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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Hi hopeful12345,

Thanks for the input. I apologize for my part in misunderstanding too.

No doubt, your method has helped me too. But more importantly, provided a way for me to understand patm better. I’ve used it for more than a year now. It has improved my patm greatly.  Thank you for that.

What I have found is this. Since patm is a compound produced in the body, there’s ways to effectively alter it.
1. Type of food eaten.
2. Rate of digestion.
3. Rate of absorption.
4. Type of existing gut flora.
5. Enzymes involved in the production of the molecule.

My idea was, if I can alter the above guidelines to minimize patm then it should give me good results. By simply combining your method with very strong antibiotics, antifungal, ant carcinogen, laxatives etc… over the counter drugs are not strong enough. Different doses and rate taken will produce different outputs. Unfortunately, it almost killed me and I discourage anyone from doing it because life is worth it only when you live. Nevertheless, I did find a combination that eliminates patm 99%-100%. I could enjoy talking with my colleagues with no problem. No allergies etc. I spent a whole day in the lab with friends discussing lab material and nothing happened. Afterwards, we went to dinner that night. This went on for a week until I got sick. The cause of the sickness was obvious for me; the toxins were just too much for my body to take. I had to abandon the experiment or I’ll die.

Someone mentioned in this forum to have found a cure so I was curious what he tried. I have strong conviction that it’s almost the same thing I did or better. If it’s better, then I want to know. I believe I could have improved the combinations if I hadn’t gotten sick. There could be an efficient combination which could only be found through trial and error. But I think there’s a better way now without killing anyone in the process..lol.

Btw, here’s my experience with Oxy powder. I’ve tried Oxy-power for several months. I think it was  2 or 3 years ago, despite knowing what the dangerous chemicals in it does. Some of the contents in Oxy-power have been found by researchers in various studies to cause mutation (cancerous) in insects and rats. I basically closed my eyes and ears and went ahead with it. It didn’t seem to show anything significant for me though but I read people here in this forum claiming to have good results from it.

Regarding the strict diet, I was always on it….thanks to gratelful2011, and it helped me big time. Strict diet is a healthy approach and it’s always a welcome.

I also have questions as it’s important for data collection.
When you said you have TMAU, have you been tested positive in a hospital for it?
If not, do other people actually inform you about the odour?
How about your doctor, do they sense any odor?
Does your family have any odor?
If people sense the odor, what do they actually smell?
Were you born with TMAU? If not, when did you realize you have it?
Please be honest with the questions above because the data will guide me in the right path.

With regard to the research I’m doing, yes, I’m collecting data in most part because basically I’ve come to a brick wall. Currently, I don’t have enough knowledge or access to the equipment that I want to use. I’ll have to wait for my postgrad to actually have access to use them. For me, testing for VOCs is the only way to eliminate guessing, trial and error, and safely find the molecules responsible for patm. However, until the time comes, the data I collect is important for me, because I’ll know what to test for. I have some hypothesis already according to the data I already have but more data will precisely point me in the right path to take as I progress.

If I can find some postgrad student and pay them to do it for me, then I’ll take that route. However, I don’t know if someone can agree or even accept bribes. I’m trying to be careful because any academic misconduct can get me thrown out from university.
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Hi freeland1924,

No problem, glad my posts have helped.

I'll start by apologizing for what I said about your first comment -- apparently you were not criticizing the regimen I recommended, but rather saying that it might not be a good idea to take it with certain drugs you tried.  I didn't read your statement clearly, so I take back my comment.

As for the second comment - you are mistaken.  I was saying that I am on a strict diet for TMAU (which I have), not PATM.  TMAU and PATM may have a lot in common, but when it comes to diet, there are actually differences.  For example, with PATM it's okay to eat meat, fish, whole wheat bread, and eggs, but with TMAU that is not possible because they have high levels of choline.  That is why I'm not eating meat right now, but am okay eating white bread and white rice.

While I no longer have PATM, I still take Sacc Boul because I recognize now the importance of maintaining high levels of good bacteria.  I only take Oxy Powder once in awhile because it is a good colon cleanser.  I'm not taking any other part of the regimen, though, because I don't need it.  

As for me visiting this forum from time to time -- I'll have you know that because of my many posts about Oxy P and my regimen, I get many private messages from people through this site asking for advice.  When I answer those messages, I usually check the forum to see how people are doing.  With the petition, it's something I saw in search results during one of these visits, and I thought to let people know about it because the more attention that can be drawn to this condition, the better.  So please don't try to use this as evidence of my situation.  If I still had PATM, trust me, I'd be in this forum a lot more often.

Lastly, I'd be curious to hear about the research you've done because, while I no longer have PATM, I still have TMAU (which I've been controlling through the use of kombucha; still, I'm looking for a permanent cure).  So feel free to send a private message.
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Hey hopeful12345, sorry I didn’t see your reply. Anyways, thanks for the posts that you’ve done before as that has helped everyone.

“What?  The combination is fine, I took it for a long time.  What evidence do you have to back up such a dramatic assertion? ”

I never said your findings were bad. It was good. Please read my sentences regarding that part again.

