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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
8814 Responses
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Hi, folks,

This thread will be closed to new comments today. With nearly 9400 posts, this thread has become difficult to navigate -- it's loading slowly for existing participants, and it's difficult for new members to find a place to jump in.  

Please know that this thread isn't going away -- it contains a great deal of valuable information that you've contributed over the past 8 1/2 years.  You'll still be able to view all of the posts for your reference, but this thread will be closed to new comments.

The PATM Community is still here, and will remain open.  To see all of the threads in this community, including the newest posts, click here:  

Please feel free to start a new discussion by clicking the "Post A Question" link near the top of this forum's page."  There are already quite a few questions from new members who are hoping for answers from those of you who have some experience with PATM.  This may also be a good time to start topical threads about PATM (e.g., "what is PATM?", "symptoms", "treatments that have worked", etc.)


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when there us a new thread someone post link here, i cannot lose touch with these people
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funny how you mentioned the cold air environment...the moment i walk into a cold grocery store, "it" fires off like a canon and makes somebody cough...every single time.  not sure if "it" doesn't like the cold (after all, we seem to generate a hot/stuffy environment around us)

anyway, i agree, we have to keep open minds about this, and remember that there may not be just one PATM, but several subtypes (electrical phenom. type, dust/fibers type, etc.)

my current research topic is that it inhabits the hair follicles (head/crotch), bacterial in origin, feeds off oil in follicle, doing experiments...

also, could be a bacteria that inhabits glands, working on that too
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It's not for you soilsystem, the interface keeps changing back and forth between the old one and new and it's confusing.
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One last thing, I want to keep an open mind, as there are people on this forum that have posted things that may or may not make sense or don't necessarily agree with.

But I want to say if you think its demodex or high  PTH levels or anything else. I strongly suggest that you see a doctor to confirm your suspicions/check it out.  Or even find a supporting article that may lead us to something. We need to work at this, I am tired of letting the days go by. I feel we might be close to it. We need to make connections to what others are saying and hopefully we'll find the answer.  If you can, see as many doctors as you can (sounds dumb) but you never know.

Lets not focus on one thing for too long, but instead keep it on the side while exploring/researching other things. For example, instead of looking at patm coming from inside us, maybe its from a bacteria on our skin. I recently learned that we produce volatile fatty acids on our skin (butyric, propionic and acetic acids) maybe we are producing more of one kind.  

This is just my plea, please don't take it personal or think that I'm suggesting you aren't working hard enough etc. I just want us to keep at it and not give up.

Thanks everyone!  
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Hi borntobe,

In regards to being allergic to airborne allergens, I have the same issue. It is weird because I have never had allergies until having patm. I went to an allergist the first time and found out that I was allergic to dust, pollen only. Then the second time I went because I wanted to try the allergy shots and had to do the skin prick test again and discovered I was allergic to more airborne allergens such as mold and more types of pollen!!!!. This is nuts.

My theory is whatever this irritant is, is effecting our mucus membranes, making them very dry and reducing their ability to protect us from allergens thus making us susceptible.

I was reading an article yesterday on causes of sore throat and interestingly enough there is a similarity between the mediated response to allergens and cold dry air meaning the symptoms are the same. I always hear people make an excuse that their reactions are related to being cold.

To answer your question about animals licking themselves etc. I have a dog and he scratches himself when I am near him, does the shake, and has a plugged up nose as well. This patm thing really ***** essentially we are attacking peoples immune systems and making them sick, who knows what the long term effects are.
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NEXIUM20 is prescribed with the doctor for me.
It is because there is a pain in the stomach. Moreover, it is light GERD
To our regret, it is not effective in PATM.
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Thank you for your response dude. I just came on this forum today and there are 9200 comments, so I don't really know which previous post you mean.
It would be nice, when you could tell me what you mean. Thx

And another question, from where did you get the Nexium HP? From your doctor? I can't find any in the internet.
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This discussion was closed by the MedHelp Community Moderation team. If you have any questions please contact us.

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