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I will share my experience so far.

First let me tell you that I was tested for TMAU and it was negative.
However, people who suffer from body odor are not sure if they have TMAU or not.
I am posting this information because I think it may be useful for all of us.

I am now 28 years old and have been struggling with body odor since I was 10 years old. I am partial to food, have a strong preference for food, and have lived an irregular life since I was a child. Dairy products, in particular, didn't seem to suit me, and I would get diarrhea when I ate them.

No matter how careful I was about hygiene, no matter how careful I was about my living environment, people always laughed at me for smelling bad and always coughing.

People often told me that I had an unclean stench as if I hadn't bathed. I had a sour stench.

What makes me different from others may be that I get tired easily and I have localized hyperhidrosis (I was checked in the hospital and it is not armpit odor). However, since puberty at age 13, I seem to have a kind of greasy skin.

I had tried various methods, but nothing worked, so I gave up. However, because of an accident, I broke a bone and needed to be hospitalized for two months. I was scared to be admitted to the hospital. I was desperate when I heard that I could only take a shower three times a week during the hot season of June. I thought I would be ridiculed by the people around me and that life would be miserable. But it turned out to be different. Amazingly, the people around me didn't have trouble breathing or coughing. It was like heaven. I think what changed was that I stopped sweating so much and my oily skin improved. My stools also became very healthy. Usually my stool was dark brown, but during my hospital stay I had no diarrhea, my stool was a very healthy color, and I had regular bowel movements every day.

I began to think about why this was the case. I noticed a few differences in my living environment.

1. Sleep schedule
I usually couldn't sleep because of stress, and I only went to bed at night and got up during the day. However, after being hospitalized, I went to bed as late as 9:00 p.m. and woke up at 5:00 a.m.

2. Changes in diet
In my normal life, I like to eat meat and don't like vegetables much. I have a preference for food, I don't like vegetables and fish, I mainly eat meat, and even if I say I eat vegetables, I just eat potatoes, cabbage, tofu and so on.

However, during my hospitalization, I ate barley rice and vegetable-based food every day, and could hardly eat meat. It felt a little inadequate for someone who likes heavy meals like me, but it was healthy.

3. Clothes
No matter how much I wash my clothes, people say I stink. I tried to bleach and get rid of the smell. During my stay, they provided me with clothes.

Also, I noticed that when I wore my friend's clothes, people around me rarely said I smelled bad. However, the family member I lived with did not have a body odor problem and it was not like the laundry was a problem. The difference between me and the family I live with may be in our eating habits. The food we eat is different.

I currently do online school work from home and do not have human contact in my life. However, with my busy schedule, my eating and sleeping schedule has been disorganized and when I ride the train after a long time, people around me look at me with stern eyes and say I smell bad.

I hope there are some clues here to a solution. I look forward to your responses.
3 Responses
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I used to think I had TMAU then I figured out the shampoo I was using (Nizoral) was causing my scalp to smell terrible. I stopped using it and it went away.
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yes,I think it depends a lot on the emotion .I only cause people to cough when i am in my classroom.If I am having a meal with someone ,they won't act like it.
But this morning when I get my hair cut,the barber bagan to sniff a lot.It's Werid
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And there was something I forgot to mention.
Once every two weeks, I was allowed to drink a carbonated beverage.
It was a juice full of sugar, something we were never allowed to drink.
And once a week I ate a bag of sweet chocolate.
But people didn't seem to smell anything when I drank or ate.
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