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Could you please answer a PATM Survey?

Hello everyone today I've created a survey with significant questions about this mysterious disease.
If you want to answer this vote, please send me a PM. (It's not allowed to post surveys in public medhelp questions)
I would appreciate if you could take ten minutes to answer all these questions to get a meaningful overview about these patm facts.
5 Responses
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Im ok
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look in the command section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN_tQ3v-siI
16586576 tn?1449410735
Hi, can you message me the survey? Thanks
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Sure, I have written a private message to you.
Thank you.  Some of the best real data I have seen so far.  I will be completing the survey today.  I believe it is important to find another way to stay connected also.  In case this sight ever leaves.   When the answers start to come they will try and keep us in the dark I believe.  Thanks again.  
you're welcome, appreciate these words. I'm carefully trying to handle these survey answers, if you have further suggestions just contact me.
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I’m  interested in taking it
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Alright, thanks for your interest, I've messeged you just now
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how can I go write a question in the community omg i have solid awswer to this problem!!!!
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Hi could you please message me the survey thanks
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yes, PM is sent
Pm me too very interested
Can you send me survey as well ?
messeged both of you, also you can check the youtube link above, I've inserted the results in the comment area.
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