong, even bentonite clay. You tube to my astonishment has all types of parsite videos, some coming right out of cheek. Im thinking of going to my doc one more time with pics so I can maybe get anthelmentics without paying for them. Anthelmentics dewormers. They say deworm your pets, but say no human parasites in us. One person said her doctor said only children get parasites, laughable.

WHat I am telling you all is these are marine parasite, they can clone, they create odd marine organisms inside of us, WHo here has thought they had SIBO, its related. I know I htought I had SIBO, but for years I think I thought bloatedness was normal. I know now taht isnt true but Im bloated everyday even off water
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Oh another thing that really made me dig deep into this parasite **** and finally try colon hydrotherapy was becasuse I was at my usual 3 month dental cleaning appointment talking about my usual bad breath when my heigenist says "you know you should try a naturopathy doctor and a colon cleanse. I kept having pain in my mid section and many doctors could not figure it out, tried naturopathy and lady immediaty said do a parasite cleanse." She was cured after that. Be very cautios with pork people. You tube vidoe showed someone take pork right out pack, poured coka cola on it and a bunch of parasites jumped out. Look outside dont you see those fake clouds, chemtrails, and they are always right over the beach area when you go, they fly past all day when Im at the beach they are trying to keep the cyanobacteria algae blooms from getting out of control. Read up on fibers falling form sky as planes go by. This is the GSB. The chemtrails have chemicals that make it fall to the ground,
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