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Im close to being cured!

Ive been at this point at 3 different points during my patm journey and at each stop when i thought i was close, i was immediately brought back to reality because my patm got worse. The first time was when i went through 2 hours of being patm free which made me think i was going to replicate that daily until it was gone but it didnt happen. The second point was when my reactions were at its all time lowest and i had found a shampoo that reduced the amount of reactions i had by a lot. The third point is right now and there isnt much that i am not able to answer relating to patm even if its still an explanation without being 100% proven.

I almost have 0 allergic reactions now and i hadnt noticed this because a bad smell has taken the place of the allergy inducing gas. Some people still have allergies around me but its the exception not the rule and the more i get rid of the bad smell the less allergies there are. I have gone entire hours without a single allergic reaction but everyone can smell the bad smell, luckily its not unbearable its just annoying. I still have no idea what the smell is, i have heard "it smells so bad" so many times which is the most descriptive i can be when explaining the smell.

I got rid of my "IBS" if you can call it that. I used to have really bad gas and a poop smell that followed me but i got rid of it by simply not swallowing my spit and instead spitting into a bottle or whatever. I cant give a good estimate as to how long it took for the smell to go away because i was on vacation but after 2 weeks it was gone. I can still get that burst of an unpleasant smell that used to make everyone around me instantaneously react but its rare when it happens and usually its either in the morning when i had just ate or when i swallowed my spit because someone talked to me.

Im pretty sure all i need to do is to get rid of this "toxic" spit that i have then i can get rid of the smell permanently which will then get rid of my patm at least temporarily. Im pretty sure i still have patm on my hair but its probably like 95% gone since no one is coughing or sneezing which were the reactions i got when patm was isolated to my hair. Also when i thought i had gotten rid of patm from my hair, it came back when i used the wrong shampoo and the waxy film came back which then brought back my original reactions with the sneezing and runny noses, but i was able to quickly get rid of that with a leave in hair oil which cured my old reactions in a day.

Even if i start getting no reactions, i will still have patm for the rest of my life because i think patm is our body's inability to break down certain chemicals which is then released as patm, i am still young so its not crazy to think that in 10-30 years from now i will be able to get rid of patm with new technology. If i am able to "cure" patm i will make a post that details everything you need to do in order to effectively get rid of patm and on a separate post i will detail everything i know about patm and an explanation to every question big or small. I will still come back to the forum to answer any questions or to give advice or to weigh in on posts every once in a while(probably every month).
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What are you using
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Hey what shampoo are u using?
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