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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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in work i have seen pepole 49 feet away get crazy from me
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Is PATM and bad breath connected ?
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I only get reactions from people that are at the most two feet away. Anything further can be caused by dust in the air or many other things. Be careful because the brain can be your worst enemy...Good luck.
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Does anyone else here experience reactions when people are at least 20 feet away from you or is it only me? Just wondering.

I feel like this 'cloud' that surrounds us might potentially have a radius of like 30 feet going all around us.

I might just be paranoid.

By the way I did go on the vegan diet for about a month and I didn't notice any reactions diminish. I cheated last weekend (it was my birthday) and ate sugar and meat and drank alcohol but i'm back on this extreme diet where I don't eat any grains, dairy, gluten, sugar or meat.

To those to did in fact go on this diet: how long did it take you before you begun to notice reactions diminish?

Also if anyone has any advice for temporary relief can you please share it with us? I want to in fact prove to myself this I have this disease.

Thank you all for reading, and I get a reply from someone.

Best wishes.
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Well, I am pleased to share my experience and my thougths with you.

Patm is a natural phenomenon. Very painful and inconfortable, but NATURAL.
That said, we have to find a solution to this desease.

Btw, I heard about an announcement on "change.org". That could be interesting in the way of a solution.
Recall the following news. Customers experiencing an issue with their Mac laptop have written an announcement on "change.org". Some days after that, Apple had  recognized the technical problem and proceed to change the faulty component to all the users. Many people have had to report their issue to the concerned authority.

That is what we have to do. Please try to sign on "change.org" the patm announcement. This may lead us to be more supported and, why not, to a cure.


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So how did you figure out... what do you think it is?

I have kind of a similar/ same story, just interested... especially at the beginning the complete confusion is killer.
When you hear nd see others with it is the first bit of light I agree...
Then when you can start to see every reaction can be for different reasons, not the same... the second bit of light..

What do you think now?
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