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When do you experience the most severe PATM symptoms?

I have noticed that other people react most to my PATM symptoms when I am in the process of having a meal and for a 1-2 hours thereafter. Symptoms become negligible a few hours after I have eaten. Anyone else have this experience and any ideas as to what might be causing the almost immediate symptoms when eating?
9 Responses
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Just before during and just after period
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Just after, 5-10 minutes after.
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When I'm nervous and/or sweaty. When I'm really hungry. Just after a meal, sometimes. No explanations.
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I have been noticing that reactions are most severe when other people are eating or half an hour to an hour after they eat. People who otherwise don't seem to react at all all of a sudden begin clearing their throat and/or coughing non stop afterwards. It peters out after a while but that small period is pretty unbearable.
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Sounds crazy but chart your reactions and then compare it to the Moon cycle.  After 6 months of this I noticed around the full moon they get worse.   I am fighting parasites so I’m sure that explains it.  But I was getting negative stool results the whole time from the doctors.  It wasent until I visually seen them that I was sure.   Basically moral of this post.  Check yourself for parasites in your stool.  
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I also have the same experience in my office here in  the Philippines, when I arrive at work, and after two to three hours after lunch and one hour after I ate bread during 3 to 4pm.. I also noticed that my symptoms worsen when I had fried chiken, sunny side-up or anything with oil in the breakfast, or had a pork during dinner in prior night.  anyone can ask me in my gmail at ***@****
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Thanks for sharing. Very similar to my symptoms. Reactions are bigger with certain foods.
Pinoy din ako. Help me
Gwapo1234 pls help me. Pano mo na mamanage to?
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I also have the same experience in my office here in  the Philippines, when I arrive at work, and after two to three hours after lunch and one hour after I ate bread during 3 to 4pm.. I also noticed that my symptoms worsen when I had fried chiken, sunny side-up or anything with oil in the breakfast, or had a pork during dinner in prior night.  anyone can ask me in my gmail at ***@****
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I also have the same experience in my office here in  the Philippines, when I arrive at work, and after two to three hours after lunch and one hour after I ate bread during 3 to 4pm.. I also noticed that my symptoms worsen when I had fried chiken, sunny side-up or anything with oil in the breakfast, or had a pork during dinner in prior night.  anyone can ask me in my gmail at ***@****
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There could be many explanations for that. Do you observe these heightened reactions at the workplace during lunch break?
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Yes. Mainly when I am having lunch and when I arrive at work after breakfast.
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100% likely that during eating is when the digestive system is being bombarded with odorous/non-odorous  foods that the inner workings of the body severely battle to break down. The failure to break down certain compounds (properly), will result in 'these 'toxins' being released into the bloodstream and thus being emitted through every pore in the body. This includes your orifices. After food consumption, I get it almost immediately out of my bottom (a rotten egg-like smell) and my mouth and breath start feeling smelly from the gas reflux. This can tend to linger for a few hours. I tend to retreat to my bedroom after eating and it smells like fart, even though I have a air-freshener-timer- thing going off every 15 minutes.
I'm writing this from a laymen's perspective, I have no scientific knowledge, but it seems to make sense.
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