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How is your BREATHING constricted?

I have this thing too.. I think alot of you guys are naive to think its some smell or spiritual awakening or whatever. If you look at various different cases, you’ll see one commanality; gastrointestinal problems or some sort of issue in that area, whether is has to do with the ribs or whatever. Basically, the issue is a forced irregular breathing pattern. My rib/ muscle injury blocked my breathing in the sense I literally couldn’t draw air and it felt cold and dry through my nose even. I also had constipation for months and my lips dried up. I myself didn’t cough becuase my lungs didnt have the space to fill in certain places, however, people mimic each other even when they’re not talking or looking at each other... So people naturally mimiced my breathing pattern even though they have space where I didn’t (to breath).. And thus this created some akward “holding of breathe” in a sense or something along those lines and caused their coughing and sniffling. Everyone else is associated with nervousness and uncomfortableness.

TLDR: Try to see if your breathing is optimal and not constricted severely in some way..
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