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My PATM symptoms to change air .Cough, sneeze, sniff

I am a Korean. Since I was 18 years old, I have been told that my body sweats a lot and I smell sweat and feet. When I turned 19, I was told that I smelled all kinds of things. Sweat smell, foot smell, cow poop smell, fart smell, squid smell, fish smell, vinegar smell, etc. After I turned 20, the corona broke out and I lived without thinking about the smell. When I turned 22, people around me responded to coughing, sneezing, and sniffing, but I thought I could wash up better. Now people don't wear a mask, and I'm 23 years old. I'm having the worst day of my life. I think I change the air as soon as I enter the space at school or public transportation. People all sneeze, sniff, have a runny nose and sniffle. Whether I sit in the front seat or the back seat, the reaction is the same. Even outside these days, when I pass by, people suddenly giggle, cough, or sniff. I'm going crazy. I don't know smelling myself well, but when I do, I feel like I can smell bad, poop, stinky, and queasy. I also have a bad odor reaction after taking a dump. It's worse these days. I went to various hospitals, but it didn't work. Obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine, otolaryngology... It's been a week since I took oriental medicine, but nothing has changed. I've been eating chlorophyll since 2 days ago, but I'm not sure. My family doesn't seem to know my smell, but recently my sister or father sniffs or coughs. I don't think I'll ever be able to tell my family this story. I'm in hell right now. Could you tell me the solution? When I wake up in the morning, I feel extremely anxious and want to fall asleep like this. How is everyone doing.. It's been a week since I didn't eat flour. I'm skinny.I think it's because I'm very nervous these days,  I feel a lot of substances in my anus and my body is very tense. It feels like gas is leaking.Of course, I've been to anus surgery, but I have a little hemorrhoids, and sphincter strength is fine. Please share any drugs or behaviors that work. I want to live...
4 Responses
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Hi @imsosad123! Your from korea? I too have the same prob and im going to korea for holiday, it'd be great if we can meet and be 'smell' buddies
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Do you suffer from hyperhidrosis?
I have met several people with the same problem .
I also have hyperhidrosis and these people also had hyperhidrosis.
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Yes, I have hyperhidrosis to some degree, not much.
Are you one of those who also secretes a lot of sebum?
I've met people with this problem, and they all had hyperhidrosis. Even if you don't have hyperhidrosis, you still seem to secrete a lot of sebum.

I once had a broken bone and spent two months in the hospital. I usually smoked cigarettes, and my diet was stressed and disordered.
But when I was in the hospital, on the hospital diet and quit smoking, no one said anything about the smell, and people didn't even react.

