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PATM cured

Hey guys I've been suffering from patm for about 2 months. luckily I was able to find am instant cure. I believe most people with patm are generally the type of people who would never want to hurt other people and damage others, which is why we care about other people coughing. I was quite generous and nice to others, but never nice to myself. Once you start having negative thoughts about others and yourself, you'll realize how quickly patm comes back. The trick is to remind yourself that you are someone who deserves to live, and that you shouldn't be afraid of anything. I mean you aren't afraid of thoughts of killing your ownself than why would you be afraid to go not give a dam about other people coughing and start enjoying your life and yourself.
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This is not really a cure.  It does help to have positive attitude and does seem worse when anxious about it but not a cure.  
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Heres the simple fact. The old self probably relyed on other people too much and had emotional suffering because nobody can relate to you. It is exactly why we have to be self reliant, because nobody will understand the way you are but yourself. Now if you start harnessing your own energy, you do change. You will no longer rely on other people, but ofc other people are important as well. It all comes down to whether we accept the change or not.
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Maybe we are just self healing right now. Waht I do know for sure is that I am more awake and aren't tired as much as I used to be without patm. Maybe your friends realize something different within you, and they want to bring back the old you that they used to have fun with. The thing is, we have to move on. We have to stop playing the victim, aggressor, jealousy, and reliant on other people. After all nobody can understand, love ourself than ourselves
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When it started I've asked many of my friends and family members, everyone sad nothing is wrong with my smell/look the problem is, my friends stop beeing allergic to me after a while when we meet often in return some of them start coughing again if we haven't met (physically) for a long time, this is why I'm guessing it could be a kind of barely smellable or
perhaps a subconscious thing like a special gas/~spores or maybe even some kind of vibrations/radiation
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I think we were too negative about ourselves. If you could realize that when you are confident withour fear of being judged, the patm stops or fades for a period of time. Another theory is that we have different spirituality than others. People with patm just have to know that they aren't hurting other people and others aren't being hurt. Try asking some of the people who cough it could be close friends or a relative. They will tell you nothings wrong, so what we can do is just move on. Let other people deal with their issue and we should deal our own.
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I am quite generous too, but how could this lead to make people cough around me? I don't want to say it's completely impossible that this is the only reason for PATM, because I have tried many things the last months and nothing changed, I just don't understand how this Process could irritate other people's throat like this.
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