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I believe Kourtney Kardashian has this also-- with all her money--you would think she would help us------at least start a research.

watch her old footage shows--- even scott disick answered phone 1 time saying--whats up bugs
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NO creo que tenga PATM, de hecho, ella tiene problemas de la piel palpable a la vista y al tacto, mientras que, la mayoría de los PATMers no presenta nada de lesiones cutáneas-piel y mucho menos infecciones o enfermedades, es por eso que los médicos no diagnosticaron ninguna enfermedad, es más, los PATMers no se enferman. Las únicas síntomas comunes de la mayoría de los PATMers es; "rinitis alérgica", entre comillas porque en realidad ni un médico confirmó eso, ya que a mi igual me pasa eso, solo que te recetan corticoides-antihistamínicos y a la larga eso deja de hacer efecto y la alergia empeora, solo eso, despues ningun problema, cabe recordar que dicha alergia es similar a la climática y aparece de vez en cuando, otra enfermedad no se presenta, bueno al menos a mi.
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I do not think that she has PATM, in fact, she has palpable skin problems in sight and touch, whereas, most PATMers do not have any skin-lesions, much less infections or diseases, which is why the doctors did not diagnose any disease, indeed, the PATMers do not get sick. The only common symptoms of most PATMers is; "allergic rhinitis", between quotes because in reality not even a doctor confirmed that, since it's the same thing that happens to me, only that they prescribe corticoids-antihistamines and in the long run that stops working and the allergy gets worse, only that, then no problem, it is worth remembering that said allergy is similar to the climatic and appears from time to time, another disease does not occur, well at least to me.
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not bad idea
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