In other words, our body seems to be in the diet and lifestyle...
I was in good health, no matter what tests were done in the hospital.
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Did chlorophyll help? Have you changed your diet to fruit and vegetables?
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There is no solution. On the other hand, the recommendation is to lower anxiety stress, it is very difficult, however, it is the only way to deal with it, you have to be constant, concentrate on breathing well, try to imagine that you do not provoke it or at the moment you listen, repeat the following: I have the right to live I want to live, if someone dies because of me without my intention it is not my problem.....the problem is theirs..... Try to eat well and eat all the meals on time and in the right way, do exercises at home like calisthenics, try to find a job and save money...... You will reduce the relaxation of your mental state, otherwise you will be poisoning yourself internally mentally to such an extent that it will be irreversible..... On the other hand, do not take no antibiotics or pills without the recommendation of a specialist, the only thing you will do with that is worsen your current condition. On the other hand, lower your alertness in the search for the cause, if you increase your mind it will play against you and you will think that any smell or bodily defect of yours is the cause of your "disease", even the smell of someone else will be as if it were yours. Many in this forum said that x product is the solution, but the same ones got worse or were not the solution, some simply offer you a product to sell you in your desperation. I repeat, there is no current solution and the issue of PATM today is taken by doctors as paranoid delusional disorder or similar.
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I actually understand how schizophrenics feel, I start to wonder if the coughs are even real or if we are maybe just imagining them?
When schizos hear voices in their head, they think the voices are real.
Maybe what we think are coughs are literally just our imagination?
No. Whenever you have any mental illness you know something wrong with you.
There are scientific research and proof it is a REAL PHYSICAL CONDITION.
It is paradoxical, if you put on an earphone you relax and leave the recorder on, well, people don't cough, you just rarely see it... However, if you take off the earphone they start to cough... It's all very strange, basically for this reason the PATM is incomprehensible, many say that it is your sweat or similar, I also agree in part with that hypothesis, but the same when being upwind or far PATM arrives, are inexplicable situations. Real or not real, the only way to verify is to put on a tape recorder, in my case when I put a tape recorder, right there apparently people don't cough much, however there is also distemper, stinging, tearing, etc.... Symptoms typical of allergies...
It is paradoxical, if you put on an earphone you relax and leave the recorder on, well, people don't cough, you just rarely see it... However, if you take off the earphone they start to cough... It's all very strange, basically for this reason the PATM is incomprehensible, many say that it is your sweat or similar, I also agree in part with that hypothesis, but the same when being upwind or far PATM arrives, are inexplicable situations. Real or not real, the only way to verify is to put on a tape recorder, in my case when I put a tape recorder, right there apparently people don't cough much, however there is also distemper, stinging, tearing, etc.... Symptoms typical of allergies...
It is paradoxical, if you put on an earphone you relax and leave the recorder on, well, people don't cough, you just rarely see it... However, if you take off the earphone they start to cough... It's all very strange, basically for this reason the PATM is incomprehensible, many say that it is your sweat or similar, I also agree in part with that hypothesis, but the same when being upwind or far PATM arrives, are inexplicable situations. Real or not real, the only way to verify is to put on a tape recorder, in my case when I put a tape recorder, right there apparently people don't cough much, however there is also distemper, stinging, tearing, etc.... Symptoms typical of allergies...
TonyStark567 They are real, yes. On the other hand, there are no well-done verifiable studies of PATM, none so far, the only one that is circulating is the attempt of a Japanese doctor who himself has no answers, he himself says that x chemical element emanating from the body is high, but that it is also present in people with a high degree of stress...... At least that I know of, there are only those. On the other hand, there are forums and groups that are supposedly carrying out studies and collecting blood, saliva, urine, etc. tests, they do not say anything and repeat that it will be studied or that we hope... there is nothing, at least I did not find anything.
The reason I believe PATM is 100% real condition is I REACT TO MYSELF.
I have all the reactions: itchy eyes, clearing throat, fatigue, (basically all)
Except: coughing and sneezing (that's because I've built tolerance to it being exposed 24/7)

I am 100% sure PATM is a gas being emitted from mouth and skin. I reached this conclusion after 100s of observation. Now, the problem is which gas, why gas, and how to treat?

I am wondering don't you react to yourself?
Maybe it's from sibo . Sibo bacteria produce methane carbon dioxides and hydrogen and candida produce ammonia. You can treat them with medical professionals.  Also it's leaky gut too you can reduce gluten to fix that.  OCD too about smells anxiety makes it worse. Just my thoughts.
I recommend drink lots of lemon water take good probiotic also good antibacterial pills natural of course. Exercise to reduce stress , anxiety and OCD.  Take fish oil be on mostly antiflmatory diet which includes fruits veggies and seafood.  Cut back on sugar, dairy and gluten as much as possible.  Treat anxiety naturally not drugs. Also shift your mind not focus on patm . You will see a difference.
I sometimes smell ammonia smell. Especially when I drink milk and caffeine. It might be due to Candia or SIBO. But the problem is not all people suffering from sibo, candida experience sniffing, coughing, etc. PATM candida might be some rare variant.

I agree the suggestion you mentioned helps make some positive changes. I do that as much as I can. And yes anxiety, lack of sleep, etc. makes it worse.

Unfortunately, these methods controls PATM but not cure. We need to find the root cause and a real solution.

One of the big possibility is candida. Have you ever tried antifungal oral medication?
I've tried several and I think turmeric is best but some of em have gelatin coating which makes it worse . I think vegetarian based antifungal works. I've tried cloves ,not pills but powdered. I put in my tea and I've had great success.  Good luck.

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