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PATM but only the people behind me are affected

Hello, First of all, sorry for my Grammar. Im not an English native
Second, I want to tell my story and hope you can help me. Also forgive me if it's quite long
I'm currently 17 yrs old, turning 18 next month and my problem starts when I'm at Grade 8, probably around 13 yrs old, the same time I BECAME SWEATY. I sweat, A LOT.
Also, I need to tell that I never was a Vegetarian person. I RARELY eat vegetables, I eat mostly are Hotdogs, Pork, Beef, Chicken and I sometimes eat fruits but not everyday.
13 yrs old - I noticed that people around me always sneeze and have runny nose. But only those who are behind me. I experienced 5 times where after I came, People asks if who farted. Tho I can't smell the fart. Also, i belong to a Religion, so I was very active in our religion before. But, whenever I attend worship or do church activities, I always encounter people sneeze and cough behind me.
I tried telling this to my family and friends but they're always telling me that I don't smell. We went to a pediatrician before and the doctor also said that I didn't smell. But it's different from what i'm experiencing, people constantly coughing, sneezing, having runny nose behind me.
Tho no one has ever talked to me directly that I smell.
16 yrs old. Grade 11, new school, I was seated at the second row to the front of our classroom, first day of school, it went smoothly, no one complained. But, at the second day, Everyone behind me and at my side, (including my friend from G7-G10) complain about the "poop"-like scent. But I CAN'T SMELL IT !. I was very anxious at that time. Several days have passed and they didn't complain about something smells bad anymore. Im thinking that my friend tells them to stay quiet and dont react if they smell something bad. Yet they always sneeze,cough and have runny nose. Since then, I started changing my diet a little bit, I only eat red meat sometimes and eat other alternatives that WEREN'T VEGETABLES. Also there was a time where I was late yet We don't have any teacher, after I came, all my classmates (except my 3 friends) suddenly vacate the room. I dont know if that was just a coincidence and I'm just being paranoid.
17 yrs old - G12, I changed my diet a month ago, I RARELY eat Red meat and dairy anymore and I eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 2-3 liters of water a day. Yet there's still people sneezing and coughing behind me but they lessen
Also, I asked My G11 Classmates through chat (by individual) If they smell something bad when we're classmates and their reaction was shock and confused, they said, that I dont smell and asks if what kind of question is that ? Now I have lots of friends, and several times a week, I ask them If I smell and they always say that I don't. And I also attended 3 different entrance exam where I'm at front, and guess what ? They didn't sneeze, cough or complain !
YET Whenever I attend our church worship and go to Internet cafes, I still encounter people behind me cough and sneeze. Yet when I asks them if they smell something bad, they always say no

I want to asks if you guys also experiencing people coughing/sneezing only behind you or if it's the same at the front ?
Also if it's possible that my body is only emitting odorless scent that irritates other peoples ?
2 Responses
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Man, I've been going through PATM as well ever since high school, and now I'm in college. I'm getting less odor comments in college, but PATM is around the same level of severity. The odor thing is very strange. People will make comments like "who farted?" or "it smells" rarely, but when I asked my best friends from high school if I smelled, they said no.

I think the best bet regarding the odor is that it occasionally happens. The reason is probably when we eat a specific food or something.
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Also, I graduated Last week. During our practice and our Graduation, there are students behind me yet they didnt complain, they didnt smell something bad. BUT on the van that my mom and I rode on my graduation day, where 2 of my classmates and their families were also there, their families always cough and sneeze, they also hold their nose.
I seriously dont know what kind of problem I have
Ps. Sorry for my English
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I don’t know the answer but I want to tell you that you are not alone.   This is starting to happen to more and more people.  Keep researching and don’t give up.      I also have people allergic to me. And I make my family sick.  So I understand.   Just wanted you to know people are here reading. May you find peace.    Sad to see you are so young.  
Thanks for the sympathy :)  and I Hope we can find the solution for our problems
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