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It has to do with your nose being full of allergens.

Let me explain. It is a theory that doesn't sound to farfetched to me personally. I have a lightly deviated septum and things could be stuck in my nose and when I breath in and out in a closed room people get in contact with these allergens which causes them to sneeze, cough ect. I'm treating it with fysiomer which is a solution for the nose with salt and I must say I'm sneezing and coughing myself now while mucus comes out of my nose. It's too early to say it's a solution but please try to clean your nose with some saline solution (use sterile water if you make it yourself). You could also use a neti pot (look it up online), but ALWAYS use sterile water!! Good luck I pray for us all.
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Hello fightingback23. I appreciate your efforts to understand this problem we think we have. The theory you mention is interesting, and makes some sense. However, I have lived with patm for about 8 years and have tried many things to try and rid myself from it.

One of them was using a neti-pot. The neti-pot uses a saline solution to clean out your whole nasal passage. From my experience, I did not notice any reduction in patm from doing this. However, I did breathe a bit clearer. From my experience living with patm, I do not think this theory is the cause of it.

At least we are thinking of different theories and testing them out to try and pinpoint whatever might be causing this mysterious enigma. If we as a community do not give up, and continue to pursue help from professionals and try to understand this scientifically, I am optimistic we will come up with a solution sooner rather than later.
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Just joined today.  Had this problem for 20 years.  I did try the netipot also.  Didn't resolve it.  But every person maybe different.  
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