Anyways, I combined your findings with other drugs to find better solutions, and some of the combinations I found was dangerous.. which is why I don’t share it. Rather than being emotional, please read my sentences again. In any case, some of the combinations that I came up with reduced my patm further and to be safe about 99% but as far as I can observe its 100% but it doesn’t last because I get sick within a week. However, it does give me assurance that I’m in the correct route. I know that other scholars within this forum are trying things out as I have… I read posts about it not long ago in this forum but it’s too dangerous. Some drugs are too toxic alone, combining different medicinal drugs is even worse.
Note that I don’t dispute that your findings doesn’t reduce patm. It does, but it’s not a permanent cure yet, otherwise you wouldn’t be around. It’s still good though and I thank you for sharing the information. It has proved a lot of speculations that I had.
The first website below is about a recent paper regarding the notion of using other microbes to neutralize other compounds within the gut, and in this particular case, TMA. So other microbes can be used to neutralize other microbes responsible for fermentation/decomposition byproducts.
TMAU and PATM have a lot in common. We sat down and combined both efforts and came up with different combinations of drugs to tackle the problem. It did, but temporary as I couldn’t take the doses for long. There’s got to be a safer way.


“I never said this method doesn't work or that the PATM comes back after a few weeks.  Please stop lying to try to make your point.”

I believe this is one of your post at one of the forums.

“Hopeful12345 published about 1 year ago Originally written in English.
I forgot to answer your question about strict diet. Yes, I am still on the diet described in this link:
Unfortunately, until there is a permanent cure for our condition, I believe a strict diet will just be a part of the rest of our lives.”

And you are right, there hasn’t been a cure! You posted this a year ago and claim to be still on the dose, after taking it 3 months before your post. If it was a cure, then why are still taking it?. why involve in a petition to cure patm? Why check patm forums? It’s because none of us has found a cure yet. A cure is when you are back to normal like a non-patmer and don’t depend on any prescription. Unless we find it, understand it then cure it, only then we can say we’ve reached our destiny.
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@Free_From_This, if we are going to compare the two VOCs profile of a patmer and a  normal person, it should reveal something life this.  The graph shows two VOCs profile (top and bottom) in comparison.


The patm should reveal itself producing a large amount of VOC which the normal person may not produce or in small amount. It may also have discrepancies in multiple areas but comparing more patmers to the normal individual will eventually real the source VOC causing the problem, but I think two sample is enough, one patmer and one normal person for control. That’s what each and everyone of us need to concentrate our resources and effort on. It’s just a matter of time who gets there first.
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@Everyone, Now I understand that many here don’t have a clue when I was explaining the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum contains all the frequencies. What people refer to here as electric effect, they are referring to one or more of bands inside the electromagnetic spectrum. More like colors. Visual colors are a small portion of bands/frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum. The rainbow colors are the only electromagnetic frequency that we can see with our eyes. The rest of the bigger portion, above and below, visual range of frequencies we just can’t see. But we can test for their existence using all kind of instruments. There are people and institutions (FCC) that do this for a living. The non-visual bands are broken up and used for all wireless communications i.e. Radio, Microwave, TV, mobile, wireless networks, satellite. All wireless bands are registered with the FCC or respective country where you live because equipment using the same frequency will interfere with each other. So all wireless equipment you buy have been locked by the manufacturer to work only on a specified registered frequency. Anything that doesn’t use wired communication must use bands from the electromagnetic spectrum.
Can electrical effects exist outside the electromagnetic spectrum? Such a question has no meaning. The electromagnetic spectrum gives rise to any observable electrical effects. Electrical effects are properties of electromagnetism.  So the suggestion that patm is electrical in affecting others is heresy. Those that advocate this idea should explain what they mean by electrical effect… but whatever the explanation they give, it’s going to more heresy and I can guarantee that.

PATM content gets to others through the air. There’s only two possible sources. As “threader” and others have suggested, it could be a pathological entity. A life form i.e. bacteria, fungi, protozoa etc. The other alternative is a non-living entity but an allergen in essence.
However, the pathological entity idea is weak though because of many factors. The first one is that it’s not pathological at all. No one has/is turning into a patmer or passing it to other people as all pathogens should behave. We aren’t even sick ourselves. Doctors can find a traces of a pathogen. Pathogens should have traces of toxins and by-products of their existence in our bodies. So far, none!
That’s why I suggested that it has to be allergen molecule. That can only come about if we test for VOCs in our breath and compare to normal people.

@Free_From_This, if we are going to compare the two VOCs profile of a patmer and a  normal person, it should reveal something life this.  The graph shows two VOCs profile (top and bottom) in comparison.

The patm should reveal itself producing a large amount of VOC which the normal person may not produce or in small amount. It may also have discrepancies in multiple areas but comparing more patmers to the normal individual will eventually real the source VOC causing the problem, but I think two sample is enough, one patmer and one normal person for control. That’s what each and everyone of us need to concentrate our resources and effort on. It’s just a matter of time who gets there first.
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"People have tried it including myself. I have improved that formula with a combination with other drugs and got better results, however, the combination is dangerous."

What?  The combination is fine, I took it for a long time.  What evidence do you have to back up such a dramatic assertion?

"Hopeful12345’s method can decrease your patm by about 40-60% depending on other factors but it won’t cure patm – read his comments, he says it on other forums. It takes about 3-4 weeks, more or less, for any effects to show. Once you’re off the diet patm will return at full force."

I never said this method doesn't work or that the PATM comes back after a few weeks.  Please stop lying to try to make your point.
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