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PATM? i don't know

It all started when I was 12 or 13 years old. I started to smell badly. I heard how my classmates spoke about it. But my authority was high, so I somehow got into the end of school.At the university, I noticed that my presence causes allergic reactions in humans. It's very weird when you're just in the room, and most start shaking your nose, coughing (but not all that is even more interesting).I also noticed that all this disappears when I drink alcohol, but on the second day I smell really like a ******, just faecal smell. In fading, my smell is like urine, something dead, fish, rubbish, etc. Who has something like?
2 Responses
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Might want to look into TMAU because bad smells might be because of that.

Allergic part is mystery and studies concerning the reason are non-existent.

Take care
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where can you test for TMAU?
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detox your kidneys and drink clean water
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